Episode 10

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   Sorry I sort of dropped off the face of the earth for a bit but here you go:

   THEY KISSED THEY KISSED THEY ACTUALLY KISSED!!!!! 4 TIMES!!!! I've never been so happy to be wrong in my entire life. The way they both just started running to each other and then her hair was half-up and half-down and she was wearing this beautiful blue dress, and he left his luggage on the train but they didn't care, they just got to each other as fast as they could. The way he cupped her face with his hand, and the camera span around them, it was just wow. And only Gilbert would be like "so wait, you really like me?!" after passionately kissing someone, lol. And the way she kissed him back, ahhh it was amazing! And the way he pulled her closer!! And the way he then kissed her hands!!! But the best part was when he got out of the carriage to kiss her AGAIN, it was so SMOOTH. And Diana was shook lol. Mr Barry must have felt really awkward too. Their waves to each other were so cute too.

   I did feel bad for Winifred though, as there would have been a lot of gossip about the woman then, and like, if you thought you were gonna marry Gilbert Blythe and then he told you he didn't love you, you'd be pretty disappointed. I respect that she told Anne though, like she could have just left them with those misunderstandings but she helped them out, even though she was still sad. And I like how Anne was nice to her too, it's good to see women supporting and respecting each other instead of hating each other over a man.

   Anne leaving Green Gables made me feel so nostalgic and sad, but it was also really beautiful. And seeing all the girls in their long dresses with their hair up!! They looked so grown up, but still themselves, it was just so cute. It was interesting how Matthew and Marilla sort of swapped places, like Marilla became the soft emotional one and Matthew tried to hide his feelings and make 'practical decisions', but he came around in the end and made me cry again, so it's all good.

   I'm so happy Diana got into Queens!! And then I was so sad with the way her parents were treating her and how she was so down, but then Marilla saved the day!!! And then Diana saved shirbert!!! I absolutely loved when she stated yelling at Gilbert on the train, like go off sis! I wish we got a scene where she at least apologized to Jerry though.

   I wished they would have at least mentioned Ka'kwet at least once though, like I get that they wanted it to not have a happy ending because that was more realistic, but I didn't realise we were completely done with that storyline. It just almost seems like they forgot about them, like we didn't even hear about if Anne has written a letter to the newspaper yet. (Why we need a season 4).

   Also we never got to hear about if Prissy got to run the family business or not, or if Tillie ever chose between the 2 Pauls. I also would have liked for Billy to have a bigger comeuppance this season.

   Matthew... didn't die?! I'm so relieved and happy about that!! I guess they thought killing off Mary this season was already enough. (Can you believe the show died with Mary.)

   Elijah brought back Gilbert's dad's pocket watch! Yay! I'm happy he's getting a fresh start with Bash and Delphine and Hazel. And that scene in the graveyard made me cry, as they always do.

   Loved Hazel and Bash finally getting along too.

   "Potato lightbulbs forever!" Moody is underrated, man I'm happy him and Ruby get to go to Queens.

   And I like that Anne and Gilbert tied for first place, it was something in the book so that's cool.

   Matthew and Jerry's faces when Anne and Marilla started talking about corsets 😂. I fully expected Matthew to say "BARN" and for them to both yeet out of there.

    GILBERT'S FREAKING LETTER GAVE MR DARCY VIBES!! AND HE ACTUALLY SAID HE WANTS TO BE ENGAGED TO HER ONE DAY!!! "MY ANNE WITH AN E"!!!!? Beautiful. Too bad it got ripped up :(. It's funny how Anne's letter to him was short and more practical (she asked for her bloody pen back) and Gilbert does this long romantic poetry in his, you would expect it to be more the other way round 😂.

   Anne named the cows Pride and Prejudice, we stan 😂.

   Miss Stacey's goodbye to Anne was so beautiful and such good advice!! And it can also apply to the show ending now :( "You can't know joy unless you've known sorrow. Those of us who can soar to the highest heights can also plunge to the deepest depths." "It's a balance." "That's the beauty of it." "I'll remember." That's also a huge part of the show and Anne's character, like she's very passionate about everything and while there are times she's really sad that just makes the happy times even better. Life has its ups and downs, (and this season has been an emotional roller coaster) but overall it can be pretty great.

   Aw yay, we got to see Cole and Aunt Jo again! And Cole knowing that Anne really was upset about the letter and hugging her when she cried was beautiful :(.

   I'm so happy Matthew and Marilla found her parents' book for her!! I didn't expect that and it was amazing. Marilla had more growth this season as at the beginning she was not supportive of Anne's quest because she was scared of losing her, but now she's helped her and they're partly experiencing it together.
   It was also wonderful that she saw the painting of her mother with red hair too, and that the last sentence in the finale is "I look like my mother". A main theme in the show is Anne looking for acceptance, and she already has gotten that from other people in Avonlea, but I think now that she sees her mother was like her, (and would have also accepted her,) she's fully accepted herself, and is also finally happy with the way she looks too.

   This was an amazing season, even if there was a few things I didn't like that much (Gilbert did act a bit out of character in episodes 2 and 6, I think it could have been explained a bit more), but they surprised us a lot (focusing on Anne's feelings more than Gilbert's, MARY DYING), and talked about even more important isssues (sexual assault, residential schools, censorship) and had so much emotion, excitement, and beautiful moments.

   Obviously the show being cancelled is horrible, and I think maybe part of the reason it took me so long to upload this is because I'm in denial and this is my last review :(. But I still have hope that we can save the show, so everyone on Twitter, Instagram, or wherever you post your hashtags, KEEP FIGHTING! It might take a long time, but I believe we can do it. It's such an amazing show, and it's so wholesome and pure compared to so many other shows that are out there at the moment! It's literally my favorite show and it makes me happy to be alive. But even if it doesn't get renewed, at least we had it for 3 fantastic seasons, and it has made an impact.

   So, what are you guys' thoughts? Let me know in the comments! I thought this episode was especially exciting and suspenseful.
   So long and goodnight.

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