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The pic on the side is actually Melody and her outfit for the first day in the story.

I don't even know why I do this to myself. I'm currently laying in my bed on a Saturday evening, watching Netflix, eating ice cream, and sobbing my eyes out as the Titanic slips under water.

I've gotten up to go to the bathroom, to get food, and to take Bear out. I haven't spoken to Alyssa and she hasn't spoken to me.

Everyone is trying to get me to tell them what's wrong, but I'm not telling. I don't want to.

I really need to get out of here. I've been crying over sappy depressing romance movies all damn day.

It's times like this where I realize how right that Mason is. A dog is a man's best friend, but a woman's also.

My puppy can't judge me.

I toss the ball across my room for him and he runs for it, and then brings it back.

It's really not fair for Bear. He wants to play but I'm too lazy.

I give in and shower and dress, and then I grab the ball and I strap him to his leash and leave without telling my parents where I'm going. They don't seem to care.

I walk to the beach and go far from every person. I toss the ball to him until well after dark, and then I go back home.


ISS is so awkward. I can't wait until this bullshit is over.

Everyone is icily silent. Lauren isn't flirting with Kyle. Instead, she's texting away. Grant is wide awake, observing everything, his earbuds in. I bet that his music is paused though, because I don't hear the heavy medal. Kyle isn't on Facebook, but he's taking selfies and then after every one, he wrinkles his nose and deletes it. The camera is going off every three seconds and it's getting really annoying. Alyssa is sitting away from me, glaring at me, Cole is eying me like a piece of meat, and Mason is sitting at his desk, feet on top, alternating between shooting daggers at Cole and surprisingly at Alyssa, and looking at me.

And then there's me, sitting, trying to pretend I'm not noticing anyone looking at me.

At least the teacher hasn't changed anything...


I hear Kyle sigh, disgusted with his newest selfie.

I'm so uncomfortable right now.

I need a distraction.

I eye the teacher before pulling out my Galaxy s5.

I set it on my desk and dig through my bag for my earbuds.

I pull them out and look at them.

"Dammit. Fucking Bear." I mumble to myself. They're all chewed up.

Sighing, I drop them into my bag.

I was going to go on Netflix.

Whatever. I'll just eat.

I pull out a tub of Nutella. I see Lauren's eyes lock onto the container in my hand. I get out a loaf of bread and a butter knife.

What? I need to be prepared...

Mason snorts. I look at him from the corner of his eye and he's smirking, shaking his head. I guess he's eying me at the moment.

I toasted every piece of bread in this bag last night and put them back in the bag so it's all toast.

Alyssa's stomach growls, cutting the silence. Her whole face gets red.

"What?" she defends. "I love Nutella."

"If you were nice you would be able to have some." I mutter.

"What was what?" she snaps.

"You heard me." I snap back.


"Alright ladies, as much as I love a cat fight, I really don't feel like making this many more awkward." Kyle cuts in. "Shut up."

I purse my lips and eat my Nutella in silence.

This is so awkward...

"Are you gonna share that?" Cole blurts.

I Mason's eyes immediately leave me and shoot daggers at him.

"No." I say. I put my food away and get out a bottle of water.

After staring at it for a moment, I remember that I ditched my bag in here this morning and only Cole was in here when I did so.

Plus, the water doesn't look clear anymore, it looks cloudy.

I hold it up to the light, and sure enough, there's little particles floating around in it.

That bastard.

I stand up and slam the bottle down on Cole's desk. "Asshole." I mutter. I take my seat again.

Mason looks like he's going to kill Cole. He's fidgeting in his seat, too.

I know if I asked Mason, he's give me his headphones to use...

I think about asking him, but I know I can't. I hate him anyways.

No you don't.

Shut up, I tell my conscience.

No. You don't hate him.

I sigh loudly, irritated.

I know I don't hate him, but Alyssa's not right. I don't push everyone away. I simply tell people what I want to tell them.

I cast Mason a glance and he's glaring at Alyssa again.

I look at Alyssa and she's glaring at me.

Then I look at Cole, and he's staring at me like I'm candy.

Mason switches back to Cole.

"Stop staring at me!" I snap at Cole. "God, you fucking asshole. I don't like you."

"Mason's been staring at you all day." He points out.

"But Mason's hot." I reply. "And you look like a pedophile. Stop looking at me."

I turn back around in my seat and cross my arms.

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