Three Stooges?

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Jeri's POV

"Hey boys!" I smiled because it looked like somebody fell on top of Jeremy. If they could see the looks on their faces. I wonder what that is for... Oh... Wait... I was just changing. Face palm moment. I'm sure my face has changed because he started talking.

"Dont worry, these are my friends." He smiles and starts to introduce them. "This is Chris..." He points to the bearded blond. "This is Sebastain..." He points to the dark haired guy. "And this idiot is also Chris. But the other Chris is Evans, this one is Chris Pratt." He points to the goofy blond.

Wait did he say Pratt? As in the voice of Cooper from Ben10 or Emmitt Brickowski in like all the Lego Movies. "No way, your thee Chris Pratt! Like the voice of Emitt Brickowski, that Chris Pratt!"

Jeremy looks confused. Chris Pratt just starts laughing his ass off. "Fuck you all she knows me, bite it Avengers, Lego saved me!"

"Wait those 3 are Avengers..."I must look surprised. Because now Jeremy is laughing and Chris is puzzled.

"She doesnt know your and Avenger!" Jeremy is gaffawing like he is going to die. Jeremy than said to the boys " This is Jericho but she says friends can call her Jeri."

"Jericho Rosca at your service boys" I give them my brightest smile.

"Rosca, thats Romanian isnt it?" Cheekily cherps Sebastain.

"Da, este, de ce întrebi? (Yes it is, why do you ask?)" I grin.

"Pentru că am crescut în România. M-am mutat aici când eram mai tânăr. Mi-am obținut cetățenia în 2015. Acum am cetățenie în duel. Tu? (Because I grew up in Romania. I moved here when I was younger. I obtained my citizenship in 2015. Now I have duel citizenship. You?) He casually replys.

"M-am născut în America. Mama mea era rusă și tatăl meu era român. Când mama a murit, Tatăl meu ne-a mutat înapoi la Navodari, unde s-a născut și am locuit acolo până în 2016. Am avut întotdeauna cetățenie în duel.(I was born in the Americas. My Mother was Russian and my Father was Romanian. When Mother died my Father moved us back to Navodari where he was born and I lived there until 2016. I have always had duel citizenship.) He smiles brightly. And they all start arguing with Bassy because they didnt know what we said.

Since their standing and arguing in front of me I stand. I really dont care what they do. "Well I'm going swimming." I wisper under my breath. I turn and head for the water. I almost get there and turn slightly to see all 4 guys struggling and falling over each other to get their shirts and shoes off. I turn and start laughing hard. I guess that stopped the arguement. I continue to back into the water. Its cold, I guess it's not far enough into the summer yet for it to be warmed up.

"Hey wait up!" I hear them all start yelling right before I dive in backwards lifting my hands high and stretching into the water.

When I popped up to the surface I was a good 20 feet out and the boys were on the shore looking for me. I keep swimming backwards. When I got about 45 feet out I called out to them. "Hey boy's! I thought we were going to go swimming! Can't you swim?"

4 heads pop up at the same time and the race is on...Rahat!(Shit!)

Jeremy's POV

Damn it. I see the 3 stooges lock on to her at the same time as me. Oh no they don't, I jump as fast as I can into the water and swim as hard as I can to try and reach her before the rest of the idiot's do. But just as I pop up to the surface of the water I look to my left and I see Evans I look to my right and I see Stan and all I can think to myself is shit!

I swim a little bit to the left and try and drown Chris and he goes down. Then I quickly swim over and try and grab hold of Sebastian to shove him under. I don't have any luck, Sebastian pushes me under. As I come up sputtering I twirl around trying to find what direction she's in and I can see that Pratt reach her first. I say "come on guys." I swim as hard as I can to get over to her.

When I get there she's talking to Pratt and Evans and Sebastian is swimming around in circles. I think he's trying to show off. When I get up to her she reaches around my neck with both our hands and all I can think to myself is Hell yeah! She smiles brightly and I get a bad feeling! She hasn't look in her eyes, you know that look, the look that says you really think you've won. Then she pushes me under the water put your feet on my shoulders and jumps off as hard as she can and start swimming back towards the shore.

When I come up coughing and sputtering all I see is a Three Stooges chasing her back towards the shore. And all I can think to myself is Are you fucking kidding me I didn't bring them there for them to try and steal her from me! I take a deep breath and sigh and head back to the shore. By the time I get there she's already laying on the blanket sunning herself looking like she popped right out of a 1940s movie.

Jeri's POV

I layed down on beach blanket attempting to sun myself. And next thing I know I'm bombarded by 3 really hot guys all attempting to hit on me and get my attention. All I can think to myself at this point is Goddess I couldn't believe how pretty these boys make me feel.

I look between all 3 of them and try too carefully pay attention to what each of them is saying. I nod and give appropriate responses to each one as they continued to lavish me with compliments.

Pretty soon I see Jeremy come up out of the water and strut over to the blanket. He's got that pretty face on that seriously making my insides melt. I contemplate that for a moment and realize he might be a little bit butt hurt that the three guys he brought with him are hitting on me.

As I sit there popped up on my elbows looking between the guys I smile a Jeremy and say "Hey Jer, would you like to sit next to me?" And I scoot over a bit and pat the blanket. He starts beeming like the sun from Mars. Goddess I need sunglasses!

He sits down and the boys start telling me stories from their time working together. Their storys are funny. All I have to do is sit still and be pretty. Soon the boys suggest we should eat something. Jer starts pulling shit out of his coolers and I am blown away. Cold chicken, slaw, potato salad, 3 different chips, 2 dips, corn salad, and a lot of alcohol.

I feel bad now. Jer says something I don't catch and when I look up I say "Huh?"

"Whats wrong?" He says politely.

"I didnt bring awesome stuff like this, I just brought some ham and cheese sandwiches, some cheetos, and some waters." I frown harder.

Jer looks at me and smiles. "Ham and cheese and cheetos are my favorite things!"

Man that stud can make me smile...

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