Two ways

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(y/n): He adopted me after this Holy Grail War, because Fuyuki city end in flames killing many people between them, my parents... Kiritsugu Emiya found me dying so he saved my life and he adopted me, he started to taugh me magic but my magic circuits didn't work... After i fight in the fifth Holy Grail War my magic circuits activated, i became a hero of justice, but i realized that no matter how many lives i saved there will be more that need help... The world itself asked to me if i wanted to protect all the lives i could, i agree and i became a Counter force member...
Saber: I didn't knew that, sorry... But...will you come with me?
(Y/n): Sorry, i need to stay here in Beacon to protect it, and i'm going to get some information about the Archer of this war, but be safe okay?
Saber: You too, i need to tell you something after we meet again...
The next day, Artoria leave (y/n) and take a bullhead to Fuyuki city... meanwhile (y/n) went to tell Ozpin that Artoria wouldn't be in class for medical reasons, after he did team RWBY meet him on the hall so they brough him to Valve again to spend time with them, Vytal Festival has started and people from the different lands of Remnant had come to visit Vale.
Weiss: the Vytal festival is absolutely wonderful.
Ruby: I do not think I've seen you smile so much Weiss, you're scaring me ...
Weiss: How could you not smile? It is a festival dedicated to the cultures of the world. There will be dances, parade and a tournament ...
In that moment, (y/n) got in shock, his premonition wasn't too far as he tought.
Weiss: the amount of organization needed for this type of event takes my breath away!!!
Yang: you really know how to take something good and make it boring, remember me well that we do our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid port.
Ruby: ugh, smells fish.
Weiss: I heard that Vacuo students will arrive on a ship today.
(Y/n): You're gonna try to flirt with them?
Weiss: What!? No, idiot!! *Turns with blush on her checks and whispers* you're the one that i want...
(Y/n): What?
Weiss: Nothing... and as a student of Beacon I consider it my solemn task to welcome you to this beautiful kingdom.
Yang: Do you want to spy on them to have an advantage in the tournament?
Weiss: You can't prove that!!!
Then, Ruby saw a destroyes place, the girls and (Y/n) walked towards the place that was covered with signs of Police restriction only, Ruby asked to one of the police officers...
Ruby: What happened here?
Police officer: Stole. It's the second dust shop that they steal this week. This place is becoming a jungle.
Yang: This is terrible.
Police officer2:  They left all the money again.
Police officer: Yes, this isn't looking to making sense, Who needs that much of dust?
Police officer 2: I really don't now, you got me?
Police officer: You think that was the White Fang?
Police officer: Yes... I think we don't get paid enough...
Weiss: *talking to Ruby, Blake and Yang* The white fang, what a horrible ball of degenerate.
Blake: What's your problem?
Weiss: My problem? I simply don't care of criminals who are insane.
Blake: The white fang are not a bunch of psychopaths, they're just disoriented faunus.
Weiss:Disoriented? Who erases humanity from the face of the earth?
Blake: Then they are VERY disoriented. Even so, it would not explain why they would steal a dust shop in the heart of Vale.
Ruby: mmm... Blake got a point, besides the police didn't got that Torchwick guy that i meet a few months ago... Maybe was him.
Weiss: That doesn't change that the White Fang are a bunch of scum... Those faunus only know how to lie, cheat and steal.
Yang: That's not necessarily true...
Man: Hey!!! Stop that faunus!!!
(Y/n) got into his combat clothes and run towards the ship were the shout came from, team RWBY followed him.
Sun: Thanks for the ride guys!
The faunus jumped from the ship to the port and continued running, while the man yell at him.
Man: Good for nothing stowaway!
The faunus climbed to a pole and starting to eat a banana.
Sun: A stowaway good for nothing would have been caught, I'm a great stowaway.
The police officer threw a rock to him but he avoided it.
Police officer: Hey! Get down of there on this instant!
The faunus threw at him the banana peel, the police officer got mad while the faunus laughed and jumped of the pole, he started to run, he pass infront of team RWBY and (Y/n), when he saw Blake he wink at her and (Y/n) felt a bit jealous...
