Lose yourself to dance

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The music was heard as everybody was enjoying a real good time, laughs could be heard too, even teachers were having good times, Ruby was behind the punchbowl looking everything...
Jaune: I see you're hiding in the punchbowl too...
Ruby: Yup...
Jaune: To the socially awkward...
Ruby: *laughs*
Jaune: Wait, look... isn't that Emiya?
Ruby: W-what?
She saw the red bowman with a tux and the beautiful King of knights in her magnificent dress...

 isn't that Emiya?Ruby: W-what?She saw the red bowman with a tux and the beautiful King of knights in her magnificent dress

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(Y/n): Hello guys...
Ruby: H-hello!
Jaune: Woah we didn't know you two were coming...
(Y/n): Well, I was training back at Chaldea and solving some questions, but I decided to come back and have a little bit of time for myself...
Ruby: That's the Way!
Jaune: Yeah... *Looks down*
Ruby: Right, sorry things didn't work out with Weiss...
Jaune: Meh, its fine, Neptune's pretty Cool... i get why she went with him...
Ruby: What do you mean?
Jaune: Not many people can pull off blue hair or white...
(Y/n): Dude...
Ruby: No, i mean Weiss came to the dance alone...
Jaune: Uh!, What!?
Ruby: Yeah, she said she had too much to focus on to worry about boys...
Mean Weiss was trying to put a flower on a decoration, without succes, Blake, Sun and Neptune were laughing making Jaune angry...
Jaune: Hold my punch!
He walked towards them but then followed Pyrrha...
(Y/n): Well Ruby, see you around, don't go to far, may take you to the dance floor later...
Ruby: Yeah, see ya...
The red bowman and the King of knights walked to the dance floor dancing slowly...
Saber: You know Emiya, i never dance as the girl before, i used to dance as the male one...
(Y/n): Very Well then, you know that the girl has to relax...
Saber: Thanks.
(Y/n): For?
Saber: For giving me a lovely night like this~
(Y/n): You're welcome.
The both continued dancing meanwhile,  Jaune was talking to Pyrrha...
Jaune: Hey Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Hello Jaune...
Jaune: You okay? I haven't see you tonight...
Pyrrha: Arrived late, I'm afraid...
Jaune: Well, you look really nice!
Pyrrha: Thank you!
Jaune: Your... uh, date isn't gonna beat me for saying that, is he?
Pyrrha: I think you're safe for tonight...
Jaune: So... where is the guy?
Pyrrha: Theres no guy...
Jaune: W-what?
Pyrrha: Nobody asked me...
Jaune: But That's!....... You are Pyrrha Nikos! How could nobody ask you!?
Pyrrha: I've been blessed with incredible talents and opportunities... I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise... but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place... everyone assumes I'm too good for them... that I'm in a level they simply can't attain... its become impossible to form any sort of meaningful relationship with people! That's what i like about you... when we met, you didn't  even know my name, you treated me just like anyone else, and thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last lifetime! I guess... you're the Kind of guy i wish to be here with...
Someone who just saw me for me...
Pyrrha started to walk away with her head looking down, Jaune noticed...
Jaune: Uh, wait-
Neptune: Hey, uh... Jaune right?
Jaune: *sighs* Yeah...
Neptune: This party is pretty lam, huh? I mean, ballroom dancing? Pbbfff!!!
Jaune: *turns back* Yeah...
Neptune: Cute girls though huh?
Jaune: *grunts* Is that all you think about?
Neptune: Huh?
Jaune: D-do you even care about the girls you're hitting on? How they feel about you!?
Neptune: Woah! Where's this coming from?
Jaune: How could you just turn her down like that!?
Neptune: W-wait! Who!?
Jaune: WEISS!
Neptune: I uh... It, uh... It just didn't worked out, y'know?
Jaune: what!? You think you're too cool!? Too many other options!? Weiss Schnee asked you to the dance, what in the world could possibly keep you from go-
Neptune: I can't dance!
Jaune: I beg you pardon???
Neptune: I can't dance Man!
Jaune: But you're...so...cool...
Neptune: Thanks, i try, really, really hard...
Jaune: You would like rather break a girl's heart, and go to the dance alone than... just admit to everyone that you can't move in rhythm to music?
Neptune: That about sums it up, yeah...
Jaune: Well, i certainly feel a lot better about myself...
Neptune: Please don't tell anybody! Look, if you want Weiss, she's all yours, i don't want to get in the way...
Jaune: *sighs* Do you like her?
Neptune: Well yeah, i mean, i don't know her too well yet, but she seems pretty cool...
Jaune: Then just go talk to her, no pickup lines, no suave moves, just be yourself... just be yourself, i heard that's the way to go...
Neptune: Yeah but tha---
Jaune: Hey! You don't have to look cool all the time! In all honesty, could you be a little less cool? I'd really appreciate It!
Neptune: Yeah, okay.
Jaune: Go talk to her... i guarantee it will make her night...
Neptune: Thanks... you're a really cool guy Jaune..
Jaune: Alright don't lie to my face...
Neptune walked away...
Jaune: *sighs* Alright, one thing left to do...
Meanwhile at the ballroom...
Yang: Y'know, I think we really needed this...
Ruby: Yeah! And you did a great job planning it too...
Yang: *Holds Ruby* Aww thanks, it wasn't all me though... Weiss did a lot too... Also, where's she?
Ruby: Oh, she's dancing with Emiya...
On the dancing floor she was dancing at the rhythm of music, holding hands with (Y/n)...
Neptune: Oh Man...
Sun: Don't feel bad buddy, you lose against the Ero Protag...
Neptune: Yeah, i guess that makes it a lot better...
Yang: *sigh* Tomorrow let's get back to work...
Ruby: I'm sure we can handle whatever gets thrown at us!
Jaune walked again wearing a dress, it caugh everyone laughs and jokes...
Ruby: Except for that...
Jaune walked towards Pyrrha
Pyrrha: Jaune?
Jaune: Eh, a promise is a promise...
Pyrrha: *Laughing* Jaune, you didn't have to!
Jaune: Hey, an Arc never goes back on his word. Now do you want to stand there and laugh at me or do you wanna dance?
Pyrrha: I would love to dance...
As they walked to the dancing floor, they were watched by many other students mainly...
Nora: Ren! This. Is. Happening!!!!
Ren: Wait, What is happening?
The four walked to the dancing floor to make one of the greatest memories...

