One Sunny Day

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Bobby opened his mouth to say something, but no words came. He was facing Sadie next to the daybeds, his heart still pounding in the aftermath of the final recoupling. It had finally happened. He sighed with a dreamy expression and gently tugged her closer, leaning down to kiss her. He was with Sadie now. His body trembled at having the privilege at last. 

She melted into him and released a blissful sigh against his lips. He tasted the sweet breeze of her breath and opened his mouth in response, wanting more. His tongue gently brushed against her lips, which she opened readily. They kissed slowly, and tenderly. It felt so different from every thin, half-hearted kiss he'd shared with Lottie. When Sadie kissed him, it was like she was filling him up, pouring light into that gnawing longing in his chest.

After several moments, she pulled back, her bright eyes dancing. "Glad I picked you then?"

"Of course." He pulled her closer. "You're the only one for me."

Sadie glanced around the empty lawn. "I guess we're here all alone." She smiled at him playfully and sat herself down on one of the beds.

"What are you thinking?"

"I just want to...lie here for a bit," she said, stretching out and patting the empty space next to her.

"Suits me." A thrill buzzed in his stomach as he took in the sight of her. He laid down, propped up on an elbow, and looked down at her. "This is super cozy. And the company's pretty good too."

"Um... up here Bobby." She said, a laugh underlying her tone. Bobby's eyes snapped to her face, suddenly realizing he had just been staring at her breasts.

"Sorry!" he said. "I...You can't really blame me." He smiled at her sheepishly. "I can finally look at you! You know, and I don't have to pretend that I'm not looking. And well..." he gestured at her chest. "They're amazing!'

She laughed, causing her breasts to jiggle, stealing Bobby's attention again.

"You know..." She looked away from him shyly, biting her lip. "You can do more than look."

Bobby felt a pleasant knot in his stomach and he swallowed hard. Her face was happy and earnest as she looked back at him. It was so nice to see her looking relaxed again. She tugged the front of his shirt to bring him closer, sending electricity from his navel up his spine. They kissed again, and Bobby ran his hand up her bare side up to the thin black fabric that covered her breasts. A ticklish ache filled his limbs as he gently squeezed her breast. His thumb ran over the firm flesh to the hard point of her nipple. She moaned at his touch and he pushed his tongue deeper into her mouth.

As the kiss became more ardent, his fingers fumbled for the edges of the fabric. His hands begged to get closer, to feel her skin. He'd imagined kissing her so many times, so saturated with desire for her, with the need to touch her. Now that he'd finally gotten the opportunity, his need only escalated. He was drowning in his thirst for her, and each kiss was like a desperate gasp of air sustaining him a little longer as he was swept further out to sea.

She pulled away, breathlessly, and sat up on the bed facing him. Hot shame flooded his head. He'd pushed too far too fast. An apology tumbled out of his mouth, but was cut short when he saw her reach to untie the strap around her neck. The black ties loosened and she let the top drop down around her waist. Her bare breasts were on full, magnificent display. His mouth hung open slightly as he admired her.

In Scotland, they had a saying. It's a sair ficht for half a loaf. Meaning life is hard work, and often the payoff isn't even half of what you were fighting for. The expression had never felt more false than in that moment. It had been a tough journey to get there, but he'd gotten the whole damn bakery in return.

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