chapter 3

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   Three days later after that event, everything seemed normal, my gift was as usual, not cooperating and Zayden being a meanie.

It was five in the morning, time to wake up for school. I got out of bed. I looked outside of my window, it was still dark out, but I could see the lights on the houses flicker on to start a new day. Made me realize I wasn't the only one suffering to wake up so early. 

My eyes hidden behind squints because of the sudden burst of light I see my hair. My hair was a mess, I looked in my bathroom mirror, my beautiful brown, long curls had turn into a bird's nest. I stared at it, disappointed but not surprised. 

I finished battling with my hair and got in the shower. I felt the ice-cold water drip throughout my body finishing to wake me up. I just cannot comprehend how people prefer hot water, it weights you down and is the opposite of refreshing. either way, my family cannot afford a heater. I wrapped myself in my towel and looked at the reflection in the mirror. My hair was more tamed, my eyes had more life, and my thick lips a little less dry. I walked over to my closet. If I say I am the most stylish person, I would be lying. My wardrobe consisted in three jeans and shorts, four regular and plain t-shirts, two tank tops, a hoddie and one legging, that's it. Most girls in my school were like me, but the popular ones used their clothing as to say that they are better. They took advantage of their rank in this hierarchy to put down others. They sure looked good, but their attitude didn't. I chose my light wash jeans and a black t-shirt.

'Blair, food is ready!' called out my dad from down the stairs. Unlike other families, my dad was the master cook. He always made breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My mom was the one who made us our lunch when we were younger, now she only makes it to Lara because I can go buy food on the school cafeteria.


I slid on my socks and ran down the stairs. The smell of delicious food filled the room. I stepped over to my plate and stat down on the wooden chair in between momma and Lara. Dad had cooked scrambled eggs with tomato and toast. He finally sat down to eat and read the newspaper, me, interested in news asked what the headline was.

'it reads, "police still to catch gang of murderers, have they got clues?' my dad's cool voice turns him into famous actor, the rock.

I stare at the thought, "will they ever be caught?" but then I remember my theory

'I have a weird idea, dad, momma, what if they are savants?'

They stare at me, surprised

'you know, that isn't really a farfetched idea, I'll contact Fabio, see what he thinks' my brother was working on the case 'he says he'll look into it' they were using telepathy

'let's not think about it too much' my mommas gift brushed past me. Her gift is to calm and make people less worried.

It didn't take me long to gobble down the food, funny, because momma told me to eat slower or I'd get gassy. I placed my dishes on the sink, I put my shoes on, flung my backpack onto my shoulder and with a goodbye to my parents out the door I was with Lara on our way to school. My sister kept singing, jumping, skipping, and running around, jeez, what a stubborn eleven y/o. We walked past Paulo's stand, we waved and continued our way. The sidewalks were filled with people, merchants, stray dogs, and cats that made the town have a life of its own. waiting until we could cross the street, I watched the cars almost fly in front of us, sending us a wind slap. Not the most flattering look. Some time ago Lara and I were waiting to cross the street, a car came by really fast and sprayed us with the watery mud that lay on the floor. Embarrassed, be returned back home to change, surely a funny memory, but not one I'd revisit.

We walked for another seven minutes until we finally arrived at our school. It was painted beige with blue pillars, not the prettiest but not the ugliest. We crossed the blue gate into the school grounds. As we walked towards the entrance, I could see Zayden and his buddy's arrive in motorcycles, making a lot of noise, what a show. it bothered the teachers but what could they do? We entered and we parted ways. I ran up the stairs to the second floor, the halls were jam-packed with all kinds of people. 

Finally, after swimming through the public I reached my locker, the one at the end of the whole row. I noticed my lock was missing, immediately, that was a red flag, I knew what it was, I was used to it. Still, I was reluctant to open it. I stared at my locker scared, I didn't want to open it, but I had to get my books out. I said whatever, I have been humiliated before, what is the worst that could happen?

I grasp the handle, I gulped, then slowly twist it. My hand was shaking, my heart was racing, I looked to my right then to my left. I opened it and

*SPLASH* I jumped back. I'm greeted with a waterfall of garbage, it smelled horrible. Now I had grabbed the attention of many eyes and giggles. Then I look deeper into my locker to find it scribbled on with permanent markers. They wrote mean things like "You're fat!" "SOOO ugly" "ret*rded" "slut!" "you will die alone" "loser" I stared in horror, I wanted to cry; I could feel the tears just urging to come out. I felt those words hit me hard in the heart, they rampaged through my mind, destroying my happiness. Then

"well, good luck cleaning that up, idiot" its Zayden, but this time his smirk was filled with evil, despise and derision. His eyes were crazy like, his stance ready for a fight. I felt like an ant next to him.

The room fell silent. The atmosphere dropped to tension. I looked at him in the eye, I was livid. He came to my rescue then he makes a laughingstock of me, I have so many questions, but I didn't want his answers. I scoffed, I wanted to punch him, but I controlled myself. As I deeply looked at him, something changes in is glance, something I couldn't put my finger on. But I didn't care, I was in the verge of tears. I just closed my locker and turned around; I couldn't stare at that smug any longer. The circle of people that formed to watch my humiliation parted when I left.

My mind just couldn't comprehend why it would bring a person joy to make someone else feel miserable. Then I pushed open the girl's bathroom door and locked myself in a stall. Call me weak but I couldn't contain the tears. My knees were shaky, and my heart was crushed, trying not to make too much noise I covered my mouth with my hand. My breath between sobs was short, I had carried the weight of many years of humiliation and embarrassment I just had to let it all out in the form of tears. If only Zaiden and his friends knew what it was like to feel how I feel they might just be better people, cause not a single ounce of sympathy and empathy they have. Those words that they wrote and said were breaking me slowly, but then again, I decided to brush it off.

Stepping out of the bathroom stall, I looked at myself in the mirror, my nose and my eyes were red, and my cheeks were wet. Hoping nobody came in, I splashed water on my face and waited until the redness faded away. I retreated back to my locker, there wasn't any one in the halls anymore, class had already started. I took out my books and to class I went. I had algebra with Ms. Tate

'hi, sorry I'm late'

'and why is that Ms. Lopez?' aw crap, I had to make an excuse

'I-I was uh' now the whole class was looking at me 'I was uhm, in the soccer field, the PE teacher asked me to deliver some things.' what a crappy excuse, Blair

'OK then, have a seat'

Thanks, the lord she didn't ask any more questions because then I would've really died. I sat down and placed my bag behind me the teacher starts rambling on the class, but I didn't pay attention. I was too deep in my mind, I probably looked miserable. Then, all of the sudden I feel a soft presence in my head, it feltlike electricity, a little spark. Is like somebody was trying to read my mind.I look to one side then to the other, until I find Zayden, staring at me, we made eye contact then both startled we look away. Weird, had he had pity? What a strange boy. But that still doesn't explain why I felt someone trying to enter my walls. Ugh, don't think about him too much, Blair, it is going to turn you crazy.

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