Danger Returns

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Sadie was startled awake by a text announcing that someone had chosen her for a date. This news coasted on a current of anxiety that was already buzzing in her head. The memory of the strange incident the night before poked at her brain. She rolled over to see Gary pulling on his pants next to the bed.

"I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No, I got a text." She rubbed her eyes sleepily. "I'm going on a date."

"Me too!" He said excitedly.

"How are you feeling about it?"

He gave her a reassuring smile. "I think it'll be a laugh. You can't take these things too seriously, can you? Just gotta get on and do it." He pulled on his flannel shirt. "And you've got one as well, so..." He shrugged. "It's just a date."

"True!" She said a little too brightly.

"We'll both be back in no time, then we can chat about how it went, okay?" He walked around to her side of the bed and kissed her on the cheek. "See you later, Poppet."

There had been many temptations during their time in the Villa, and Gary had always chosen Sadie given the opportunity. She trusted him. It would be fine.

She focused on getting herself ready, deciding on a short, leopard print wrap-around dress. If Gary had any doubts after his date, this dress could set him to rights.

Sadie was pleasantly surprised to find out that her date was with Henrik. She had always liked his easy, friendly company. The date didn't stir any butterflies, but she enjoyed catching up with him. When he asked how things were going with Gary, she told him confidently that they were really strong. Which he didn't seem too pleased about. She quickly changed the subject, though, getting him to talk about what he'd been up to the past couple weeks since leaving the Villa. Soon, they had run out of time, and were walking back toward the rest of the gang.

Sadie stood back a bit as everyone rushed forward to greet him. Bobby came to stand next to her after giving Henrik a quick hello. "Sadie, looking gorgeous as always." He bumped her with his shoulder.

"Oh, go on," she blushed, bumping him back with her hip.

Lottie raised her voice above the chatter. "Is Gary back yet?"

Sadie's eyes flicked upwards in annoyance. She couldn't help but notice Bobby's uncharacteristically grim expression.

"I'm sure they'll be back here any second." Henrik answered, shooting an uneasy look at Sadie. "Oh, is that them now?"

Sadie followed Henrik's gaze and saw Gary walk out of the Villa with his arm around a petite redhead.

"Is that..." Bobby started.

Ibrahim responded in surprise. "It can't be..."

Hannah. She had cut her hair and seemed to have adopted a new look, but it was definitely Hannah. Sadie smiled at her genuinely. They had gotten along well during her brief stay at the Villa. They had competed a bit for Gary's attention, but it was so early on. To be expected.

"Hannah!" She greeted her, wrapping her in a friendly embrace. Hannah's body stiffened, and she did not return the hug. Sadie pulled away, confused. The rest of the group looked at them awkwardly, until Bobby broke the silence.

"Look at you!" he gestured at Hannah, eliciting an over the top girlish giggle.

"I had my glow up!" Suddenly full of warmth and animation, she struck a pose, showing off her new look. Gary looked her up and down approvingly.

She noticed Bobby was looking at her again, his mouth pulled into a small frown. "Why don't we all go sit around the fire pit and catch up?" he suggested to the group.

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