Episode 6

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   ANNE HAS ADMITTED HER FEELINGS FOR GILBERT. I REPEAT, ANNE HAS ADMITTED HER FEELINGS FOR GILBERT!!!!! She was so cute and precious, and she actually said WHEN THEY WERE DANCING IT FELT LIKE THEY WERE ELIZABETH AND DARCY (exactly what I thought), and called him her "true love" and "destiny"!!!! (And then Gilbert introduces her as a "clasmate and family friend", urgh.) And the part where she's watching him out of the window and then he sees her and waves was so cute and funny too. Then she was wearing this pretty dress and her hair was down and Diana was encouraging her and getting her hopes up AND THEN GILBERT BROKE MY POOR BABY'S HEART. AND WHEN THEY WERE ABOUT TO DANCE SHE LOOKED SO HOPEFUL, LIKE SHE THOUGHT MAYBE IT WOULD BE LIKE WHEN THEY DANCED IN SCHOOL, but nope. HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO HOLD HER AT ARM'S LENGTH AND TRY TO DANCE WITH WINNIE THE SAME WAY HE DANCED WITH ANNE, FLIRTY AND LOOKING AT HER THE WHOLE TIME! Anne looked so sad, it hurt. :( And the fact that he made her go back to feeling like no one would ever look at her that way makes me so mad.

   I'M SO ANNOYED AT GILBERT RIGHT NOW, HE'S ACTING LIKE SUCH AN IDIOT, WHAT IS HE DOING?!?! WINIFRED IS "EASY TO BE WITH"?! And he seemed a bit insensitive this episode? Which is weird because I saw an interview where Lucas said empathy was one of Gilbert's best qualities. I just think if Gilbert saw Anne crying and visibly upset, he would ask her what's wrong, not be like "Were you chopping onions?" (Okay that bit was kind of funny though) or "Mary would have found that really, really funny" when that's clearly not even the main thing she's upset about. And like, how dumb is he that he didn't even realise she just said "It's fine, I'm fine. Honestly, I wish you two every happiness"? AND LATER ON HE BRUSHES OFF ANNE WHEN SHE'S TALKING ABOUT HOW WRONG IT WAS THAT BILLY ASSAULTED JOSIE AND NOW PEOPLE ARE BLAMING HER!? When Mary said having a son while she was young wasn't her choice, he seemed to understand, so why is he being like this in a similar situation?! I can't believe she snapped and said "Need to catch a train to Charlottetown?" 👏👏 Go off, sis.

   BUT AT LEAST WE GOT DERRY, I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY KISSED!! It was so cute, the way he asked and went to kiss her hand and then she kissed him aaaggghh. And then he says "woah!" and they laugh, they're so pure. And then they danced a bit later, and when they were secretly communicating about the book and the handkerchief, man that was so cute. I actually ship them more than shirbert now, mostly because of the way Gilbert's acting. Also, we stan Jerry winning the game that Billy couldn't do in 1 try.

   I hope Anne kills Billy in the next episode or something. I just hate him so much, and I feel so bad for Josie. I appreciate that this show is talking about important issues that are still relevant today, though. I do hope Anne asks Josie before putting something in the newspaper about it though, I think that's what she was doing at the end. But I love how Anne is standing up for her and believing her when no one else is, even though she was mean to her in the past.

   "JoSiE's RePuTaTiOn Is RuInEd." Jane, I like you, but you can be really insensitive. Stop it.

   Ruby and Moody are so cute, that little wave was adorable. And she asked him to write a song about her, lol. So precious.

   Matthew and Marilla are so pure, I love how they cheered Anne up and went in the hot air balloon, even though Marilla was kind of scared to. (And the scenery was beautiful btw).

   Delphine is so cute!

   We stan Bash being sassy about Gilbert changing his shirt a million times for Winifred (Urgh).

   Minnie May slays again.

   Ms Stacey asking Matthew to dance and him saying no but then yes when she says it will annoy Rachel was so funny. 😂

   Anne, baking while you have a cold isn't really that sanitary in the first place? But that didn't end up being the problem, lol. I'm glad they added in something that was at least a bit like the books, because it really has been very different this season.

   So the Barry's are really gonna still be looking down on the poor family, even though they realized they were wrong to judge the black family? Smh


   I do appreciate Rachel almost defending Ms Stacey to the other women though, it was nice when she said "She really is a remarkable woman", or something like that.

   AnYwAy, those are my thoughts, what about you guys? While Shirbert was heartbreaking, Amybeth's acting and Anne's character really is shining through this season. And there are some pretty good edits coming from this episode too. 😂

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