Pyrrha: I had no idea you were a dancer!
Jaune: Yeah, well these things tend to happen when you grow up with Seven sisters...
Meanwhile everyone was dancing, two mysterious guys were looking...
Emerald: It appears all the dancers have partner...
Cinder: How long do I have?
Mercury: We should probably be at home at midnight, to be safe...
Cinder: I'll keep my eye on the clock...
Back at the ballroom, everybody was having a good time but Ruby walked out... In the tower Cinder was fighting with Atlas soldiers but her noises were heard by two certain guys....
Waver: Rider, did you heard that!?
Iskandar: Yeah, it looks we have fun for tonight, Shall we inform Archer and Saber?
Waver: N-no I guess they're having a real good time...
Iskandar: Then, let's go!!!
Ruby saw the disaster made by Cinder, so she knew it was fight time too, she used her locker to bring her weapon and she met Rider and Waver...
Ruby: What's going on here?
Iskandar: We also don't know, let's go together to avoid any trouble.
Ruby: Right!
They enter to the elevator, getting to the higher floor...
Ruby: Hello?
Ruby almost feels due to her wearing heels...
From a surprise attack, Cinder went out of her hiding place... attacking with her arrow, before she could land anything Rider blocked her and Waver used magic to freeze her legs...
Waver: N-now what!?
Iskandar: Watch this!
Rider used his sword to stab Cinder but before they could do something else, General Ironwood came to the room, they looked at him and then, when they turned back, Cinder was gone... only a computer had a chess symbol...
Iskandar: Archer should know about this, but since they are in a party... I'll tell him later...
Back to the ballroom
Everyone was dancing along a partner and someone arrived... Cinder was there now dancing with Mercury, enjoying their successful mission...
(Y/n): Artoria...
Saber: Yes?
(Y/n): Do you know where's Ruby? I promised her a dance...
Saber: She was behind the punch bowl isn't she?
(Y/n): Something doesn't feel right... but, here goes the song i requested for you, so let's have this night for us...

Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh-so-tight
Show me that you love me too
Put your lips next to mine, dear
Won't you kiss me once, baby?
Just a kiss goodnight, maybe
You and I will fall in love (you and I will fall in love)
People say that love's a game
A game you just can't win
If there's a way
I'll find it somebody
And then this fool will rush in
Put your head on my shoulder
Whisper in my ear, baby
Words I want to hear
Tell me, tell me that you love me too (tell me that you love me too)
Put your head on my shoulder
Whisper in my ear, baby
Words I want to hear, baby
Put your head on my shoulder
The both dance slowly being watched by everyone, some got jealous... as the night goes down, the red bowman saw a trace of blood, where it came from?

To be continued.

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