Spend Some Time Together~ Chapter 8

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Y/n's pov

After i got back home yesterday, Shirayuki hugged me to death. It was kinda cute but she really did almost killme.

I've thankfully managed to brought back some pretty useful herbs and Shirayuki found some amazing encyclopedia.

It was around 5:30am and Shirayuki and i have been studying all Night for the application. I went out of my room and saw her asleep on her table.
Geez... She could get sick if she kept on sleeping like this. I put a blanket on her and decided to open the window,

As i did the morning sunlight Shone on to me,

"This feels nice... " I whispered to myself

The light that pours down on this country, shines on me. On the place I've chosen, on the New feelings inside of me.

Time skip~

After i finished my breakfast that Shirayuki made i went to check the mail, i found a letter from Kiki and Mitsuhide to me? . Huh? Why would they sent a letter to me?

"Is there any mails y/n??? " I heard Shirayuki asked me

"Yes!! It's from Kiki and Mitsuhide" I yelled

"What?? "

I can hear Shirayuki running towards me

Dear y/n,

We really need your help miss y/n,we would be very thankful if you could please stop by the palace today. Please consider our request.

The prince's personal guards
Kiki and Mitsuhide

Well thats weird, what could I possible helped them with???

"You should go y/n, it must be quite urgent if they would go so far as to write a letter" Shirayuki suddenly said to me

"I guess you're right... But i don't want to leave you alone again besides.. I promised to study with you today" I said

"Oh I know! Why don't you come with me!? " I continued

"What? No y/n, it's fine... We can study together some other time. You can bring an encyclopedia with you to study. Besides... I already promised the bakery owner that I'll help her today. So it works out" She said.

"You made a promised with her? But you already made  a promised with me first! " I said irritated

"I know!! I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it. She was really having a hard time yesterday. And i just couldn't ignore her" Shirayuki said

"Sigh* i knew it. You don't have it in you to say no do you? " I stared at her

She just nodded

I smiled and said
"Sigh*.... You go help that lady out okay?if i could lend a hand then tell me. " I said

"Yes of course! Now go grab your things and go! " Shirayuki said while handing me my bag.

She's very pushy today. What's up with her???

I grabbed all my things and left the house

Shirayuki's pov

Mitsuhide told me that Zen has taken quite a liking to y/n. And he said that he has a plan to get them closer to each other.

Sorry y/n but i don't have a promised with the bakery owner. I kinda lied to you...

But there's no way I'm gonna let you skip past this chance. I think Zen is going to be a Suitable partner for you

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