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chapter thirteen : a nobody that became somebody

i grab my phone to see that Mia texted me.

y/n wtf



oh yeah i meant to tell u lol. noah is my neighbour.


yeah i had no clue 😂

this is so exciting!! oh and tell gaten to hmu

omg ahaha okay lol

okay well gtg! have fun with ur future husband 😂💗

he's not my future husband

and ttyl 😘

read 10:25 am

i put my phone back down and got changed.

~time skip to later that night~

everyone thought it would be fun if we all had a double sleepover, and of course i'm not going to pass down the opportunity to have a sleepover with my idols and my celebrity crush, and we don't have to worry because it's summer break. even though i know i'm probably going to be killed when i do return back home with James. i'm trying my best to not think about that though.

my thoughts get interrupted by the sound or a door bell. caleb rushes over to the door and yells


he opens the door and pays the man, then comes back into the house with two large boxes of pizza. we head back down to noah's basement. millie turned on some music and connected it to her speaker, and we had a little dance party. after a few songs millie turned down the music and everyone turned towards her to see why

"wait a minute" she started

"y/n, didn't you used to dance?"

"yeah, i still do" i replied with a smile

"omg can i see a video or something?!" millie squealed.

"uh i guess so" i say as i pull out my phone to show her one of my favourite solos. (it's the video at the top.)

we sat on the couch and everyone crowded around to see my dance. we sat in silence with just my music playing for a couple of minutes. once it was done i heard lots of 'wows' and 'woahs'

"holy crap y/n that's amazing" millie said

"how do you do that?" gaten added

"yeah how do you get your leg up there?" finn added trying to lift his leg up

"omg y/n you should totally post that on youtube!" sadie said

"yes that's a great idea!" noah said

"oh i don't know guys..." i said with my head down.

"you totally should!" caleb said

"okay okay i will" i said as everyone's faces lit up

i created a youtube channel and uploaded the video.

"okay done!" i said.

"yay!" they all yelled while doing a little celebration dance.

i just giggled at them, and turned my phone off.

after around an hour of just talking we decided to go live on millie's instagram account since she has the most followers.

"hey guys !!" millie yelled into her phone.

people started joining the live really fast, and after only 5 minutes of being live there was 33.5k viewers. i was a little scared to be honest. 33.5k people are watching me right now. there were lots of comments asking about who i was, and how i knew millie, but millie answered them for me. then millie said

"hey you all should go and subscribe y/n's youtube channel! she just made it about an hour ago, and she is an amazing dancer! i'll pin her username in the comment section."

millie tapped on the comment section at the bottom and typed in my username and pinned the comment.

"thanks mills" i said

after being live for about 30 minutes we realized it was around 1 in the morning. we said our goodbyes to the live and we all went to bed.

i slept on a big mattress with millie and sadie, noah and caleb on either couch, and finn and gaten on the other mattress.

~time skip to the morning~

i sat up on the mattress and rubbed my eyes. i looked around and i saw no one downstairs. i figured they were all awake and upstairs, so i went to go look. i walk up the stairs and heard talking.

"holy crap she's going to flip out when she sees this." a voice said that sounded like finn.

"i can't believe this!" another voice said sounding excited. i think it was noah.

can't believe what? where they talking about me? i continue to walk down the hall and into the kitchen. everyone's head turned and big smiles grew on their faces.

"y/n your up!" noah exclaimed

"you'll never believe this" sadie said passing me her phone

i was very confused until i looked down at what was on her phone. my youtube channel. i looked at the screen in shock.

"i-is this real?" i asked

"yup!" finn replied.

my video had blown up over night and it has
3 million views, was number 5 on trending and i had almost 1 million subscribers.

"wow" i whispered.

"i know it's crazy right?" caleb said.

"and look at this!" sadie said taking her phone and going on instagram. she clicked on my profile, and handed the phone back to me.
i now had 248k followers on instagram.

it felt like a dream.

yesterday i was just a nobody, and now i'm somebody. people know who i am.

a/n - hey guys so i changed the title and the cover of this book, because i feel like there are lots of people who's books are titled  "wrong number" so i changed it lol
and tysm for 200 reads it means a lot 💗

word count : 967 💓

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