Admiration??? ~Chapter 14

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Y/n's pov

There was an awkward silence between us.

I don't know what to say...

"What are you doing here? " Zen asked

"Huh?? Oh I was just... Well... Um.. " I can't think straight

Y/n all you need to do is asked him if you did something wrong.

So just say it!!!

After a solid 10 seconds I managed to open my mouth

"What is it?? " Zen asked tilting his head

"... " Nothing came out of my mouth

"Did Kiki and Mitsuhide asked you to come again?? I need to have a word with those two" He said

"W-what?? No No No!! They didn't" I said

"Oh... So why did you come? " Zen asked

"OhIwasjustwonderingifIcanread afewbooksfromthelibrarythat'sall"

I just made up a lie and said it too fast
(Oh I was just wondering if I can read a few books from the library that's all)

"That's right your exam is coming up this week huh? Of course come on in, I'll escort you there" He said with a smile

His smile though... I can't help but adore it

"God thank you for this beautiful man" I whispered to myself

Time skip ~

We are now in the library.

I just grabbed a random book about herbs and sat down at one of the couch.

Zen is Sitting next to me.

He's just reading a history book  I think.

I can't even focused on reading this book.

Come on... Y/n say it!!!!

"Um.. Ze-"

"Hey y/n, do you think I'm a good prince? " He suddenly asked

"Huh? Why of course " I answer without hesitating

He smiled and said
"You really think so? There's so many amazing princes who made it in this history book. I just feel like I haven't done anything special compare to them. " Zen said.

"Of course not Zen, you're an amazing prince. I truly admire you" After saying that something hit me.

What I was feeling earlier was not guilt. I can't stop thinking about Zen because I admire him!!

(A/n: y/n is so dense huh?? It's love sweetheart ;))

After I said that Zen smiled

"Thanks y/n. Everytime I see you I always ended up feeling better. " He said while holding my hand.

We just continue to look into each other's eyes.



The door bursted open

We let go of our hands instantly

"Zen!! I've been looking for you for over an hour!! " A very angry Mitsuhide was standing there

"And here I found you with... Y/n?!?"

"Hey Mitsuhide... " I waved at him awkwardly

"Actually never mind, Zen... Good job" He said before leaving and shutting the door.

"What is wrong with him ??" Zen said while covering his face with his hand.

The room is filled with silence again.

Now that I found out about my feelings I should probably go home huh.

"I think I should get going" I said while standing up

Zen grabbed my hand

"What's wrong" I asked

"You're leaving already?? "He asked

" Yeah I need to study for the exam. "I answered

" But didn't you come here to study? "Zen asked looking confused

Ah shit...

Quick y/n make something up

" Yeah I did, I thought the books here will be different but it turns out they're all the same with the ones I have. "I lied

I can't just tell him I came here because I can't stop thinking about him.

" I see... Well I'll walk you back home then"Zen said while standing up

"W-what no it's okay you don't have to" I said

"I don't want to trouble you" I continued

"No really it's fine. I'm doing this because I want to"

"Huh? " What did he just say

"Come on"Zen said while grabbing my hand and we both started walking

The walk back home was filled with silence.

But I really felt happy and warm too.

After Zen left, I just can't stop smiling.

Zen's pov

Yes I did it

After y/n said she would left I started panicking.
I really want to spend more time with her.

Walking her home made me so happy.

Ah i almost forgot.

I haven't finished a lot of paper work.
I need to get back ASAP before mitsuhide yells at me.

End of chapter ~

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