One vision

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Ruby chase after Penny, that wasn't hard because she was slowly walking on the ladders...
Ruby: Penny where have you been, its been weeks!
Penny: There seems to be a misunderstanding *Starts to walk*
Ruby: What!? Penny, Is everything okay?

The green eye girl ignored her and continued walking...
Ruby: Penny Please stop!.... Look i don't know what is wrong  but you have to listen to me, those guys we fought at the docks...We think they're up to something big... Something bad! I need you tell me what happened to you after that night... Please... As a friend.
Penny: *Gets close to Ruby and whispers* Its isn't safe to talk here....
Meanwhile, Weiss was inside the CCT tower, she walked across the first floor towards the elevator and she got inside while a robotic voice sounded...
Voice: Hello, Welcome to the CCT tower how may i help you?
Weiss: I'd like to go to the communications room please...
Voice: Absolutely, could you please place your scroll on the terminal to verify your identity?
She did it...
Voice: Thank you Miss Schnee...
Weiss was trying to not make a childish smile and then she started to think...
Weiss: I'm a bit confused, i don't know who should i choose, Emiya looks like a cool dude, he's very smart and has a cold personality, don't mention his force and semblance but Neptune looks like a smart guy too, he's fresh and he's kinda funny...
The elevator stopped, she got out and walked towards a virtual girl who saw her...
Woman: Welcome to the beacon cross-continental travel inventor, how may i help you?
Weiss: I need to make a call to Schnee dust company's world headquarters in Atlas.
Woman: Absolutely, if you could head to terminal 3 i'll patch you through.
Weiss: Thank you.
As the woman said, Weiss went to terminal 3 while she was walking she saw some other students making calls to other places like signal, when she sat infront of the computer of terminal 3 she breathe and turned It on.
Secretary: Thank you for calling to Atlas-- Oh! Miss Schnee! Good afternoon! Would you like me to patch you through to your father? I think your sister Winter be here as well.
Weiss: No thank you, i was actually wondering if you could find some files for me, i've compiled a short list.
Weiss used her scroll to send information to the secretary.
Secretary: I see... If you don't mind, what may i ask this is for?
Weiss: School project.
Secretary: Umm... There are some sensitive documents on this list, ma'am...
Weiss: Well then, i'll be sure to treath them with care...
Secretary: *Worried face* Right... Very well, the data Is being transfered to your scroll right now.
Weiss: Wonderful, that will be all then.
Secretary: Are you sure you wouldn't like me to patch you through to your father before you go?
Weiss: Yes... I'm sure.
Secretary: Well then, have a nice day... *Call ends*
Meanwhile with Ruby
Penny and Ruby were at the city, and while they were walking they started to talk.
Penny: I wish i could help you Ruby, but i don't know anything about those men...
Ruby: Well, what happened to you that night? We were all together and then you just disappeared. Were you kidnapped?
Penny: Oh no! Nothing like that!
Ruby: Well then were did you go?
Penny: I've never been in another Kingdom before... My father asked me not to venture out too far, but oh you have to understand, my father loves me very much... He just worries a lot...
Ruby: Believe me, i know the feeling... But why don't you Let us know you were okay?
Penny: I, was asked, not to talk to you, or Weiss... Or Blake... Or Yang... Or anybody really...
Ruby: It was your dad upset?
Penny: No, It wasn't my father...
From the distance general Ironwood's voice was heard... But it was an hologram.
Ironwood: The AK130 has been a standar security of Remnant for several years... And they have done a great job wouldn't you agree?.. But the Kingdom of Atlas its a Kingdom of innovation... And fine, well that's not just good enough Is it? *Behind general Ironwood metal doors opened to show a need Atlesian robot model* Presenting, the Atlesian knight! *Sounds of clapping* Smart, sleeker and admittedly a little less scary, these models will become active later this year but they won't be alone, now, the Atlesian military has always supporting the idea of removing men from the danger of the battle field... However there are still some situations that undoubtedly require a human touch...
Penny: *talking on a slightly low voice ring* Ruby...
Ironwood: So our Kingdom greatest minds, in cooperation with the Schnee dust company are proud to introduce, the Atlesian paladdin! *Ironwood's hologram its changed by a giant Atlesian robot while clapping sounds were heard*  now we couldn't have them for you today but this mechanized suits will be seen defending the borders of our Kingdom withnin this year...
Ruby: woah....
Penny: Ruby... Maybe we should go somewhere else... 
Two Atlesian soldiers saw Penny and ran towards her, she run far away...
Ruby: Penny!!! Where are you going!?
