Part 8

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It's later in the night, about 9 to be exact. I was dressed and waiting for Liam to come over so we can get going.

We agreed that he will come over to my house, drive to Mason's house, then go to his house after the party.

I was dressed in a white shirt, a light blue jean jacket, and grey fitted jeans. I had just gotten done with my hair when Liam knocked on the door.

I went downstairs to open the door and when I saw him I blushed. He had on a leather jacket, a white shirt, and black fitted pants. Classic bad boy look. He looked sexy as hell.

"Uh- h-hey." I stuttered and blushed more out of embarrassment.

"Hey, you look good." He smirked and I blushed even harder.

"T-thanks." To damn with this stutter.

"Come on, we should go." He held out his hand and I hesitated but I grabbed it.

He lead me to his car and opened the door for me. I thanked him and got in as he closed my door and headed to his side. He got in and drove off. It was a comfortable silence until we got there.

Mason's house was fairly big compared to Liam's. The music was loud and blaring, there were multiple colors of lights, and a lot of people.

We parked on the street and as Liam was opening his door I just sat there looking at the house.

"You alright?" His tone was worried as he placed his hand on mine.

I snapped out of my trance and looked at him, "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking."

"You don't have to go you know?"

But I have to, "I know, I want to."

He sighs, "Let's have some fun then." He smiles and gets out the car and I do the same.

We walk up to the house and I hold onto Liam's arm. We walk in the house and there's drunk and dancing teenagers everywhere.

We walk around some more and spot...are- are those college students? And there chugging beer cans, great. I'm definitely in my comfort zone right now.

Without noticing, Liam lead me to where everyone was dancing. He smiled at me, took my hand, and twirled me around. I chuckled as I danced with him, our body's moving to the beat of the music.

While we were dancing Liam would have a bottle of beer and I took a sip and gagged. Yeah, not for me. We kept dancing together and it was a lot of fun.

Liam went to go to the bathroom and I waited for him by a wall. I was waiting for about 5 minutes before I decided to go look for him. I wandered the house a bit and came across a room. Maybe it was the bathroom, only one way to find out.

I entered the room but only found a bedroom. I was about to leave before someone pushed me back in.


I stubbled backwards as I backed into a wall.

"Noah." I saw him and he just reeked of alcohol as he walked closer to me, closing and locking the door behind him.

"M-Mason?" He grabbed onto my hips and brought mine to his.

I tried to push him back but his grip was too strong, "Mason, please let me go!" I pleaded but he only got angry.

"No, you listen to me, bitch! I told you, you were going to get punished when I saw you!"

"Mason, you're drunk!" I pushed him away but he quickly pinned me to the wall. It would be a great time for Liam to notice I was gone!

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