chapter 6

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   After three days of waiting, the day had finally come. Margaret and Leonor were at the airport waiting for us to arrive to pick them up. I put on my prettiest coat since the winters in Brazil were quite cold and also to wow the newest family member. I couldn't wait to hear all about it! How they met, who he was, everything! I was a stranger to all this soulfinder thing so color me stoked.

My momma, dad, Lara, Fabio and I got out of dad's car and walked toward our destination. I got distracted admiring the glass building that was the airport of brazil. It was majestic, the reflection of the morning sun gave it a golden look combined with the blue tint of the windows it made it look almost celestial. Even more when the planes flew right in the middle of the sight. Getting back on track I glimpsed a matt of dark hair sprawled over a red coat with a little purse. The figure was hanging on a tall silhouette, with a grey coat and a huge travel bag. As I covered my eyes with my hand to remove the glare of sun light, I focused my eyes on the target. It was them, my smile widened, and I started running towards them.

'Margaret!' I yelled whilst avoiding body slamming people as I speeded past.

She noticed me 'Blair!' she released from the hold of her man and opened her arms.

We slammed into each other in a sweet embrace. Her soft thick hair covered my face, but I could still see the surprise in what I assumed to be Leonor. He must have been surprised to see a short brown goblin hug his perfect damsel. Our grip on each other dismantled as I turned to Leonor.

'Blair, this is Leonor' Margaret walked over to him and put her arm behind his waist.

'Hi, I'm Blair' what a redundancy, Blair. ugh, my shyness was shining through 'nice to meet you, Leonor' I found myself witnessing pure perfection, he was at least six feet, had a sharply cut, short beard with a matching jawline and ocean blue eyes to die for.

'nice to meet you too, Blair. And please call me Leo'

His voice matched his looks, he sounded middle eastern. Damn, Margaret, she got one lucky catch. 'are you middle eastern? You sort of have an accent'

'well yes I am. I come from Malaysia'

'that's where we met, actually'

'you can tell us all about it when we get home' said dad as he swept from behind with the rest of the family

They all continued to greet the new couple. Fabio gave him a firm handshake then Lara jumped to hug Leo tightly. What an electric child.

'Where's aunt carol and uncle Lucas, Margaret?' asked momma looking around. 'their flight was meant to arrive as soon as yours did'

'yeah, their flight got delayed. Something wrong with the plane I think' Margaret didn't seem too worried.

'Let's go to our house whilst we wait for them to arrive then' said dad, coaxing us to the car.

The car ride home was very crowded and uncomfortable. Dad was in the driver's seat respectfully so, in the passenger seat was momma and in the back seats was Fabio, Lara, Margaret, Leo and me. Fabio had to carry Lara in his lap but still, packed we were until we reached our house.

We sat in our couch. It felt more like an interrogation than anything.

'so do tell us, Leo, what do you do' momma tried to hide her eagerness, but I knew she wanted to know every detail.

'well, ma'am, I work for the FBI, specialized in the SFD or savant force department. Right know I'm working for the safety of the savant net'

Well he sure was built like an FBI agent. Leo was built like steel, huge strong arms, and legs for days.

'that's cool! Fabio here also works for the police; he is a detective' I wanted to know more. He seemed like a really nice guy. 'tell us more'

'now now, we want to talk about this when your aunt and uncle arrive. In the meantime, what should we do?'

'well, I'm starving. We barely survived off airplane food' added Margaret, sitting at Leo's side. They were looking at each other with such charm. Now I wondered, was it really like the legend said? Did it feel magical or splendid? The only way to find out is to experience it, I guess.

'I say we go out, to a restaurant' proposed Fabio

'yes, how about we go to the Mariam'

'NO!' wasn't that the restaurant Zaiden wanted to meet me in? no, no, no, no.

'what do you mean?' Said momma, confused at my terrified stance.

'I- I thought we should let Leo decide. S-Since he is new here' this wasn't happening.

'precisely. He is new, Leo doesn't know the best places to eat here. We should go to a place with our traditional foods, like the Mariam' debated dad, still with his happy dad tone.

'well, the Mariam sounds great' said Leo

Oh god, I've reached my doom. I couldn't protest to go to another restaurant, or I'd look like a brat. So, I played along.

'it's 8:45, we'll arrive at nine if we leave now. Let's get moving!'

Ugh, great. I didn't notice it, but I was shaking when we got to the car. I simply could've said I wasn't feeling well but it felt like a disrespect to the guests. I was going for Margaret and Leo, not Zayden. This night was going to be a disaster, my mind was scanning through all the horrible endings to this day. It was all going to be so awkward; talking to somebody you swore to forget and ignore, practically by force. And I didn't or couldn't imagine his excuse. How can somebody so mean, so egocentric have an excuse.

The city lights were distracting, just to know that every single one had a purpose to be where they were. The city looked marvelous, angelic, like wonderful rolling fields. But dreadful things always showed up and sadness bestowed upon this land. I rested my head on my palm, looking out the window yet again on the packed car. My brain was thinking too much, I had to relax. But could I? on this cursed night, which would've been perfect if it were not because of Zayden Lima. I wished for it all being a dream. Honestly, I preferred going back to the old days where he would bother me than to have a conversation with him. Even though I would love to look into those dreamy eyes of his and run my fingers through that wonderful satin hair and- no, no, keep it straight, Blair.

The car slowly came to a stop and the engine died. We stepped out and headed for the restaurants entrance. The place felt close to home, the BBQ scent, the palm trees, and the rustic urban décor, were my perfect reverie. Now all family members seated, I checked my watch, 9:02. Eagerly, I rose my head to see if I could spot him but no, he wasn't here yet. Any time now, Zayden would step in through that door, I kept my eyes on it like an eagle to its prey. It was wooden with a glass window, a golden handle and crystal decorations. My heart was racing, and I was sweaty, my thighs were rubbing on the metal chairs making me uncomfortable and the situation worse. I even got jump scared by the waiter putting the menu in front of me, she looked at me weird, what a ridiculous sight. I checked my watch again, 9:09, he was late.

Blair: 4 days and foreverWhere stories live. Discover now