What Have You Done

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Sadie's anger had burned through her while she slept, forging her insides into steel, smoothing over the jagged edges of her pain. She awoke feeling a ferocious, impenetrable, single-minded need for vengeance. But first, she needed information.

Bobby stirred in the bed next to her. "Bobby" she whispered. He turned in her direction, looking as though he were still dragging himself out of sleep, and gave her a slow, surprised smile. "Good mornin'. I forgot I was out here." He sat up on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," she replied honestly, as the icy, smooth expanse of rage soothed the rawness from the night before. "Look, I know this is a lot to ask of you, but do you mind not talking to anyone about what happened yet? Even Lottie? I just need a little bit of time to get my head on straight before the shit hits the fan."

He searched her face for answers she didn't have yet. "Of course. Whatever you need."

She gave him a grateful smile as she stood up to leave, and placed a light kiss on his cheek. His skin smelled wonderful, like hibiscus tea. "Thank you so much." She squeezed his shoulder before turning away and heading toward the dressing room.

"I was tired just watching you." She heard Hope say to Chelsea as she entered the room. "Then you laid down on the lawn and started talking about cat cafes."

"That explains the grass stain on the back of my dress..." Chelsea frowned, rubbing her temples.

"Could have been worse." Lottie said as she gave Sadie a sympathetically annoyed look. "Hannah could have flirted with your man all night." An angry energy rippled through Sadie at the sight of her. It pounded against her steely insides.

"Thanks for reminding me." She said dispassionately.

"You know what we all need?" Chelsea offered.

"If she says a day at a cat cafe..." Hope muttered.

"A day at a cat cafe!" Chelsea answered herself brightly. "You can play bingo, drink tea and have cake, all while stroking adorable pussy-cats."

Bless Chelsea. She was always able to make Sadie smile. After pulling on a black lace up bathing suit, she asked, "How have I never heard of this before?"

Hope answered. "Because you weren't around when she started going on about it last night."

Chelsea gave Sadie a perplexed look. "Hold on then, Sadie wasn't there? Where did you disappear off to?"

All the girls turned to look at her. A flicker of concern crossed Lottie's face. Sadie held her eye as she answered. "I just needed some air." Lottie's face pinched into a pout.

"Aww, babes. You should have said. I'd have come with." Chelsea cooed.

"I just needed to be by myself a bit. I'm fine now."

Loud laughter filled the air as Jo, Hannah, and Marisol swarmed into the dressing room.

Chelsea flinched in response to the noise. "How do you lot have any energy?

"Speaking of which," Lottie said, a nervous edge in her voice. "Sadie that new look is giving me all kinds of good energies."  Sadie managed a smile. She felt strangely powerful, knowing this secret that Lottie was keeping from everyone. Knowing she could wreck her day at any moment.

"I've got a text!" Jo announced.

Hearing the announcement, the boys filed into the dressing room. In the mirror reflection, Sadie saw Gary appear. He was looking at the back of her head, his face pulled into a frown. His eyes looked soft, almost longing, sending a shudder through her protective armor. She averted her gaze before he could catch her eye.

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