Danger on the track

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At night time Yang and Neptune arrived to Junior's bar by Yang's motorcycle, once they stopped she said...
Yang: C'mon my friend's right here!
Neptune: And where exactly Is... Here?
Inside the place, club music filled every room, dark walls, neon ladders, bottles of any kind of alcohol, a shiny floor, people with red glasses and dark clothes, and in the main hall a big guy with two girls... Two other people ran inside the room trying to close the door as fast as possible...
Guy1: Hurry, close the door she's coming!!
Junior: What are you two idiots doing!?
They looked each other and then yelling trying to explain but by distance they didn't sounded... An explosion broke the door and sent those guys flying, while a Red like Roses remix started (Yellow trailer soundtrack)
Yang: Guess Who's back~!!
Almost then, Black dressed guys pointed their guns at Yang while club music was cutting out... Music stopped.
Neptune: *Behind Yang* Yeah so you could define friend for me?
Junior: *walking across his people* Stop! Stop! Nobody shoot! *Arrives* Blondie you're here!... Why?
Yang: *Walks foward* You still owe me a drink...
Yang grabs Junior from his neck and then drags him.
Neptune: Woah... What a woman...
Neptune looks at malachite twins
Neptune: 'sup
Both: Hmmp! Whatever! *Walks away*
Meanwhile with Blake
Blake and Sun arrived to a place with White Fang's sign, Blake saw on the corner two faunus walking with another and he let them pass to an unknow room...
Blake: This Is it...
Sun: You're sure? *Blake makes a frown*
Sun: Y'know i'm just gonna take your word for it...
Blake and Sun kept walking an through another corner saw a White Fang member giving instructions to new recruits... Blake takes off her bow and then takes a mask...
Sun: *Annoyed* I don't get It, if you believe what you're doing is right, why hide who you are?
Blake: The masks are a symbol, humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to done the faces of monsters.
Sun: Grimm masks, that's kinda dark...
Blake: So was the guy who started It...
Sun: Always sunshine and rainbows with you.
The both used their masks and walked inside the room, there was a lot of Faunus both recruits and members, and infront was a big White Fang emblem curtain and a member, after everyone was inside the room he started to talk
White Fang member: Thank you for coming, for those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of us... *Roman Torchwick walks inside the room* I can assure you, he's the key to obtaining what we have fought for, for so long.
Sounds of jeering started from the crow...
Roman: Thank you! Thank you! Hold your applause!!
An annoyed faunus girl pointed at Roman...
Faunus girl: What's a human doing here!!?
Roman: I'm glad you asked dear, now i'll be the first to admitt, humans are the WORST... Case in point, so i understand why you would love to see us all locked away, or better yet: killed... So..
Sun: *Whispering to Blake* So, Is he going somewhere with this or...
Roman:---Would like to mention the fact that you and i all have a common enemy, the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty rotten humans that run our kingdom... Government, military, even the schools... they're all to blame for your lot in life...
Blake and Sun looked around and saw Faunus cheering Roman...
Roman: And they're pests that need to be dealt with... Fortunately i'm the best exterminator around, no offense to any rodents in the room...
He makes a sign and behind the curtain and show a stolen Atlesian Paladin, while audience continued cheering...
Sun: *Whispering* Huh, that's a big robot...
Blake: *Whispering* How did he get that!?
Roman: As some of you have had heard, this right here its Atlas' newest line of defense against all the scary things in the world... And thanks to my employer, we've managed to snag before they, uh, hit the shelves... Now, many of your brothers have already moved down to our new operation in the south east if you'd rather stay withnin the city, that's fine. But if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in, this Is the arsenal i can provide you... Any questions?
Every Faunus around was clapping and cheering...
Blake: We should get out of here...
White Fang member: All new recruits walk foward...
Sun: Welp!
Meanwhile with Yang
Junior: I don't know!
Yang: How can you not know?
Junior: I haven't talked to him, i haven't even seen him since the night you first came here... He paid upfront, i lent him my man and none of them ever came back!
Neptune: *Jumps at the table* So where did they go?
Junior: What kind of stupid question Is that? They never came back!... *Points at Neptune* Who's this guy?
Yang: Don't worry about him, worry about me if i don't find what i want!
Junior: I already told you everything! Torchwick hired my boys and i guess he wasn't happy with them! Which is something i can relate to! *Looks at his man*
Yang: C'mon Neptune. *Walks away*
Neptune: We get everything we need?
Yang: Well we got everything we can. Hopefully the rest of the team had luck...
Meanwhile with Blake
The crow continued cheering while the new recruits of the White Fang walked foward...
Sun: What are we gonna do?
Blake: I'm thinking!
Roman saw them and aimed at their direction
Sun: He sees us...
Blake: *looks at Energy generator* He can't see us in the dark
