chapter 10

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We were now close to the movie theatre, the cars were rushing past, the tabaco smell, chilly afternoon. Holding hands swinging between us, we just walked in silence enjoying each other's company. I never felt like that before, this was a new experience for me. Being in love so deeply with someone who feels the same was so new but so normal. I couldn't stop looking at his eyes, those swirls of toffee and magic, they were quite similar to mine but his were warm, soft, and loving. Every time they landed on me; I felt a gush of sparks trough out my body. Those eyes glistened in the thin rays of sun that escaped the crevices of the buildings and gave his face a golden sheen, this man could be on a thunder storm, falling off a cliff or having the worst makeup done on him but he would still look gorgeous. So this is what having a soulfinder is like huh. Zayden was my world; I couldn't stop thinking about him even when he was right beside me.

'here you go. Your seats are G7 and G8.' The girl in the ticket booth handed us our movie tickets. Her uniform was a red tight-fitting short dress and a mini jacket with gold accents. Quite the sight compared to my outfit. I had whitewashed shorts, black T, and run-down sneakers, didn't look too bad on my chunky body but could use a makeover.

After, we bought popcorn, I chose a blueberry slushy and Zayden a large coke, he found amusing at my silliness, but no drink is too childish. We walked over to the theatre number 3 and sat on our respective seats, Zayden at my right. The ads had started, and I was already halfway down my popcorn. The seats were filled and the lights at the sides of the theatre faded away into darkness, the only lights that were left were the blue ones at the corner of each step. 

The movie began. We were watching a horror classic, The oblivious. It was about a group of detectives who were ignorant to the pleas of terrified people who believed they saw a demonic presence. They went to investigate as a joke but their mockery and insensibleness made them reach their doom. It was scary but left a mark in being more considerate. A part of the movie where the inhuman entity snatched the first detective in a horrific way, I screeched, I saw heads turn to me with a slight giggle. But Zayden took the chance to put his arm around me. Smooth move. Was that what he was doing? Getting me to watch some thing thrilling so he could comfort me? A sly cliché but I'm not complaining. He took hold of my hand and rubbed my knuckles in a circular motion to relive the tension of the chilling faces on the screen. 

Abruptly, a chill went up my spine when I heard a phone ring, but it wasn't from the film, it was Zayden's phone. He reached to his back pocket and pulled out the ringing mobile. The sudden burst of light emitting from it burned my eyes, but squinting, I could see that it was an unknown number. He declined the call, set his phone on silence mode, and put it away back in his pocket, clearly upset.

'is something wrong?' his discomfort made me grasp that something wasn't right. 'who was it?' I whispered.

'yeah, its fine.' his hands were getting sweaty. The rubbing on my finger wasn't the sweet one but automated, like if set on autopilot, he was clearly thinking of something else.

I wasn't going to let him off the hook so easily, but this wasn't the time to discuss, it was better to wait for the movie to end. We watched in silence for the remaining thirty minutes. I wasn't really watching it, my eyes were just plastered in that direction, my mind was in a whole another planet. Zayden's planet. Who was it? he didn't answer my question, and why did he seem so nervous? I had to get my answers.

The lights turned on in a slow motion and the voices of the other people grew in comments of the movie. I slurped the last bit of slushy and tossed it in the bin outside along with the empty box of popcorn. We walked towards the café, perfect place to talk. Zayden leaded me into the table at the corner. He looked anxious, just fidgeted with a packet of sugar.

'you didn't look so happy back there'

'yeah, I know.' He cupped my hand with his. His expression resembled a puppy. 'I just want to keep you safe.'

'I don't understand what this has to do with the phone call'

'I'll explain,' he gave a sigh, looking for the right words 'I guess you must have heard about the murder that happened a month or so back.'

I nodded

'well, I was a witness. I was walking down the sidewalk when I heard gunshots coming from a corner then two men bolted out. they saw me. Long story short they had caught me and held me down. They were going to kill me. I was frightened so I used my last resort, my gift, I manipulated their emotions so they could let me go, whilst doing so, I discovered one was a savant. Somehow they found my number and have been threatening me to kill my family if I ever told anybody.' His voice sounded frightened; he wasn't acting tough anymore.

'that's why you were hiding this from me.' it all made sense now. 'Zayden, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I know how to help. My brother is a detective and my uncle work for the FBI. I hope they are still at my house, want to go see if they can help?' I gripped his hand reassuringly.

Reluctantly, he nodded. 'I love you so much.'

We left the movie theatre on our way to my house. Arms linked. It was already six pm, the sun was on the horizon waiting to rest and the traffic had faded away. The thoughts of the day that Paulo told me about the murder circled my mind once again. It has been almost two months after the crime and the police only know it was a gang, ridiculous. Fabio told me that his boss threatened to close the case if he didn't find any leads, but I got one beside me. But what if something goes wrong? What if they found out Zayden told me? Oh no, Blair, not the pessimist thoughts. I felt anguish, concern, I didn't want to lose by soulfinder. I've only got him for four days, but it would torment me if something happened to him on my watch. I felt Zayden's eyes on me. I looked up to see a sad frown.

'I don't want you to worry. My last intention was for this to pest you.'

Oh, right, he felt my emotions. 'I know you didn't have bad intentions, Zay.' He stopped walking

'it weighs me to see you down, especially if its because of me.' He brushed a curl off my face, looking at my lips romantically.

'we are soulfinders and that makes us a team. We stick together.'

'I know, Blair. You are my girl and I will do anything to protect you and make you rejoice. We are a team.' His voice went softer and deeper. He pulled me close by grabbing the belt hoops in my shorts then gripped the back of my neck to land a gentle kiss. 'I've been waiting to kiss you for the entire movie' and kissed me again. The butterflies throughout my body and his warm touch made me submissive. I fell into his sweet embrace, enjoying the warmth.

'let's get going.' I gave a small smile from underneath his chin then parted to continue our journey.

Blair: 4 days and foreverWhere stories live. Discover now