chapter 2

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   The market was just around the corner of the block. I always walked through here, to go to school, to visit my grandmommy, to go to the mall, and go to the movies but it just did not feel right anymore. I took what Paulo said to heart because I had never seen him like that, he was genuinely worried and a little fearful. As I walked, I was more attentive, on the lookout, I could not see a person without asking myself "what if they are from that gang?". My pace quickened and my posture stiffened 'god, I want to get to the market quick' no, everything is fine, no one is out to get you, you're just being paranoid. Dummy.

Yeah, I was planning to get some pink and yellow flowers for the bride.

Oh no, my gift got out again. I looked around, and I found I was listening to some couple's conversation nine meters away. I took hold of my gift. Things like this happen at random if I am not paying attention, at least I can wish them well on the wedding.

I arrived at the supermarket, it was big and wide, a short but long building and was painted with worn out beige and green. Walking through the doors I began my quest for the stuff I was asked to buy.

First was cardboard, I walked, and I searched, until I found it at the arts and crafts section. It was always at the back end of every store. Second was fruit, I walked to the other end of the store to where the cold items were displayed. my mom didn't specify so I grabbed what she usually bought for our meals and smoothies. bananas, mangos, peaches, strawberries, and blueberries. At last, the secret third, female products. I don't know why I always got uncomfortable buying them, but they were needed. Is that whenever you see some girl buying pads you instantly think "oh, she's on her period" and I don't want the whole world to know I'm on my period, I mean, there is nothing wrong with it, just nobody really needs to know that information. So, I get to the isle and look for a pad that fits my needs. I spotted the perfect one on the top shelf, great, it was out of my reach. I am 5,2 and this was a mockery – ok, kind of funny. Trying not to grab to much attention, I didn't ask for help but stand on the bottom shelf. I pressed my foot on the lower shelf pushing myself up, I stretched my arm to grab it. Darn, so close, I tried again this time putting myself on tip toes. I stretched my arm and just as I brushed my fingers on the box...

Yes, thank you, have a good day.

I was startled by the voice, it made me slip and fall onto my butt making a yelping sound. Crap, my damn gift got out again, but the voice sounded familiar. Not a second later, the box landed directly on top of my head. Yeez, the world had to mock me once more.

Apparently, I made too much noise because at the corner of my eye I saw somebody walking towards me. so much for not grabbing to much attention. I turned to look at them and oh frick. Zayden Lima and I made eye contact, the most popular, rich, and gorgeous dude of my school was walking towards me. If you saw him with a blind eye, you would think he is the nicest and most pleasant person, but if you knew him like I do you would know he's a jerk and a complete bully. His pace was calm, the one of somebody too sure about himself. As he stepped closer, I admired his gorgeous complexion, he had light colored eyes like mine, soft wavy brown hair, tanned skin and had NBA approved height. God forbid I had a crush on him, but was it really possible not to?

"you OK there?" he came to a stop.

'y-yea, yes I'm fine' my voice and nervous system decided it would be funny to crack.

"let me help you with that"

So, I didn't realize that my stuff had sprawled all over the floor when I fell, I was distracted on the pain that suffered my butt.

Zayden started to pick up some things while I the other. It was the most awkward moment ever. Just us, silent, picking up my stuff, it was probably just five seconds but it sure felt like forever. Then, he grabs the box of pads, I froze, eyes wide, not knowing how he would react. At this point I wanted the ground to swallow me whole. He looks at them, smirks then at me. Just that, if this happened at school, he would've just let the entire world know, and make fun of me. Why was he being so nice all of the sudden? We both stand up.

"here you go" he hands me my things back. Still with that infamous smirk

"thanks, Zaiden" why at this of all moments my voice sounded like a rat? His sounded heavenly, oh god why is he so perfect?

'you're welcome, nice seeing you around' he steps to one side and leaves me, standing there in a daze. One moment I was grabbing some feminine products and then I was making the most cringy memory with Zaiden Lima.

I went to check out, the lines were short, but my heart was still pumping rapidly after that interaction. I left and walked home. I could not get it out of my mind, it was all so embarrassing. I just felt so uncomfortable and confused, why was Zaiden being so nice? He was never this nice with me, he always treated me like garbage. If he and his friends are not slamming my books to the floor or writing mean things on my locker or notebook, they are talking trash about me behind my back. He always made me feel horrible and is the main source for my insecurities and I've always hated him for it. was that his "I'm sorry"? No, he is too proud to say sorry. Then why all of the sudden this pleasant attitude?

No Vivian, we have food at home.

This was getting annoying, I had to stop obsessing over useless information and get a grip of my gift.

I walked up the hill that leads to my house, finally, I was close. I just wanted to throw myself on the bed and sleep and that is exactly what I did. If you did not know, thinking is tiring, and I had thought enough

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