She Came Along

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Note: I acknowledge that this first chapter includes some content that is basically every Bobby stan's worst nightmare (myself included)! Please just hang in there with me, because I promise that things are gonna go your (and Bobby's) way! And I won't subject you to any more romantic scenes between Bobby and she-who-shall-not-be-named.

Thanks for reading!

Bobby was so horny his stomach hurt. It had generally been a...frustrating summer so far, but that night had been especially torturous. He poured a series of ingredients together in a cocktail shaker, making drinks for him and Lottie. A bead of sweat dripped down from his hairline as he recalled how Sadie had approached him a half hour earlier during the heartrate challenge.

"Lucky boy!" Gary had laughed. "My girl's bound to get your heart racing!" Accurate. He hadn't been able to so much as look at her while she straddled him and pressed her body against him. The image of her legs spreading over him kept replaying in his mind. It reminded him of how she had straddled him the night after Roccogate. They all found out Rocco had been grafting on every girl behind her back, and Bobby had managed to get her alone for a moment amidst all the drama. He had flirted with her shamelessly. He'd fancied her since the moment she'd laughed at his dumb beefcake joke during their introductions. And his pining had kicked off gloriously when she'd picked Gary over him.

With Rocco on the way out of her good graces, Bobby had to take his chance. He knew Gary was likely to swoop in, since he and Marisol were all but done too. Bobby's heart had also raced that night, while he watched her stride toward him.

"Here is exactly where I want to be." She had said with a cocky smile. He loved how bold she was. Especially when it afforded him the opportunity to kiss her passionately. He'd almost had the guts to touch her breast when she climbed in his lap, but he'd chickened out. Those breasts . She was by far the most well-endowed Islander in the tits and ass department, and what could he say? He was into that. She was a bit of him. His limbs, one limb in particular, gave an involuntary twitch at the thought.

Now he may never get the opportunity to touch them. Gary gets to touch her now. He jerked the shaker vigorously as he watched Gary pulling Sadie toward the beanbag chairs.

"Wow, you're really going for it, Bobs," Lottie winked at him, leaning over the bar.

"I take my work very seriously." He smiled back. Lottie had been his partner-in-pine from the beginning. "Not going to lie. I had hoped to see this guy step forward." She had said, pointing to Gary at the first coupling. "But Sadie and I have already agreed that the girls come first."

Bobby and Lottie had been in a friendship couple essentially since day 3, and had bonded over their shared disapproval of the Sadie-Gary ship. While Bobby preferred to be a bit more subtle, Lottie openly disapproved of Sadie and made no secret of her feelings for Gary. She also reported useful information back to Bobby about the girls' conversations. After the most dateable vote, Lottie had gushed to him. "She said she could see herself ending up as your girlfriend. Her exact words were 'I don't know why we haven't coupled up yet,'" She gave him a knowing smile as she waited for his reaction.

"What did you say?"

"I told her you'd be thrilled!"

But it never amounted to anything. She had strutted away after kissing him, leaving as quickly as she had come. And then she had chosen Gary for her date. And then again at the recoupling. Bobby poured the drinks into the glasses as he wondered for the millionth time if things would have played out differently had Sadie chosen him for that date.

He lifted the glass to Lottie, and found she was standing next to him. "Cheers" he offered. She held his gaze as she sipped her drink. "Exciting night, huh?" She licked her lips. Lottie was in a wild, unpredictable mood. She had been bold and flirtatious toward him since the challenge, but was clearly still upset that Gary had picked Sadie the night before at the recoupling. She had to have been expecting it though. Must have just gotten her hopes up too high, as he had done, thinking he may finally get lucky this time and get to choose Sadie.

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