Name: Y/N [Unknown last name]
Age: 17
Height: 5'1
Likes: Chocolates
Dislikes: Pig feet
Rank: Kinoe
Aliases: Prince of Lies, Purple Bastard(by Sanemi),
Little Grape(By Rengoku).
-being a Demon Slayer means you have to know how to wield a sword.Lying
-Y/N has been lying his whole life, so it's like breathing for him. He's able to be super convincing even in the face of highly intelligent people. Though he only lies to relieve his boredom.Deduction skills
-To be able to fool the most intelligent of people, Y/N himself is very intelligent, cunning, and clever. He often catches other liars and horrible plans from horrible people.Fear Factor
-He's uhm....freaking terrifying when he wants to.
Breathing Style/s:Breath of Deceit/Deceit Breathing
-A non-lethal breathing style that is personally created by Y/N for quick escapes and outmaneuverability.First Form: Two-Faced
-Y/N conjures several afterimages of himself to confuse the enemy, it might look like the real Y/N is among them, but the truth is, he's already long gone. Or in the midst of attacking.Second Form: Hallucinate
-If the one affected attacks Y/N, his attacks will only go through the boy like smoke and Y/N will disappear like one before reappearing. Can repeat this on the same enemy Thrice.Third Form: Fear
-One of the combo Forms Y/N has, using this with the Fourth form has the ability send a target to insanity. But the Third Form alone is used mostly when Y/N is backed into a corner. The target/s will start to get undeniably scared of Y/N who'll use his horrifying Facial expressions to intensify the fear. Only those who have the strongest willpower can fight back against this.Fourth Form: Dread
-The target/s will feel unusually heavy and their will to move on will slowly turn into unwillingness and their anxiety will skyrocket. If used with the Third Form, this'll be responsible for the feeling of hopelessness within the one/s affected.Fifth Form: Paranoia
-Darkness will surround the area completely. Any means of communication will be useless here and it will render anyone unable to talk thus creating a feeling of Dread. This lasts for several minutes or until Y/N turns it off.Sixth Form: Reversal
-Y/N likes to call this ability "No u" since any position Y/N is in will be the target's position once he uses this Form. He mostly uses this just for fun.Seventh Form: Flicker
-Y/N can mark up to 3 objects, people, or terrain of his choosing. Then he'll be able to instantly teleport to the marked target/s.
Can only be used 10 times a day, if used more than the limit, Y/N won't be able to use Total Concentration for a whole day.Breath of Flames/Flame Breathing
-And since Y/N's created technique isn't at all lethal, he has been practicing the Flame Breathing to complete what he has been missing.The following are what Y/N can only use.
First Form: Unknowing Fire
-The swordsman charges towards his opponent at high speed and decapitates them in one or multiple slashes.Ninth Form: Purgatory
-A devastating dashing slash initiated from a high stance. The technique carves a deep impression in the ground.
Nichirin Sword: A staple for Demon Slayers, and since Y/N is a Mizunoto ranked Demon Slayer, he has to have one.
Dagger: carved from Y/N's old Nichirin Sword, it is his go-to weapon for quick demon assassinations or to disable since he tends to coat the blade with various chemicals.
Hidden/Small Knives: Y/N has many of these hidden all around his outfit. He uses these for Flicker and surprise attacks if he is disarmed of his Dagger and Nichirin Sword. Made with the same material as his Sword and Dagger.
Rope Kunai: just as the name suggests it is a Kunai that is held by a rope. Mostly used for hunting and hooking enemies.
-Y/N wears the normal Demon Slayer uniform with a white Haori on top, he tends to unbutton his top abit since he claims it is too tight and the Corps wouldn't let him acquire a looser one. He also wears his scarf under it.He wears purple socks and Zori.
Other Notes: For the sake of the facial expression, I'll be using the regular Kokichi Sprites, hope that's fine.Background: ???Unknown???
Favorite person to Bully: Sanemi Shinazugawa purely because of his reactions.
Least Favorite: Iguro Obanai since he tends to beat Y/N up and might break his arm if Mitsuri Kanroji isn't looking.
Now that's out of the way...let's talk about waifus....
Since Nezuko Kamado is already a waifu on my Zed!MaleReader book, she WON'T be available here!
so that I could count ya'll abit easier.
-Mod Ouma
Liar!M!Reader x Kimetsu no Yaiba
FanfictionA story about saving what's been repeatedly lost...