Chapeter 2 ~ We got her!

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The chapter is late but long I promise it was worth the wait!  it's over 1,500 words!


You carry on walking home after you hard that voice and spoke to that person, you didn't know where it came from or who the voice belongs to you were oblivious to them. You shook it off as a strange but ignored it. Maybe kids playing games who knows. Kids play tricks like this all-around your neighborhood. You had to stop at a store to get a couple of bits then headed your way home.

You got to your home, you found the door already unlocked and you got scared and straight into a fighting stance but it was just your three friends who had already stole your snacks and we're on the couch. They beat you here since you had to pop to the store. "Wow, I'm not surprised. HEY, THERE MY BANANA CHIPS!" You leapt on Shota to get your chips. (If you don't like bananas I'm sorry to replace them with something else) "Never. There mine N/N." He chuckled. You glared at him. Nemuri had your F/F and you just pouted and got up to leave. "We will share." They all said and you came back on the sofa.

Time hope of a couple of hours brought to you by Shigaraki applying chapstick:

Shigaraki put chapstick on. The whole world was shook. He then showered *Cough*, unfortunately, *Cough* NO SHIRTLESS SHIGARAKI (Yet) back to the story if still alive and here.

All four of you had fallen asleep. You were on Shota's chest. Nemuri was leaning on you and Hizashi leaning on Nemuri. Four in a row. You guys were the closest and you had many beautiful memories...


You were running around like mad Nemuri chasing you, since you were in UA you had stolen her whip and she was trying to get it back from you and you bumped into Shota. "Shota help!" You screeched and he held you very confused as you hid in his chest. Nemuri ran and got her whip back and whipped you as a lesson. Shota let go of you. "Thanks, bro!" You said and ran off.

End of flash back

Time skip to the next day brought to you by Toga being normal:

"Hi, how are ya?" She said. You ran because you knew this meant shit.

You had woken up all together a decided to walk to school all together. You went of with Shota to his class room. "Miss L/N-Chan!" Mina called. "Yes Mina-San?" She looked over excited "Is it true we're going on a trip and your coming?!" You nodded as a response and she jumped up and down. You never knew such a bub,ble class "So it's to the USJ?" I heard Ochako (Uraraka) Say. "Yes, I believe so" Iida hummed in response which for a nod from Izuku and Ochako.

Time skip 1o minutes brought to you by Mic doing karaoke.

"I'm GoNnA SwInG fRoM tHe ChAnDlEr"

You we're all sat on the bus and you sat with Shota who was already falling asleep so you did too. You fell asleep hiding in a blanket you brought with you just so you can fall asleep on the bus.

The bus finally reached the USJ. You were woke up not knowing who you slapped the person and saw it was Shota. "Don't wake me up." Bluntness filled your voice as you were still half asleep. All the students got out the bus and into the USJ you were talking about rules and stuff until all of a sudden the lights went out. Purple most filled the room. You hug Shota as you did as a child. He hugged back then you both ran into action. You ran straight into attack mode. You shot an arrow distracting two villain. You punch another one. You had to shoot another arrow so you did and your eye started bleeding blocking your view and only giving you one hand free but your carry on. You knock another couple of villains till purple mist consumes you and you pass out due to blood loss. You had been weaker while fighting this time you would typically have a pole to help. You would beat your self up about that for ages when you were soon to wake up. Well, you hoped to be surrounded by heroes.

Two hours later

You wake up tied to a chair and your hands we're bound to the pint your wrists bled so did your ankles. "She's up!" A blonde shrieked (I know she isn't meant to be in but Ye) "Shush toga." It was the same voice who called her perfect. You looked around not seeing anything you were in the dark just wanting to get out. "Ooo who we got here." An odd voice said. "You okay dollface you seem to be in a bit of a panic." He walked closer you could only just about see his piercing turquoise eyes gleaming into your beautiful eyes, you E/C reflecting off his. You noticed his purple odd skin but kicked him away. "Feisty. I like it." The scarred man walked off. So did the girl, Toga you couldn't see her thought but you knew she left. One man was in the room the one that called you perfect.

You had only just surpassed endeavor meaning you were #2 best hero. You typically put up a good fight but without your pole, you weren't at your best. You hadn't found love is kicks and punches we'rent that strong but still pretty good. When fighting you were also very smart with it too. You knew you'd be all over the new as messing but never mind that, you'd lose your place as q hero something you worked very hard for. What if people found you? What if you get killed?

He walked closer and put four fingers on your cheek fear struck your eyes you didn't want him anyway near you. "No need to be scared Lovley. We won't hurt such a pretty girl like you. But that's not a promise. We want you to join the league of villains." He smirked under his hand. "NO IM A HERO!" She exclaimed desperately at her moment of despair you wanted out but no matter how much you wanted to. "I'll kill you." He said stone cold your eyes widened. "F..fine!" You cried. "I'm Tomura Shigaraki, Welcome to the league of villains Y/N L/N." You shook hands him keeping a finger off. You felt four fingers followed by another four on your face placing and eye patch on you. You blushed as you felt his hot breath against your ear as he untied you from the chair too.

You got up and he took you into the bar. What you assumed to be Toga ran over with knives. "BESTIEEEEEE!" She screeched. You held your ears sensitive to sound. "Silence toga." Shigaraki silenced her. You took your hands away from your ear. "I'm Toga Himiko!" She said catching a knife. "Dabi is my name dollface." He said bluntly checking you out. Since you were in your pro hero outfit. "Kurogiri. Get Y/N some clothes." Tomura demanded. Kurogiri disappeared then reappeared cloths in hand. Stolen clothes might I add. Some how he managed to guess your clothing size and got it spot on. You too the clothes and got changed. You made your way back down. "Well what now?" Dabi looked bored. "The USJ failed. Aizawa saw his best friend disappear. He's hurt like Thirteen." The blue hairs boy said calmly. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO SHOTA!!" You screamed. "What's wrong its not like you were dating him." He snapped back. "NO, BUT HES BEEN MY BEST FRIEND FOR 14 years!!" You started to shaking you were getting so mad. "HES ALWAYS BEEN THERE FOR ME!" You were pissed. Dabi was laughing. "Dollface is cute when she's mad." He still was chuckling. You storm out. To the first bedroom you find you began crying and flopped onto the bed.

Later on Dabi came to his room to find you there, asleep. He picked you up and put you in Shigarakis room. So he won't have to deal with you. You slept soundly. Dreaming of seeing Shota and Nemuri and Hizashi. They meant everything to you especially after the death of your parents. You were crying in your sleep. But you felt someone in the room so you stopped crying and slept soundly no problems. "We got her." He smirked.

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