Part 4

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Liam's POV

Shit! I forgot that Noah and I were supposed to hang out!

I quickly got off of the guy I was making out with and ran downstairs to see a drenched, shivering, upset Noah putting on his wet shoes.

He came here in the rain.

The pouring.


God, I feel so terrible.

He was about to leave, in the thundering rain, but I ran over to him and grabbed his wrist. His eyes widened with pain as he hissed in a painful breath. His eyes darted towards me as they were filling up with tears.

I hurt him.

I didn't mean to.

I carefully removed my hand, fear of hurting him again, "I'm sorry. I forgot, please stay."

"It's fine, I'm going. Don't worry about me." He put on a small smile when I noticed a red handprint on his neck. It wasn't that noticable but you could see it if you were close enough.

I filled with anger knowing someone put there hands on him, "Who hurt you?" I asked harshly. I saw confusion cover his face before it quickly turned into fear and realization.

"N-no one." He backed up into the door and put his head slightly down.

"Noah," I said sternly, "Who. Hurt you?"

He shook his head but looked back up when he heard someone behind me, "So, are we continuing or not?" The boy said as I looked into Noah's eyes. They looked hurt and broken for reasons I don't know.

Noah grabbed the doorknob, "Don't worry, I'm leaving." He opened the door.

"Noah, stay!" He stopped and just sighed while looking at the pouring rain, "Fine. I'll stay. I'll just be down here."

I sighed of relief, "At least let me get you a change of clothes and you can take a shower."

Noah's POV

I blushed at the thought of wearing Liam's clothes and covered my face by putting my head down, "Thank you."

I took my hand off of the doorknob as Liam closed the door for me. The boy in the background looked annoyed and just over everything, I don't blame him. He stayed downstairs when me and Liam went upstairs to his room.

Liam searched through his drawers and pulls out, a white t-shirt, underwear, and grey jogging pants. I was about to take it before realization hit me.

My scars.

He can't see them.

I pulled away, "Can I get a long sleeved shirt," I ask nervously, "Please?" I add on the last part, my brain still in fear of Mason.

I mustn't forget my manners.

"Uh, yeah, sure." He returned the shirt and gave me a black long sleeved shirt instead.

"Thank you." I nodded my head slightly in thanks before heading out of his room and going into the bathroom.

I turned on the hot water, the steam itself feeling amazing against my cold skin. I hesitantly took off my clothes, hating every second of it, and quickly got in. Once I was in I stopped shivering and let out a big sigh of relief.

I stood in the water, letting it consume me, and just remembered that this whole terrible day started in the. God. Damn. Shower.

I started to wash up slowly, savoring the every last drop of water, and let the suds run down the drain before washing my rain smelled hair.

After rinsing off and turning off the water, I heard the downstairs door slam shut. What the hell?

I dried off and put the clothes Liam gave me on. When I put them on I felt comfortable. It felt different. It felt like everything was ok in the moment. Like him and I actually had something more than friendship.

But I know that is never going to happen.

Mason is right.

He won't ever love me.

I do deserve the pain I get.

I don't deserve anything but the pain.

I don't deserve Liam.

Tears started to form in my eyes as my breath started to quicken. My chest felt heavy and my legs started to feel numb. I dropped to the floor in a fetal position, my head in between my knees, as the tears kept coming.

I was sobbing on the bathroom floor in my best friend's house.

My player best friend.

Liam's POV

I told the boy to get out and he started to argue with me about how he's not going out in the pouring rain. I honestly couldn't care less if it was a blizzard. He had to go. I got him an Uber and once he left he slammed the door.


I slowly made my way upstairs but as I was I heard crying.

Noah was crying.

I rushed the rest of the way upstairs and barged in the bathroom to see Noah.

Crying on the floor in a fetal position.

I dropped to the floor, by his side and tried calming him down, "It's okay. I'm here. Just breath. I got you, Noah. It's okay." I rubbed his back as I whispered to him.

While I was rubbing his back I saw his wrist, his hand was facing up, his sleeve pulled up only just enough for me to see almost every scar,

It had a deep blue, purple bruise on it in the shape of,

A hand mark.

Who. The Hell. Touched Him.

I tensed as anger started to boil inside me but it quickly died down as my eyes widened with disbelief.

He had cut marks on his wrist.

This chapter isn't as long as the others but I just had to leave it on a cliff hanger. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far I love you my little roses.
Love-Ruby ♥️

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