A Love So Tender

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When Sadie woke up, every inch of her body ached for Bobby. She'd had dream after dream of him touching her, kissing her, thrusting inside of her. The remnants of the imagined contact slipped away, elusive as a gust of wind. Her skin buzzed with a stinging need to be touched.

The room was still dark, but she could see the outline of his body slowly rising and falling with each soft breath. She inched over to his side of the bed and pressed as much of her body against him as she could, threading an arm under his, and matching the bend of his legs with her own. He was warm and smelled sweet and bready, like cookie dough. The contact felt wonderful, but it wasn't enough. She needed more. This was a trickle of water. She was ready for crushing waves.

He breathed deeply in response to her touch. She could just make out his sleepy smile as he rolled over to face her. He pulled her towards him and began kissing her neck, soft at first, but growing more urgent within seconds. She couldn't suppress the moan that escaped her lips as he rolled on top of her. The weight of his body against hers quenched something inside of her and sent a thrill of pleasure through her. She reached down between their bodies, running a hand over the front of his boxers, feeling the hard ridge of his cock. He huffed a breath out at her touch. Her hand was gliding up to the band of his boxers when they heard a mechanical cry ring out.

They froze, their ears reaching out to identify the sound. Another high pitched cry pierced the air and the lights clicked on, filling the room with a harsh light. Sadie emitted her own cry of frustration as Bobby rolled reluctantly off of her.

"Are those babies?" Lottie's voice called out.

Bobby's frown lifted into an enthusiastic smile. "Baby challenge?! Yay!" He jumped out of the bed excitedly.

Sadie dragged herself up, feeling a protesting throb between her legs and a mix of emotions. Between Bobby's enthusiasm and her experience with kids, they would knock this challenge out easily. But she had a better sense than most how babies could amp up the stress level. This was going to be an eventful day.

Everyone sleepily scrambled toward the crying sounds in the lounge. Six bassinets lined the room, each labeled with the names of a different couple. Bobby and Sadie found a cute, if a little creepy, robot baby crying in their assigned crib. Sadie picked it up and rocked it in her arms, successfully quieting the doll.

"Wow, babe! You're a natural," Bobby beamed. She couldn't help but feel pleased at his impressed tone.

Sadie's phone pinged and Bobby took the baby from her so she could read the text.

Islanders, each couple has been given responsibility for their own bundle of joy. You must look after your doll as if it were the real deal for the rest of the day. Whichever couple can keep their doll the most happy and content will win a special prize. #dollsontour #acryingshame

The couples exchanged glances that were a mix of excitement and apprehension. Bobby looked down at the doll in his arms.

"What should we name it?" Sadie asked.

Bobby thought for a moment. "Badie? Sobby?"

Sadie gave him a flat look. "I don't think we want to tempt fate by naming a baby 'Sobby'."

"Good point." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Suddenly his eyes lit up excitedly. "I know! Chip! Like a little chocolate chip. Because they're a little bit of my favorite things: chocolate and you." He leaned down to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"You're a melt, but I love it. Chip is perfect."

"Yes! The Dad joke potential is baked right in." He shot her a toothy smile.

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