Chapter 1 ~ Really..?

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You were walking down the streets on the way to U.A high school. You had an interview there, you wanted to work with you 4 friends. Nemuri was your best friend and had been since birth, Shota met you in preschool and Hizashi in middle school (in this the teachers are younger). You lot had always been together. You did a lot. But you still actually haven't had your first kiss! Like god your 22 but jeez you must really lack the skills if you can't get a guy and your freaking quirk is based around love! Hey! You still had a great life and you didn't have parents... but you had your friends!

You arrived

Walking down the halls you got to Nezu's office and sat down. You talked for ages and about what classes you can teach. You couldn't teach English to save your life, Hizashi always had to help your dumbass with English. You were always good with science so Nezu decided to add a new subject, Quirk Science! You were over the moon to hear about this you had been wanting this for years and you finally have gotten a job here with friends. You walk over to Shota and he was in the middle of teaching but you straight up hug him "Woah Woah someone is happy." he hugged back and let out a chuckle. "I got the job! I'm gonna be teaching a new subject!" His eyes looked shocked you two were stilling hugging. "I'm the new quirk science, teacher!!!" You were practically bouncing up and down of excitement. "Aizawa-Sensei is she your girlfriend~~?" The pink alien girl asked. You heard 'Oooo' from around the room. "She's my best friend and has been for years, Mina." He said to his class. "I'm Y/N L/N. But since I'll be your teacher for a subject soon just call me L/N. If Aizawa doesn't mind you can ask me questions so you can get to know me." You said smiling brightly. Aizawa nodded. Hands shot up and you pointed to the green-haired boy. "H..Hi I'm I-Izuku M-M-Midoriya, I w-wanted to ask a-about your quirk.." Izuku caught your attention as a very shy boy he was very flustered too. "My quirk is Cupid, Basically I have 10 arrows a day. I can shoot them from my fingers! Either a distraction or I can find that person their partner which they are destined to be. It doesn't work on myself." You saw the boy taking notes. "Your the pro hero lovely?!" Mina squealed and you nodded. You picked a boy with purple balls on his head. "Are you single and how old are you?" The very abrupt question confused you but you answered. "I am single and I'm 22. This doofus (Aizawa) May look 40 He's actually 23." Aizawa rolled his eyes and a couple class members chuckled. "Well Mineta, You shouldn't ask a ladies age it is very rude! And you don't need to know if she is single she is older then you!!" A blue-haired boy called waving his arms around. "I am ever so sorry Miss L/N on behalf of Mineta. I am Tenya Iida! Class Representative!" Iida was really passionate about it and that made you smile. The class got to know you a bit and You learnt most of there names which were a good thing. The bell went and you got stopped by Aizawa. "Y/N we will be going to the USJ tomorrow, will you join me and Thirteen tomorrow..?" You nodded and left.

You walked home.

God today was fun! You got accepted as a teacher! But a whole new subject?! You were ecstatic! Nezu seemed really prominent about it. You didn't think this could ever happen, you couldn't wait to tell Nemuri and Hizashi but you had to contain your excitement. Just breath in and out you say to yourself. You turn to walk into the alley to go home.

??? POV

"Wow, she's perfect.." The voice said and they saw you look up but disappeared. They heard...


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