She followed Penny around whie they were chased by the Atlesian soldiers...
Soldier #1: Down here, she went this way...
Ruby and Penny crossed the street without problems while one of the soldiers chasing them was stopped by a car that had almost run over him the other one continued behind the girls...
the first soldier rejoined the persecution, Ruby saw a platform with many boxes and she to overthrow the military knocked it down and then ran faster until she reached Penny, held Penny
Ruby: This way!
Ruby used her burst of roses to propel her along with Penny but by doing it she fell in the middle of the road... A dust till dawn's truck almost hit Ruby but Penny pushed her and then with incredible force she stopped the truck, Ruby saw Penny with an astonished face...
Ruby: Penny?
Penny: *talking to the driver* Are you okay? *Driver makes a Yes noise and nod*
Penny look at her hands and then at Ruby's worried expression...
Penny: Um.... Uhhh...
People started to gather around while saying things like 'did you saw that?' and 'is she okay?' and Penny ran again...
Ruby: Penny!!! Come back!!!
Penny stopped at the end of one empty street while Ruby reached her...
Penny: Uhh!.. umm!! *Looks for any exit*
Ruby: Penny!!!  Please!! What Is going on!? Why are you running!? How did you do that!!!?
Penny: I can't!!! Everything is fine!... *Hiccups* I don't want to talk about it! *Hiccups*
Ruby: Penny if you can just tell me what's wrong i can help you!
Penny: No, no, no, you couldn't understand!
Ruby: Let me try! You can trust me!
Penny: You're my friend right!? You promise you're my friend?
Ruby: I promise!
Penny: Ruby... I'm not a real girl...
Penny showed her hands to Ruby revealing metal skin...
Ruby: Penny... I-i don't understand...
Penny: Most of the girls are born but i was made... I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an aura... I'm not real.
Ruby holds her hands with frendly touch...
Ruby: You are! You think just because you've got some guts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less than me?
Penny: I don't... You're taking this extraordinarily well...
Ruby: You're not like these things we saw back there. You've got a heart and a soul i can feel it.
Penny: *hugs Ruby* Oh Ruby, you're the best friend anyone could have!
Ruby: *muffled* I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower...
Penny: oh, he's very sweet, my father is the one who built me, i'm sure you would just love him.
Ruby: Wow, he built you all by himself?
Penny: Well, almost, he had some help from Mr. Ironwood...
Ruby: The general?... Wait, that's why those soldiers were after you?
Penny: They like to protect me too...
Ruby: Pfft, they don't think you can protect yourself?
Penny: They're not sure if i'm ready yet... One day, it will be my job to save the world... But i still have a lot to learn... That's why my father let me come to the Vytal festival... I want to see what is like in the rest of the world and test myself on the tournament... 
Ruby: Penny what do you mean? Save the world from what? We're in a time of peace...
Penny: That's not what Mr. Ironwood said...
Soldier: *from the corner* She must be here...
Penny: Ruby, you need to hide! *Grabs Ruby and takes her to a trash can*
Ruby: Penny! What are you doing!? You don't have to go with them, i can help you... *She's thrown to the trash can*
Penny: It's okay Ruby, they're not bad people, i just don't want you to get in trouble... Just promise me you won't tell anyone about my secret... Okay?
Ruby: I promise *Hides in the trash can*
Soldier: There she is!
Penny: Salutations officers...
Soldier: Why were you running? And what happened to the other girl?
Penny: What girl? I've been by myself all the day... *Hiccup*
Soldier: You shouldn't cause such a scene...
Soldier 2: Are you okay?
Penny: *Shows her hands* Just a scratch...
Soldier: Penny, your father isn't going to be happy about this! Please, just come with us...
Penny: Yes sir.
Penny and soldiers walked away, while a rat inside the trash can scared Ruby and she fell to the bottom of the trash can... She went out, and started to walk with a disgusted face...
(Y/n): So, that was why that girl had a profesional sword skills...
Ruby: Emiya!!! How long have you been here!?
(Y/n): Well, Artoria and i heard your scandal on the city, we we're doing some investigation and when we heard it we looked for you and found you the moment when Penny stopped the truck, right Artoria?
Saber: Of course.
Ruby: You too!?
Saber: Yes, and i'm the most confused here...
(Y/n): Well, we have other things to do right now, would you like to join us Ruby?
Ruby: *Blush* I would love it, but i have to find Weiss because we were doing our own investigation...
(Y/n): Right, well i'm sure we'll meet again so take care, and here's a cookie for you... *Gives a cookie to Ruby*
Ruby: *Full red face* Thanks and take care too...

To be continued.
I have one more announce, Velvet and Professor Glynda will join Emiya's harem.

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