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Note: I am excited and sad to finish out this story! Thank you all who read and commented on and shared it!

Infinity thank yous to my wonderful friends, who are also incredible writers, who helped me write this. Christy, Prim, Heather, Meroboh, and Nash, this story wouldn't be half of what it turned out to be without your encouragement and help and genius ideas. I'm so grateful to have you pushing me and supporting me!

"I should have made her a cake. Doing this on a cupcake is too hard! I need a bigger surface area!" Bobby wiped beads of frustration sweat from his forehead. "But I think I finally got it right this time."

Sadie peeked around his shoulder to admire his handiwork displayed on their kitchen counter. "It looks amazing, babe. They have all looked amazing. Why are you being so hard on yourself?"

"I just want it to look perfect. Your sister...has high standards. And she's very serious. You know serious people make me nervous."

She kissed his cheek and then stepped back, heading toward the kitchen sink. "I know she can seem a bit stand-offish, but she loves you, babe. You don't need to worry." She turned back toward Bobby, affecting a cheeky smirk, shooting twin finger guns. In a deep, over-the-top Scottish accent, she said, "Dinnae fash yersel'!" Bobby burst into laughter at her impression of him.

She smiled proudly at the laugh she had earned and turned back to the sink. She was holding a mug he'd left in the living room earlier. "Sorry lass! Didn't mean to leave that out. I can take care of that."

"I don't mind!" she said lightly, leaning her face towards him, inviting a kiss on the cheek. He noticed her outfit for the first time. She was wearing a curve hugging professional looking dress. Something that might have been worn by Joan on Mad Men. The design was modest, the hem falling around her knees, the neckline too high to reveal cleavage. Yet somehow the dress highlighted the landscape of her body even more than usual. He pressed against her back, sliding his arms around her waist, and pressed his lips to her cheek. A pleasant warmth spread through his chest.

"I know I can be a bit of a messy roommate." He nuzzled his nose into her neck, pressing a kiss there before inhaling a deep breath of her scent.

"Oh you're not so bad. Compared to my brothers and sisters, you're a breeze to live with." Her soapy hands ran delicately along every surface of the mug as she rinsed it. How did she make even mundane tasks sexy? He suppressed the urge to continue the conversation with his hands, and redirected himself back to the topic.

"That's just it. Now that Rita's going to be here, I want to be better about that stuff. I don't want you to feel like you're cleaning up after everyone all the time."

She placed the mug in the drying rack and turned towards Bobby with a warm smile. "Thank you again for agreeing to let her stay with us." Her eyes traveled down his body, making his stomach do a funny flip. She reached for the apron strings wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer to her. "You're being really cute about this."

"I'm excited to have her here! Although..." Somehow his hand had found its place on her ass. "There are some things I'll miss about it being just us." He couldn't help himself. Self control wasn't his strong suit.

She leaned into him, and pulled the tie on the apron loose. Her nails scratched along his skin under his shirt, making him shiver. "Me too. There's probably time for some last minute kitchen bits."

His hands explored her body over the thick, structured fabric of her dress. He pressed in harder so he could feel her through it. "You look so nice and put together, though."

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