Sudden Encounter~ Chapter 11

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This chapter is based of my imagination, none of this happened in the anime .

Y/n's pov

It's been a week since I last visited Zen.

I've been focusing on studying. Shirayuki said that she'll be going to another town to look for some more books.

She just left me a note saying that she'll be back in a week or so.

Sigh*... I can't believe she left me alone like that.

I decided to visit an old friend of mine in the Rune Kingdom (a kingdom I made up, it's y/n's home town)

After I packed all my stuff up, I borrowed a horse from kiki and made my journey.

Oh.. I didn't told you that I can ride horses yet, did I??

Time skip ~

After a couple hours I finally arrived.
Damn... This place brings back a lot of memories

I first started learning to become an herbalist here.

I should go say hi to Maya.

That's my friend's name btw

I know that she owns a bakery. So I decided to ask around about where it is.

While wondering around I saw a very familiar white hair.

Could it be.... No way.

What would he be doing here anyway.

I decided to ignore what I saw and continued to look for the bakery.

After about 35 minutes of searching I finally found it.

I opened the door.


The bell on the door rang

"Welcome" I heard someone said

After I looked at the source of the voice I saw a very petite brown haired girl carrying a tray full of freshly baked bread.

I smiled and said "hey, remember me?? "

Maya immediately dropped her tray and ran towards me

"Y/n!!!!! " She hugged me tightly

"Where have you been?!?? Why did you dissapear suddenly like that?!? I've missed you so much!! " She yelled at me while crying

"Wow... You haven't grown at all. Still as short as before. " I teased her, I really don't want to talk about my past rn.

Maya let go of the hug and said, "the first thing that came out of your mouth after greeting me is an insult. Wow" She looked so annoyed.

Well it is true, Maya has always been shorter than me. Like a lot shorter.

"Sorry2, I've been wanting to visit you , but Tanbarun is very far away. But now I live closer to you. So I thought I'll give you a surprise visit. " I said

"You didn't even write any letter for me!!! "

"I know I know. Sorry"

"Anyway you're going to stay here, and we're going to hang out together" She said

"Still as demanding as always huh? " I smiled as I Pat her head.

Maya is like a little sister to me. I'd really like to introduce her to shirayuki but I really can't find the right time ,besides I really don't want shirayuki to know about my  Past

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