Made a Fool of Everyone

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Gary continued to avoid her the rest of the day. She thought he would acknowledge her after he finished up at the gym, but he didn't. Which made her feel foolish as she realized she had been waiting for him. After that she kept herself busy. She worked out, made herself a snack, took a nap. All things she would normally do with Gary. Yet he was nowhere to be found. She was relieved when Chelsea invited her to come get ready with her. His absence wouldn't be so glaring there.

An uneasiness settled into her stomach as she readied herself for Henrik and Hannah's welcome party. Sadie opted for a curve-hugging dress, made of a bright, shimmery fabric. Maybe if her outsides looked shiny and bright, her insides would follow suit.

Eager to take the edge off, she decided to join Noah, Hope, Lottie, and Bobby in the kitchen where they were mixing drinks. Bobby was presenting his signature cocktail, the Bobbyfish. His seemed to lose his train of thought when he saw her. "Sadie, you're looking hotter than a gas mark 10!"

"Thank you, Bobby!" She gestured toward the drink in his hand. "Can I have one of those?"

"Why of course!" He set to work. When he handed her the glass, her fingers lightly brushed his, sending an enjoyable tingle up her spine.

Sadie overheard Gary's laugh coming from the pool. She looked in the direction of the sound, and there he was, once again, at Hannah's side. The sight of a smiling, happy Gary stung after a day of cold treatment from him. She was usually the one laughing with him.

"Hannah seems to be settling in okay." Sadie said dryly, taking a sip of her drink.

Noah attempted to reassure her, "I don't think she's going for Gary."

"Don't be fooled." Lottie scowled. "Of course she is."

"Noah, baby, it's kind of obvious..." Hope agreed.

"Well, the real question is," Sadie sighed, "is Gary going for her? If she's turned his head, she's turned his head. Regardless of whether or not she actually likes him."

She took a long sip of her drink as they all stared at her. Bobby took a step closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in for a brief side hug. "We don't know that she's turned his head..." Sadie put an arm around his waist, returning the hug appreciatively before he stepped away again.

"Not strictly true." Hope chimed in with her typical anxiety-producing insight. "I'd put Hannah fancying Gary at about 80-20 odds. And Gary fancying her back...50-50."

"So basically you can't tell?" Bobby smirked.

"I mean that it's early days and I don't think he knows yet either. When he knows, I'll know."

The five of them turned to watch Hannah flipping her hair and giggling at the boys. Suddenly Sadie had lost all patience with the group speculating on whether or not Gary was about to ditch her for another woman. She squirmed under their condoling treatment. She wasn't on Love Island to be pitied. Time to change the subject.

She stood up a little straighter, took another sip of her drink, and asked, "So, who fancies me, Hope? If you're so good, I'm curious."

Hope put her finger to her lips, considering. "You know, not being funny, but I reckon there are people in here who are more into you than Gary."


Lottie interjected, "That's a bit bold, isn't it?" She had the faintest hint of a smile.

"I'm just being honest. If I were Sadie, I'd want to know too." She turned her attention back to Sadie. "I reckon Henrik does." Her eyes darted nervously toward Lottie. "Maybe Bobby."

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