Do you dare to fight alone?

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(Y/n) woke up before Artoria and to realize the time that was decided to untie it, otherwise would arrive late to the first class of the year, gently touched his hand and she suggested his ...
Saber: * Sleeping * Hold my hand Emiya and never let go ...
The white-haired boy pretended not to have listened and simply lifted her from her bed, she reacted and freed herself from the young man's hands, her face reflected a pink tone but this was not noticed by the white-haired boy ...
(Y/n): It's late, we need to get to the kitchen area for breakfast and instantly go to the classroom, I'll prepare breakfast
Saber: Understood ...
(Y/n): and One more thing, we need to dress in the Beacon uniform, we can not walk around wearing our combat suits ...
They both went to the aforementioned room, where they met the now RWBY Team and the JNPR team, they greeted and sat on a bench ...
(Y/n): Well, I'll go to the kitchen to prepare something ...
The white-haired boy left, while Artoria was waiting for someone to sit next to her and then found herself surrounded by several people ...
Ruby: Hello. Is not there a problem if I sit down?
Saber: No, you can sit down if you like.
Ruby: Are you friends with Emiya right?
Saber: We are allies, we met yesterday.
Yang: So you do not feel anything for him?
Saber: I could not tell you, why the question?
Yang: I do not know, it's just that my sister and maybe me, find him attractive ...
Saber: I see ...
(Y / n): I'm back, I made pancakes
Nora: Did someone say Pancakes?
(Y/n): Yes, do you want too?
Nora: I love Pancakes!!!!
(Y/n): I see you made some friends Artoria, all of you want to eat Pancakes?
RWBY and JNPR: Yes
(Y/n): Then i'm going to make more...
After a bit, all of them started to eat and make conversations to know each other and Nora eat a lot, even her mouth was full of it...
(Y/n): Miss Valkyrie i suggest you to not eat too much, you might choke...
Nora: You act like a mother, should i call you Mama Emiya?
(Y/n): I beg you Not...
Nora: Then, mama Emiya will be
(Y/n): *sighs* Well, its time to go, if we don't want to get late to class...
All: Right
The class started and the life in Beacon begun, some troubles in team RWBY started when Weiss refused to have Ruby as her team leader but with time she accepted it, team CRDL started to bully a faunas girl with bunny ears...
Jaune: That Is a shame, Cardin bully everyone, he needs that someone teach him a lesson...
Cardin: Hey what are you talking about?
Pyrrha: Leave
Cardin: If i don't want to?
She took of her spear, Cardin just moved away... Later in the night Jaune told Pyrrha that he got inside Beacon because he make fake papers to be part of the academy, but Cardin heard this and after Pyrrha left Jaune alone he started to talk to him and say that if he did Cardin's homework he won't say about Jaune's fake papers... That was a problem but after Jaune acting like a true warrior saving Cardin's ass from an Ursa, Cardin forgot all about the fake papers... Meanwhile (Y/n) and Artoria started to look for Rider in the nights, until they found him...
Saber: Iskandar, we come for you
Rider: I see king of knights, i'm ready to fight, i'm not afraid to fight two servants at the same time, show yourself fake Archer...
(Y/n): You are Alexander the great don't you?
Rider: Yes... But that's something we could talk if we were here for another reasons but both you and i know that this as is a Holy Grail War, if you have come to fight me then a fight you will have...
Rider went towards Artoria and she used Excalibur to block his attack, she moved and tried to stab Rider but he avoid the hit and attacked her with his wrath making her yell in pain, (Y/n) used his sword to stab him in the back, he did it but Rider didn't suffer, he turn to (Y/n) and punch him in the stomach making him cough blood, Artoria make a cut on Rider's arm but he stat his Noble Phantasm, hundreds of Rome Warriors throw their spears to (y/n) and Artoria but nothing happened, Pyrrha Nikos stopped the spears with her semblance and throw them towards Rider his own Noble Phantasm hurting him, who with a cold expression started to disappear with some blue colors unlike the normal vanish, team RWBY showed up as the rest of JNPR.
Pyrrha: What are you doing here?
(Y/n): I'm going to ask you the same...
Ruby: Who was that guy? What is a Rider?
Saber: If you calm down i could explain you this situation but i need you to promise you won't got into after i tell you
Ruby: Alright, then explain us
Saber: There's something called The Holy Grail War, where magus summon servants to fight on their side, there are Seven class of servants, Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Assassin, Caster and Berserker, i'm not a human, not anymore, i'm the Saber class of this Grail War so i have to fight them...
Ruby: That means Emiya is a servant too?
(Y/n): Something like that, i'm not from this time, i came to the past to kill Cinder and defeat a more powerful enemy, i failed my mission so i had to stay here...
Ruby: Now i remember!! *slaps (y/n)* why didn't you explain me and Yang who were you the night we saw you? Instead you fought us!!!
(Y/n): That was because i had orders to not tell any of you about my mission, it could risk the future... But now i guess we can talk... Just a bit...
Yang: Why are you two in Beacon!!! Who really are you!? we have been talking with you these weeks and i can't understand, the people we talked in Beacon are really you?
(Y/n): Sorry, there's a lot of things i can't say you, but honestly i tell you that we're truly the ones we supose to be... You wouldn't believe me, even that this is our fight, not yours, please don't get inside because you could die and i don't want that, if Artoria or me got killed we return to something called Throne of heroes but if any of you dies that's the end...
Weiss: Look at my eyes... Tell me... Are you the Emiya who said that my name fits me?
(Y/n): Of course i am...
Weiss: That makes us friends right?
(Y/n): It does...
Weiss: Then, let us help you, if we're really friends we won't leave you...
(Y/n): Then... Don't say i didn't warn you...
Blake: We know that, but even that, we will fight at your side... And if i'm honest i heard you talking to someone the night when you brough Artoria to Beacon...
(Y/n): Well, that Is something i can explain, it was my master Rin Tohsaka, she was talking to me to knew how the things were but she got mad with me... Eh? Ruby are you crying?...
Ruby: *sniff sniff* Nope, i'm just happy that you are safe... But promise me that you won't hide all from us...
(Y/n): You got my word...
Team RWBY hugged (y/n) and then all of them went back to Beacon... Artoria was thinking all that team RWBY said to (y/n) she felt the same, she saw (y/n) not just as an ally but as a friend, the both have been spending time together, she has something that she couldn't explain to herself... By the way, team RWBY started to investigate something that was happening outside, Roman and an organization called White Fang was making bad plans with the help of the true Archer, a half god who could summon any weapons, Artoria knew who he was and she was ready to fight him but she also knew that she would need (y/n)'s help and team RWBY...

