Party at my place?

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Jeremy's POV

     I look over at Jeri and she leaning back on the blanket, the way the sun hits her makes her glow. It radiates from her, draws you to her like a moth to a flame. Then she rolls her head to the side and hits you with that smile. It's absolutely  awesome and it is like a switch that's automatic and everybody who sees it grins.

     I look at Pratt and frown. I get out my phone and send him a message in our Group Chat.

Avengers Rat Pack

HAWK: If you dont stop Im going to tell Anna!

STUPID-LORD: DAMN IT! She says I can look just not touch!

STucky: Guys Language. Theses a fine ass woman in front of us. Lets be civil.

stUCKY: Domn! Da, să nu ne luptăm. Știți cu toții că o să mă aleagă dacă vom continua să avem un alt Război Politic!  (Gentleman! Yes, let's not fight. You'll know she's going to choose me if we proceed to have another Civil War!)

STucky: Not what I meant by language dork. And I just translated that, you will be going down!

stUCKY: Da! (Yes) ON HER!

     I reach over and face plant Seb into the sand face first. Didn't see that coming huh! Jeri just laughs, my god her laugh sounds like the sweetest music I ever heard. I swear Pratt is drooling, I snap a photo. He looks at me when he hears the noise from my phone. I work fast to get the photo saved and sent off.

HAWK: That's it Pratt I sent that to Anna!


    I see Pratt get up and start typing on the phone. This does not look good for him. About 20 minutes later Anna comes up the beach with Jack. I look at Pratt and he is looking at his shoes like they're the most interesting thing in the world. She goes right up to Jeri and says "Hi I'm Anna Pratt how are you?"

    Jeri just beams and says "Doing great, that must be Jack. I follow you and Chris on Instagram. You have a beautiful family. I appreciate you letting Chris hang its been a great day hanging with an idol of mine."

    My mouth just hangs, she single-handedly diffused the situation with just a few kind words. Now Anna is just chatting with her, and Pratt looks relieved and thankful all at once.
I see Anna hand over Jack, and Jeri start cooing at the little boy and I get up.

"Hey would everybody like to come to my house and hang? We can have some fun and play some pool and sit in the pool and spa...You know, have a party at my place." I try to make this sound off-handed. I don't know if it worked.

     Anna makes excuses and says something about Chris having to get Jack ready for bed. And Pratt groans, I'm thinking its his punishment that he was thinking he got out of. Evans and Stan start to clean up the beach and gather all the stuff together. They start loading it in the car. Chris grabs her stuff too and starts heading to the car. 

     Jeri says, "but I don't know where you live."

"If you trust me I can drive your beautiful ride there with you." I smile so she doesn't get freaked out that I just told her that I wanted to drive her bike. It's a classic, what can I say.

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