Goodbye, Hogwarts

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Harry's POV.

By the next morning, I wasn't able to control my creature and needed to go hunting. I decided it would be best to keep something on me. I ate three people while out, and killed a fourth to keep on stasis in my trunk. I sigh, concluding that Tom was right. I shake my head and decide to go talk with Snape. 

I knock on his door, asking if I can come inside. I hear him sigh before he comes to open the door.

"What do you need, Mr. Potter?" Snape asks in his normal 'I am annoyed you are disturbing me' tone.

"I was wondering if it was possible to get my OWLS done early?" I ask him, once the door was shut.

Snape looks up at me, in surprise. "What brought this on?" he asks.

"Multiple things. First of all, Dumbledore is trying to get me to start a defense club, which is sort of banned right now, due to Umbridge. He is also telling Ron and Hermione to get me into detention with Umbridge, due to her punishment choice. The other reason, the more important one, is that I need time to regain control over my creature," I tell him.

"I will see what I can do, when do you want to take the OWLS?" he asks me.

"Before this week is done, I need to get out of here ASAP, before I accidentally attack and kill someone," I tell him.

"Got it. Now, what is so important that Dumbledore is trying to get you into detention with Umbridge?" He asks me, looking confused and slightly worried.

"Dumbledore wants me to experience a dark artifact, he wants to use her to convince me that all dark magic is bad and evil, which is a load of shit. Umbridge's detentions will accomplish that because she is using blood quills on the students, even the first years," I tell him.

Snape pales a little at that, "Bloody Hell," he replies, before walking over to his floo and going to Malfoy Manor to get Umbridge dealt with.

When he comes back it is time for lunch, luckily no one has potions class on Mondays. He sits at his seat at the top table and nods at me, once he catches my eyes. I nod back, taking a sip of my water. After a few minutes, Aurors walk into the room.

"Undersecretary Dolores Umbridge, you are under arrest for the use of a blood quill on minors," Shacklebolt announces.

"I did no such thing. Who dares accuse me of such heinous acts?" Umbridge shouts.

A different Auror, I think it was Tonks, she turns to all of the students, "Please stand up if you have had detention with Umbridge, and she made you write lines with a quill that carved the words you were writing into your hand," she asks of them.

Around 12 Gryffindors stand up, along with 5 Hufflepuffs, 7 Ravenclaws, and 3 Slytherins. The Aurors look at them all in shock, since a few of them are first years. They turn to Umbridge and ask her to come with them.

"It's not my fault, Dumbledore said I could do this," Umbridge shouts as she is brought out of the room.

Two of the Aurors stop, "You are telling us that Dumbledore knew about this and allowed it to happen?" Tonks asks her.

"Of course, how else did I get the dark artifacts into the school in the first place. The wards wouldn't have allowed them in without him manipulating the wards to allow them in the first place," Umbridge admits.

Umbridge and Dumbdoor are both escorted out of the school for questioning, leaving Professor McGonagall as headmistress for the time being. Shortly after lunch ends and I head out to talk Snape.

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