Meanwhile in other place
Rin: I wonder what happened with Emiya, i'm worried for him, should i call him?
Jeanne: Is something wrong master Tohsaka?
Rin: Do you know who is Emiya?
Jeanne: *blushing* I saw him one time, a gentleman... I-i mean Yes
Rin: Well, its been three weeks since he leave to do his mission, and the last time i talked to him he was so determinated to stay there and fight for that Beacon Academy, and he got involve into a Holy Grail War.
Jeanne: A Grail War!? But if he got inside other Servants will hunt him!!!
Rin: That's the thing i have fear, if he dies i will loose my  contract with him and i would need to summon him again and that's not easy... And...
Jeanne: What Is it master?
Rin: The last time we talked i didn't accept my feelings towards him... I just yelled at him that day and i don't know if i should call him now.
Jeanne: I don't think that he could be mad with you, he surely forget that, i suggest you to call him and by the way gave him a hello from me.
Rin: I guess you're right, i will call him...
Jeanne: I must go... *Thinks* If i could help him...

Back at Beacon
(Y/n) was training but Artoria interrupted him, she needed to tell him about Archer working with Team RWBY enemies...
Saber: Emiya we have a big trouble, Archer is working with other people but Team RWBY told me that they are enemies, we need as much help as we can, i need your help, i can't do this alone...
(Y/n): You didn't need to ask, we have a deal, you are going to help me and i'm going to help you.
Saber: I know but i have another question... After we get what we want... You will leave me? After the time we spend?
(Y/n): That's not something that i want, but i have to do it, its my mission after all...
Saber: But what will happen with "if we're really friends we won't leave you" you heard Weiss, don't you want to stay with us?
(Y/n): I-i need time to think...
Saber: If you want, i'm leaving you to think.

To be continued

Hero of Remnant. RWBY x Emiya male readerWhere stories live. Discover now