Part 7

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Noah's POV

I wake up in Liam's bed again, but this time he's not by me. I hesitantly get up, still so tired, and go downstairs. I was expecting to see Liam but I didn't. I looked in the living room, I checked the bathroom, the backyard, and the kitchen. I didn't see him.

His keys were gone, he always leaves them in the kitchen drawer and yet they weren't there. I grabbed my phone from the counter and was met with texts upon texts, all from Mason.

I'm in so much trouble.

I go through the texts and it's him telling me that I'm going to be in a lot of trouble when he sees me. I shouldn't have went to sleep.

I decided to text him back, hoping that I will make everything better even though it's unlikely.

Me: I'm so sorry I was asleep and I didn't have my phone close to me

He responded quickly.

Mason: Why didn't you have your phone on you!?

Me: I'm sorry I forgot to take it with me

Mason: I've had enough of you apologizing you're getting punished and that's final. I fucking warned you Noah

Me: No please I'll be good I promise I'm sorry please don't hurt me I'll do anything

He didn't respond. My heart was pounding, I'm terrified. I don't know where Liam is, Mason is angry with me, I'm going to get punished. Where is Liam!? Where is he!?

I need him more than ever right now! I start to hyperventilate and my vision tunnels. A panic attack. I start shaking and I fall to the ground in a fetal position, rocking back and forth as I put my head between my knees. I started to cry, everything being overwhelming.

I don't even know what time it is. It's pretty dark out. I cried louder as time went on. Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days, and still no Liam.

The panic attack was over but everything still hurt. I was still curled up, not wanting to move. My breaths were were shaky and hard, my head was pounding against my skull, and my eyes hurt.

I heard the front door open but I still couldn't move. The person that came in was purposely trying to be quiet. I heard footsteps come closer to the kitchen and a gasp as they rushed over to me. I still didn't look up.

"Noah! Noah, what happened!" It was Liam I looked up slowly and he just reeked of sex.

Did he really leave me here, by myself, to go and have sex? Seriously?

I looked at him in disappoinment and disbelief, "I'm fine." I say weakly and put my head back down, not wanting to see him or smell him.

"Please tell me?" He pleaded and wrapped his arms around me.

I shrugged him off and I didn't have to see him to know that he was taken back, "You smell like sex." It was kind of muffled but he still heard me.

"I-" I cut him off

"Just take a shower." I say and he was hesitant but he left the kitchen and I heard the water start to run.

I knew that he left to go fuck someone but that doesn't mean I wanted to be right. I pushed myself off the floor, grabbed my phone, and I went up to Liam's room and grabbed my slightly wet clothes. I went back downstairs and grabbed a bag to put them in.

I didn't want to be here anymore. I grabbed my socks from out of my shoes, they were dry and my shoes were only a little damp. I put them on, feeling slightly uncomfortable but it was bearable. I could at least leave a note.

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