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chapter twelve : pancakes

i woke up to the sound of my phone blowing up with notifications. i sit up a little and grab my phone from the little table next to the couch.

8:47 am

1,000 + notifications

what the heck? why in the world do i have more then 1,000 notifications from instagram. i unlock my phone and click on the app to see my follower count has gone from 560 to 1,125. how and why are this many people following me all of a sudden? i see i have a few dm's which is weird because the only time i get a dm is when it's from Claire. i open my dm's and see

milliebobbybrown mentioned you in their story

i click on Millies story, and my face became red as a picture of Noah and I came up. a picture of something i don't remember happening. i just remember resting my head on Noah's shoulder not full on cuddling.
but i'm not gonna lie, the picture is pretty cute.

i look around the basement to see everyone still sleeping. well everyone except for Noah. i hear footsteps above my head, and i just assumed it was Noah, so i quietly head up the stairs trying not to wake anyone else. i walked down the long hallway following the noise i'm hearing. i turn the corner to see Noah flipping pancakes in the kitchen. i sneakily tip toe my way up to Noah so i'm right behind him

"boo!" i quietly yelled grabbing onto Noah's shoulders.

Noah jumped in shock and the pancake that he was flipping slid off the pan and all the way over to the counter behind us. the both of us bursted into giggles before Noah spoke up

"you scared the crap out of me y/n" he said still giggling

"oh really? i didn't know" i laughed

Noah chuckled at my sarcasm and went back to making pancakes

"need any help?" i offered

"yeah uh sure!" Noah said smiling.

he grabbed another pan and spatula and passed it to me. i set it on the stove top and turned the burner on. i reached across Noah's pan to get some of the pancake batter, and as i was bringing the spoon back to my pan i got a little bit of pancake batter on Noah's shirt. he looked at me and smirked before wiping some batter on my shirt.

"oops" he said winking at me.

i giggled and flicked some more batter onto his shirt, as he flicked some on my face. i giggled as we kept flicking batter at each other. i backed up trying to sneakily get more batter, but Noah flicked some in my close to my eye, so i went to whip it off, but my hand ended up touching the hot burner causing some of my fingers to burn. Noah's face turned serious as he heard the sizzling sound that came from my fingers.

"oh shit y/n, i'm so sorry. are you okay?" he asked looking concerned.

"uh y-yeah" i said holding onto my burned fingers trying to hide my pain.

"can i see?" he asked again

"um.. sure" i held out my hand for Noah to look at.

"oh crap y/n, that looks bad. one second" he said getting up and walking over to a cabinet.

he grabbed a first aid kit, and i sat on the stool beside him, both of us facing each other. he put some cream stuff of my burn, and wrapped it up gently. i thanked him once he was done wrapping my burn, and we just sat there staring into each others eyes for who knows how long, before we got interrupted by Finn

"um not to ruin this moment, but what happened here?"

Noah and i whip our heads to see Finn and everyone else behind him.

"well long story short, we got into a little pancake batter fight and y/n burnt her finger." Noah chuckled.

everyone laughed and grabbed the pancakes that we made before throwing the rest of the batter. we all sat down and ate our breakfast, and continued on with our mornings.

i went upstairs to get changed into some clothes i brought over because there was no way i'm going back to my house right now. i walk into the bathroom and before i start to get changed i hear my phone buzz. i grab my phone that was setting on the sink to see i got text.

a/n - hi again leaving you on a nice cliffhanger;) well i'm bored and i should probably be doing my homework, but i rather not hehehe

word count : 790 🥰

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