Part 3

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Noah's POV

I only 2 classes with Liam, and they're both at the end of the day. Which means most of the day is me by myself thinking about him.

I need a hobby if I still want to live.

As I slowly make my way to lunch in the empty hall, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I stop in my tracks.

"Hey, babe. Why are you all alone?" Mason says quietly in my ear.

I try to slow down my breathing before I start to speak, "I-I was just walking t-to lunch."

Mason tsked, "And should you be eating?"

When he asked I just wanted to start crying right then and there, but I couldn't give him that satisfaction, "I-I wasn't going to eat."

"Good, you don't need to be eating, your already fat enough." He tightened his arms.

The thing is...

I already know.

I start to shake, "I know." My eyes start to fill up.

"Finally you know something. I'm trying to help you, babe. Let me help you."

I let some tears fall and I start sniffiling.

"Aw, don't cry babe."

I couldn't stop, I let my head fall in defeat.

"I said..." His grip tightens to a painful hold, "Don't. Cry."

I force myself to stop, by holding in my breaths and gritting my teeth.

"Good boy. Now go, before I do something I shouldn't." He removed his arms and I quickly start walking away from him.

Anywhere is better than being near him.

Why does he have to be right?

Why do I have to be like this?

As I wipe away my excess tears, deciding I'm just going to go outside 'to have lunch'

Once I'm outside I take a deep breath and let it out. I was about to start walking around but someone grabbed my wrist. Again.

Why the wrist?

I wince and turn around, seeing Liam.

"Hey, Noah what's going on?" He says with a warm smile and returning his hand back to him.

"Nothing I just needed some air." I gave a small smile back.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Why were your eyes red this morning? They look even redder right now actually." His face became concerned as he leaned closer to examine my face.

I jerked back and put my arms in front of him to stop him from coming any closer, "I'm fine. Just allergies."

He sighed, "Alright then," he put his hands in his pockets, "We should hang out later today at my house. If you want to?" He asked and I smiled as my heart did flips.

I know he's my best friend but I love it when he does these kinds of things, "Yeah, that sounds cool."

"Cool, come on, let's go hang out with the group." By 'group' he means, his friends.

I was hesitant but I agreed anyways. He lead me to the side of school where there were tables and benches for people who are outside.

When we got there I saw that Mason wasn't there and I let out a breath of relief.

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