Part 6

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Liam's POV

I fell asleep sitting up with Noah asleep laying down next to me. I tried to stay awake for him so when he woke up I'll be awake but I couldn't stay up for that long.

I woke up, my neck hurting. I roll my neck around and grunt before opening my eyes. I expected to see Noah right by my side,still asleep, but he wasn't there. I started to panic and I jumped out of my bed and ran out the room.

"Noah!" I yelled to him, hoping he's okay.

I ran down the stairs and saw him in the kitchen cooking a grilled cheese. I sighed out of relief while he looked at me alarmed. I walked over to him and grabbed him into my embrace.

"I didn't see you. I thought something happened." I hugged him tighter while he rubbed my back.

"I didn't want to wake you." He pulled away and he looked as if he disappointed me.

I gave him a smile and placed my hands on his shoulders, "You did nothing wrong, Noah. Thank you."

"For what?" He said puzzled.

"For being in my life." I smiled and he blushed looking away and flipping the grilled cheese.

"I made you this." Noah said changing the subject and grabbing a plate from the cupboard.

"Did you have one?" I asked watching him plate it and handing it to me, I take it.

"I'm not hungry." He says putting the pan in the sink and turning the faucet on, making the pan sizzle under the cold water.

"Noah, you have to eat something. I haven't seen you eat today." I said setting the plate down on the counter.

"I'm just not hungry." He crosses his arms and leaned against the counter, "You should eat that before it gets cold." He said softly, looking down at his feet.

I know he just wanted to change the subject so I stopped pushing it and just picked up the grilled cheese and took a bite. There was an uncomfortable silence and it wasn't pleasant. Noah and I never have a silence like this, it's always comfortable when he's around.

He still stood there just looking down. I saw his facial expression change multiple times. He looked disappointed, angry, and sad. Overall he looked stressed and tired. How have I never noticed this?

The silence was getting too unbearable so I slowly spoke up, "So, how are your parents?" He looked like I just asked something as if it were forbidden. He looked at me and then looked back down.

"There fine." He cleared his throat and it went back to silence.

I hated the silence. He was holding back something and I needed to know what. I was about to ask him but someone called him.

He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at the caller. He visibly tensed up and clenched his jaw. He answered and brought it up to his ear.

"Hello?... I'm hanging out with Liam... I'm won't, I promise... He's right next to me... No... No I'm sorry." I wanted to know who he was talking to and what they were talking about. He looked uncomfortable and upset,

"M-Please!" He looked even more upset as his eyes darted towards mine then back to the floor just as fast, "I won't, I'm sorry, please." He was on the verge of tears and I was about to just take his phone and talk to the person myself but he hung up before I could and set his phone down on the counter.

"Who the hell was that?" I asked trying to control myself.

He turned to the side and hugged himself, "It was no one."

"Noah, it was clearly someone!" He jumped when I yelled and I calmed down immediately, "I'm sorry I yelled, but I need to know. Who is doing this to you, Noah?" I asked, my voice going soft.

"I can't say." He says quietly.

"Can you at least look at me?" I asked pleading. I just want to see his face, his beautiful face, be happy.

He turned towards me and I walked to him, "Tell me." I placed my hands on his waist and he blushed lightly and looked down at our feet.

"I want to, I really want to. But I can't." He let his head fall onto my shoulder and I pulled him closer to me, wrapping my arms around him.

"Can you at least tell me when you're ready?" He was hesitant but he nodded.

"You are so very beautiful, Noah. Don't forget that." He looked up at me in disbelief. Not at me but to himself, "You are beautiful, Noah. Believe me." I hugged him tighter as he put his head back down.

My Noah is very beautiful.

Noah's POV
(Back to the call)

I saw that it was Mason who called me and I started to panic, I answered, "Hello?"

"Hey, babe. What are you doing?"

I was hesitant but I had to tell him the truth, "Im hanging out with Liam."

"If I find out that you two did something you're in trouble." He already sounds angry.

"I won't, I promise."

"Where's Liam?"

"He's right next to me."

"Did you eat?"


He sighs, "Even though you've been good, you have been bad and I've been holding back, but you do need to be punished."

"No, I'm sorry." I say quickly in fear.

"No, Noah. Tomorrow you will be punished." He sounded even more frustrated and angry as my fear only grew.

I felt the tears bridge my eyes in fear, "M-please!" I was about to say his name but Liam was still by me.

"Don't do anything that you shouldn't be doing, Noah."

"I won't, I'm sorry, please."

"I'll think about it, babe." He hung up.

"Who the hell was that?"

Liams POV (Now)

I just want him to be genuinely happy, he doesn't deserve the pain he gets. Now that I know, I will be at his side as much as possible.

I pulled him away and looked at his sad, tired eyes, "You still look tired, Noah. You should get some more sleep."


I connected our hands and walked him back to my room. I laid him down on the bed and I sat by him until he fell back to sleep, which was only about 2 minutes.

I got up and went back to the kitchen to finish the grilled cheese. While I was eating I saw Noah's phone on the counter. I grabbed it and saw his lock screen background and I smiled. It was me on the swing smiling. He took the picture and I didn't like it but he said that he loved it, so he kept it. I didn't even know this was his background.

I was remembering that day when a text came up on his phone, it was from Mason.

"Hey babe."

I thought they weren't a thing? Did he lie to me? He wouldn't do that...would he? No, what am I saying? Noah, wouldn't lie to me even if he wanted to, plus he's not too good at it.

I put his phone back down on the counter and finished the grilled cheese. I washed my plate and I washed the pan since I was already cleaning something.While I was washing the pan my mind wandered.

Was it wrong to love him? Does he love me back? Does he truly trust me? I want him to know that I trust him with my life and I will never betray him. I want him to know that I love him. I want him to know that everyone I've messed with is to forget the feelings that have for him, but my feelings were too strong. I could never replace or forget him.


I want him to know that I'm in love with him.

But I need to forget those feelings.

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