Waiting For a Lover

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When Bobby was a kid, he and his sister used to take their slinky and stretch it out as far as they could, seeing if they could get the coils completely straight. Inevitably, the tension would become too much for his sister and it would slip out of her hands and come catapulting back towards Bobby, smacking him painfully in the face. Bobby felt like that slinky when he was away from Sadie, stretched painfully apart, yearning to curl himself back into her arms.

They had just spent the previous night alone in the Hideaway. Yet, in the short time he was away for the family texts, he could barely focus, he was so desperate to get back to her. Of course it was great to text with his family. They were thrilled he'd gotten together with Sadie. Said she was a bonnie wee lass. And her parents seemed to like him too. But after last night, his entire being cried out to be with her again.

He loved her. The words pulsed through his brain like a heart beat. He'd never felt like this before. He'd been smitten by Sadie all along, sure. But by the time they'd left the Hideaway, his heart had latched onto Sadie's so thoroughly, it didn't recognize itself as its own anymore. It would only answer to Sadie's call from now on.

They were sent on their final date that afternoon. Standing on the sandy shore of a beach, they admired the view. Sadie's strawberry blonde hair danced in the breeze, and her skin seemed to glow in the evening light. Bobby couldn't take his eyes off of her. "Perfect," he said dreamily. I love you. I love you, his mind chanted. Certainly it was too soon to tell her. But he needed something more. He needed Sadie to be an official part of his life.

"It really is." She was looking out over the waves at the purple and orange colors sweeping over the landscape. She grabbed his hand and walked down toward the water where a boat gently rocked.

"Look!" Sadie pointed to a white gazebo in the distance.

"Oh wow. I didn't notice all that." He looked back at her. "This will sound proper melty but I was too busy looking at you." A warm smile blossomed on her face. It was overwhelming, like staring into the sun. He chattered on nervously. "But this is perfect for our last date. We've got to sail this boat out there first." He looked down at her expensive-looking shoes. "Want a piggyback ride to the boat? Just so you don't get wet."

She scrunched up her face and shook her head. "I'm not afraid of water, babe!" She slipped her shoes off and waded in. The setting sunlight reflected off her glittering gold dress that rested high on her thighs. The water sparkled as it lapped at her toned legs. He watched her, slack-jawed, as he recalled how those legs had been wrapped around him the night before.

"You coming?" She startled him out of his reverie.

"Of course! He jumped over a small wave. "Nothing better than having a little paddle in the sea." He loved that she wasn't afraid of getting messy. I love you. I love you. I love you, his body cried out in silent prayer.

They splashed each other playfully as they clambered into the boat. As they floated closer to their destination, they could see a white satin drape fluttering in the wind over the gazebo. A bottle of champagne and two glasses sat on a small table. Bobby climbed out first and offered his hand to help Sadie onto the platform.

They popped the champagne and placed their chairs in front of the table, looking out over the water. They sat quietly for a bit, just listening to the sounds of the waves. The beat of Bobby's love grew so loud in his head, he worried Sadie could hear it. How would he ask her what he wanted to ask her without confessing his love? He took a long sip of champagne to stifle the words from bursting out of his mouth.

"You're so handsome," she said. He looked over at her, and she was giving him an adoring look that smacked him the face like so many slinkies. How had he been so lucky to earn such a look from a woman like her.

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