Blake shoot at the Energy generator and lights went off...
Roman: Don't let them get away! Urgh!
Blake: Sun! The window!
Sound of a machine started and lights went up again while Blake and Sun broke the window and started to run, but instantly the stolen Atlesian Paladin broke the wall and ran towards them... while they jumped roof to roof, the Atlesian Paladin was running with high speed behind them...
Sun: So you wouldn't happen to have... Uh i don't know... Some backup???
Blake: On It!!!
Blake sent a call to the rest of team RWBY, first Weiss, next Ruby and last Yang but she was the one close because she and Neptune saw Blake and Sun just at their right...
Neptune: I think that was them...
Yang: Yeah i got It...
Yang drove her motorcycle so fast while Blake and Sun went to the highway with the Atlesian Paladin following them and crushing cars on its way... Inside the Paladin, Roman was making a frown and started to reach them, just at that moment, Yang was behind them...
Yang: We've gotta slow him down!!!
Neptune: Got It!!
Neptune grabbed his gun from his back but before he could point, Roman saw them and started to smash and threw cars behind him to stop Yang's motorcycle...
Yang: Hold on! *Increases speed*
Neptune: Woah!!
Yang drove at high speed while avoiding cars, then Neptune took his gun again and shoot at the Atlesian Paladin, then he turned his gun into a halberd, he jumped from the motorcycle and stab the robot on the head...
Sun: Neptune hang on!!!
Sun used his semblance to create light clones of him to attack the Paladin and then he jumped towards It with his staff, he hit the machine but it moved and hit Sun with Neptune and the both fell to the ground, just in that moment Weiss arrived...
Weiss: Blake I'm in position!!!
She used her rapier to froze the highway before Roman reached her, then the Atlesian Paladin fell to another side where Ruby was waiting, the rest of the team came and then Ruby said an strategy...
Ruby: Freezerburn!!
Ruby, Yang and Blake jumped away while Weiss freezed the floor again and then Yang fell with a powerful Gauntlet hit which turned the ice into mist, Roman tried to look for them and then he saw them running in circles, he tried to shoot at them and only hit a spot between Yang and Weiss, then Ruby attacked with her scythe and went back...
Ruby: Checkmate!!
Weiss and Blake jumped towards It and attacked both of its legs, Weiss stabbed It on the leg with her rapier and then she went back and then used her glyph to help Blake to went back, the Atlesian Paladin fired bullets and Weiss used her glyphs again for Blake and her, then the both made a jump... One of the bullets hit Weiss but before she fell on the ground she used another glyph to improve Blake's ability, Blake cut the other bullets whitnin seconds, Ruby ran and said...
Ruby: Ladybug!!!
Both Ruby and Blake attacked the machine's legs while swinging side to side and then jumped to one of its arms and cut it off, then Yang jumped right behind It and started to hit its head, she hit It many times but then Roman fly towards the brigde pillars to hit Yang, she was badly hurted and then he hit her to another pillar...
Blake: Yang!
Ruby; Don't worry! With each hit she becomes stronger, and she use that energy to fight back! That's what makes her special!
Yang got up, struggle her fist and before Roman could hit her again, she stopped the fist and she hit It and she broke It into metal trash... Roman then kicked her away...
Ruby: bumblebee!!!
Blake used the tie of her scythe-gun to grab Yang, and swing her to the Atlesian Paladin but it moved before Yang could kick It...
Ruby: We need to slow it down!
Weiss: And how do you supose we do that!?
Ruby: Ice flower!
Weiss made another glyph while Ruby used her ice dust bullets to fire through It, turning into five fast ice bullets that froze the Atlesian Paladin and then Yang with Blake's help went at high speed and punched the robot breaking It while Roman fell down...
Roman: Just got this thing cleaned!
Yang used her gauntlet to shoot at Roman but certain two colored girl used her umbrella to block the attack...
Roman: Ladies, ice Queen...
Weiss: Hey!
Roman: Always a pleasure... Neo, if you would...
Team RWBY was ready to fight, Yang ran right at Neo but when she made a hit they turned into broken crystal... They escaped...
Yang: So i guess we got a new Henchmen...
Weiss: Yeah, i guess she really made our plans... Fall apart?
Yang: No. Just, no.
Weiss: What? But you do it!
Yang: There's a time and a place for jokes!
Weiss: Was this not It?
Yang: No, It just wasn't really good!
Well at least i was trying!
Ruby: Wait! Where are Sun and Neptune?
They were on a restaurant.
Neptune: They are fine right?
Sun: Yep... Probably...
Team RWBY arrived to Beacon while the red bowman was waiting for them...
(Y/n): Ruby! Come with me!
Ruby: W-where!? Why?
(Y/n): There's no time to explain! Chaldea has red code! Grimms are breaking to the head quarters!!

To be continued.
Sup guys, i didn't uploated on a long time because i had problems and well, some of my teachers are a serious sh|t, they can't leave me rest so i barely have time, well, that and i had some writer block... But i will try to upload this weekends, my holidays starts almost at the begin of december so when that time comes, i will upload daily, Please vote, comment and follow me, see ya!

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