Part 5

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Liam's POV

I didn't want to believe that Noah, my Noah, was harming himself. I wanted to know why, I wanted to understand why he would do this to himself. He seemed happy, he seemed fine. So why? What did I do? Did I do anything wrong? I try to make sure he's happy everyday, and I'll keep doing it for the rest of time, but right now I just need to know why he was doing this.

I slowly moved my hand towards his hand and held it in mine. I felt him freeze up and stop moving as he didn't make a sound. He looked up at me, his eyes red, puffy, and tired, somewhat confused as he looked at our hands. He closes his eyes and puts his head down and shakes his head slightly, as if he wasn't doing it all.

I turned his body to face me and he looked up, he looked so drained, I look into his eyes, "Why?" I ask in almost a whisper, my eyes filled with sadness as they pleaded for an answer.

He looked at me confused searching my face for an answer before he looked at our hands and back at me as if he didn't catch on yet. But only for a second.

He quickly looked back at me in disbelief and snatched his hand away pulling his sleeve down. He stood up fast and backed into the door, he looked scared. I stood up and came closer to him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked as softly as I could, not trying to scare him even more.

"I-I," his eyes started to fill up again, "no-no, no, no. You're not supposed to know!" He panicked, his voice was strained and even though he tried yelling it came out as if he was speaking only a little loudly.

"Let me help, Noah. Please, just let me in." I begged, just wanting my best friend to be okay.

I moved closer to him but he just tried to back up more but failed. His hand grabbed the doorknob but before he could open it I pulled him into my embrace. He tried to retaliate but surrendered after a failed attempt and hugged me back and cried into my shoulder. I held him closer to me, not ever wanting to let go of my b- Noah.

I never want to let him go.

I could only wonder about why he does it because he wouldn't tell me. He wouldn't even budge. He just said that it was better that I didn't know. No matter my protests he wouldn't tell me.

"Noah please tell me. At least give me a hint or something." I sat there on the couch with him, still trying to get answers.

He looked at me and sighed, "It just has to do with my stupid feelings, it's nothing important." He looked away from me as he hugged himself.

Annoyed that he would say that, I fought against his words, "Your feelings aren't stupid, Noah." I said sternly.

"There the ones that got me into this mess." He mumbled but I still heard them.

I sighed at him and came closer to him and wrapped my arm around him. His body movements showed that he was unsure but in the end his head leaned against my shoulder and I pulled him closer, to where he was almost on my lap.

I rubbed his arm as his head rest on my chest, he finally relaxed. I saw his hand in his lap and reached for it, intertwining his fingers with mine.

My Noah

He moved his head and looked up at me. His eyes were no longer red or puffy as they looked into mine. I took my hand out of his and cupped his cheek, which he leaned into. Our lips only centimeters apart before I he backed out and put his head in the crook of my neck.

His breaths were unsteady as he clenched onto my shirt. I was so close. Just one kiss. That's all I've ever wanted from him and I was so close. Why does he not see it yet?

Noah's POV


We almost kissed.

I had to back out. He will never love me. He just wants an easy fuck. I know it's not good to say that about him but it's a possibility. I wanted to do it so bad but I couldn't. What if Mason is right and he is the only one that will love me. I don't like Mason but what if he does love me like he says he does? He even said that Liam won't love me.

Mason is right.

About everything.

I deserve the way I'm treated by him.

Tears started to fall from my eyes and onto Liams neck and he moves me off of him to see my tear covered face.

"What's wrong, Noah?" He asks his hands falling down to my waist.

"I-I c-can't tell you." I sob out covering my face with my hands.

He pulls me to him in a reassuring hug, "You can tell me anything. You trust me...don't you?" He asked worried and wanting confirmation.

I nodded but not returning the hug, my hands still on my face. He consoled me and told me he was lucky to have me in his life.

He said I make him happy.

He said that I am enough.

I do trust him.

Liams POV

I started to feel Noah fall asleep, his breath heavier and his body calm. I slowly got up and picked him up bridal style. He held onto me tightly.

I made my way to my room and uncovered the bed before putting him in the bed and tucking him in. I sat next to him and gazed at his sleeping frame. He looked so beautiful.

Why would anyone ever hurt him? Who would want to hurt him? Just the thought of him hurting himself made me sad. But the thought of someone hurting him made me furious.

As long as I stay by his side, no one will hurt him anymore.

I will never leave his side.

Because I fell for my best friend.

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