Part 9

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Liam's POV

I rush out of bed, not caring for the girl, and quickly throw some clothes on. It was a black T-shirt and some grey basketball shorts, even though it's fall I don't care. I grab my keys and rush out the house.

I get in my car and pull out of the driveway. I speed off and drive to Mason's house. I pull up to his house and get out the car, not bothering to turn the car off.

I run up to the house and open the door. It's trashed and no one's in here. I run throughout the house looking for him. I shout his name, nothing. I've looked through every room.

I rush out the house, I groan and run my hand through my hair. My mind was racing and so was my heart. I took out my phone and I tried calling him. No answer. I tried again. No answer. A third time. No answer.

Fuck! I ran back to my car and drove off. I drove to his house. I knocked on the door and it was locked. I knocked, this time more forceful. I started to pound on the door. Nothing. Think, think, think, think! The spare key!


"It's in the dirt under the bush." Noah said while pointing to the ground.

"Why in the dirt?" I asked, actually curious.

"Because you're supposed to hide a spare key, at least that's what my parents told me."

"Oh, okay. I guess that's understandable."

End of Flashback

The dirt! Rush and get on my knees and dig in the dirt until I find the key. My hands are dirty but I don't care, I just want my Noah. I unlock the door and run inside. I look everywhere, in his room, the bathroom, his parents room, the kitchen, the living room. Everywhere!

Where are you, Noah!?

Noah's POV

I went into the woods and took the dirt path. Liam and I used to come here when we were kids. It's crazy to think that we've been best friend's for this long. Now it can just be him.

We had a good run. We had our good and bad moments. We laughed we cried. We had each other. I used to have him, but that changed. I just wanted to be happy. With him. But that won't happen.

I keep walking, making it to the end of the woods and met by a cliff. Liam and I used to hang out right here all the time, before he became to 'preoccupied.' Don't get me wrong, I still love him. Love has to die at some point, doesn't it?

I walk just a bit closer, looking at the edge. I look up and see the sunrise. It's so beautiful.

The sun is a star

A star that will burn out

Love is a spark, as they say

A spark and a star need to die at some point.

The cool fall wind blows against me and I close my eyes. This feels right.

Just a few more steps and I won't have to feel like this anymore.

No more pain.

No more restless nights.

No more suffering.

Just a few more steps.

Just a take a deep breath and relax.

Liam's POV

I have one more place in mind that I can think of and I hope he's there. I drive way past the speed limit as my heart pounds in my chest and tears threatening to come out my eyes. I wipe them away as they kept building up.

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