My Ship Has Sailed!!!

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Jeremy's POV

     I roll over and reach next to me and find the bed has gone cold. I look up and I can see her sitting on the window seat next to the bed. I sit there and watch here as she sits there watching the sun rise. I don't want to make any noise because I am content in watching her stare out into the great beyond.
     As I watch all these questions run through my head. I wonder what her mind is thinking, how is she feeling? Does she regret being with me? So on and so on. I cant help but feel like I have done something wrong. I am just getting to the point where I am trusting again after the shit Sonni put me through. Am I going to fast, should I slow down? What should I do now?

     As I look up she is no longer looking outside but at me. Her face is blank, What does that mean? Maybe I have to let her know it is OK. Because it is, it so is. I smile, not a grin but a soft smile, a reassuring smile. "I didn't mean to wake you up." she whispers.

"You didn't, are you OK?" I try to keep the concern out of my voice. I dont want to spook her and I know last night was a big thing. I want to protect her and keep her smiling but I am so scared that I will screw this up too.

"I'm fine, ...actually never been better. I am sorry for not telling you sooner about...." She stops and the sentence hangs heavy. "That was wrong of me not to tell you so I am sorry."

     I get up from the bed and slide into the seat behind her. "There is nothing you have to be sorry about. If anybody should be sorry it's me. Now I don't regret a single minute I have spent with you but I feel like I was wrong to move so quickly. And now that I have I am not totally sure I ever will be able to let you go."

     I wrap my arms around her and lay my head on her shoulder. She wrap's her arms around mine and leans back into me and all I can think to myself is... This feels so right, we fit together like to puzzle pieces.

      She turns her head and I can not resist anymore I shit until my lips are firmly pressed to hers. As our mouths dance together like lovers that have spent to much time separated I pull her into my lap. She shifts so that she is facing me and far too soon we part for much needed air.

"Are you still tired?" I ask. She shakes her head yes and I pick her up and lay her back in the bed. I go to walk out the door and she says, "Where are you going?"

"I am going to check and make sure the stooges didn't trash my house and went to bed. I will be right back after I make sure the locks and alarm is on." And I head out of the room and down the hall. I hear her settle down into the sheets as I run off to find where the guys are.

     I go down to the guest rooms and look in where Chris should be, nothing and no one there but all the pillows are gone. I go to check on the room I know Mackie took and he is in there asleep, I shut the door lightly and check Stan's room. Just like Chris' room empty with the pillows missing. I hope they are not camping in my living room.

     I quickly check all the other doors and windows to make sure their locked before I set the alarm or it will go off. As I am checking the patio doors I see a tent in my back yard.

     When I go out into the yard I hear noise and stop. Is that... Oh god, NO, NO WAY, CALLED IT!!! I knew about Stan because we had a chat about his sexuality and it is pretty cool. But Chris man, NEVER GOING TO LET THAT GO! My ship has sailed, I am going to be shocked at what happens when Mackie finds out.

     A I am frozen in my spot because I dont want to make noise I hear Chris say, "Jesus Stan, where did you learn to do this!" I cant take it anymore and I yell, "Ya Stan where did you learn that!" The tent goes deathly quiet. I just stand there cracking up. My side hurts so bad, but I can stop laughing. Soon I hear Stan yell, "From you idiot, hows that girl, can she walk still!" I stop laughing, "I dont know let me go ask."

     As I walk back inside. Before I close the door I say, "Goodnight Boys!" and close the door effectively cutting any further communication. I decide to leave it unlocked and leave the alarm off. I look at the clock and see its 5 am. I head back to my room to get an hour or so sleep before starting my day.

     When I get to my room I see her there asleep, I wasn't kidding when I said she was an angel. Her face looks ephemeral with just a hint of light hitting her face. It makes her look like she is glowing, like the sun is coming from beneath her skin instead of shining on it.

     I walk to the bed and slide under the covers and curl up behind her. I know she is asleep but her hand finds mine and she pulls it around her and she snuggles back into my body. When she finally stops she lets out a sigh. My bed smells like feral sex and her. Just having her here in my arms is enough to make me forget the world. Her smell is the last thing I sense before drifting back to sleep.

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