Yang: Well Weiss you wanted to see the competition so there is it... And he is going away...
Weiss: Quick! We need to catch him!
(Y/n): I will follow him from the sky!!!
Team RWBY ran behind him and (y/n) climbed through the walls to follow him from upstairs... Weiss bumped with a orange haired girl, Green eyes and a black and white dress... While team RWBY stopped, (y/n) kept following the monkey faunus without notice that team RWBY wasn't following him anymore...
Weiss: No! He got away!
Yang: Huhhh... Weiss...
She pointed that Weiss was over a girl who smiled and scared Weiss, she got up as fast she could, the girl on the floor said...
Penny: Salutations!!
Ruby: uh... Hello.
Yang: Are you... okay?
Penny: I'm wonderful, thank you for asking!
Yang: Do you... want to get up?
Penny: Yes!
She moved and got up jumping and team RWBY got a bit away...
Penny: My name is Penny, it's a pleasure to meet you!
Ruby: Hi Penny, i'm Ruby.
Weiss: I'm Weiss.
Blake: Blake...
Yang: Are you sure you didn't hit your head?
Blake hit Yang with her arm
Yang: Oh, i'm Yang.
Penny: It's a pleasure to meet you!
Weiss: You had said that...
Penny: So i did!!!
Weiss: well, i'm sorry for running into you!!!
Ruby: Take care friend!
Team RWBY started to walk away and Yang said:
Yang: She was... weird
Weiss: Now Where did that faunus ruffian go?
They found Penny infront of them...
Penny: How did you called me?
Yang: I'm sorry i didn't knew you heard it...
Penny: No, not you... *Walks towards Ruby* you!!!
Ruby: Me? I, i don't know...
Penny: You called me friend, i am really your friend?
Ruby looked to her team, they make NO signs...
Ruby: Yes sure! Why not?
Penny: Sensational!! we can paint our nails, try on clothes and talk about cute guys like the one who was on the roofs with a red suit and a bow...
Ruby: *Whispering to Weiss* i was like this when you meet me?
Weiss: *Whispering to Ruby* No, She's far more coordinated.
Yang: So... What are you doing in Vale?
Penny: I'm here to fight on the tournament!!!
Weiss: Wait, you will fight on the tournament?
Penny: I'm combat ready!!!
Weiss: Forget me but you hardly look like that...
Blake: Says the girl wearing a dress?
Weiss: Its a combat skirt.
Ruby: Yeah!
The both make a high five.
Weiss: Wait a minute, if you're here for the tournament... Does that mean you knew that monkey tail ruffian? *Blake make a frown*
Penny: Who?
Weiss: the mean faunus of the boat. *Shows a bad draw of Sun*
Blake: Why you keep saying that!!!? stop calling him a ruffian, a degenerated, he Is a person!!
Weiss: Oh sorry, should i stop calling trash can a trash can? Or lamp to a lamp?
Blake: Stop it!
Weiss: Stop what? He clearly break the law, give him time and he probably join the other faunus in the white fang!!!
Blake: You! Ignorant brat!!
Blake started to walk away.
Weiss: How do you dare to call me like that? I'm your teammate!
Blake: you're just a prejudiced child!
Weiss: What on the world makes you say that!?
Yang: uhh... I think we just probably go...
Blake: *talking to Weiss* the simple fact that you think he supports that terrorist group...
Penny: Were are se going...
Blake: *talking to Weiss* based on his species, making you as scoundrel as you think he is!
Weiss: So you admit it? The White Fang is a radical group of terrorists!
Blake: That's not what i mean and you know it...
Behind Ruby and Yang (y/n) arrived...
(Y/n): *Whispering* Girls i lost him after an hour, he's fast, i didn't shoot him any arrows because he walked trought the people... Uhh... What is happening right here?
Penny: Salutations!!
(Y/n): Who are you?
Penny: I'm Penny, it's a pleasure to meet you!!
(Y/n): The name Is Emiya, baby
Penny: Hello, Emiya baby
(Y/n): No, it's just Emiya!!!
Ruby: It's a long story...

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