Kimetsu Gakuen AU #2

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*3rd Person POV*

"Shiiinooobuuuu chaaaaaan~!!"

"You're so impatient."

"But you've been at it for hoouuurss!! We'll probably be late for school now!!"

"10 minutes. It's only been 10 minutes. School doesn't start for another 30."

"Eeeeehhh??? But shouldn't you be one of the early birds since you're a role model?"

"I didn't choose the role model life, the role model life chose me."

Kanae laughed at Y/N and Shinobu's banter while Kanao just watched with a pleasant smile plastered on her features.

Shinobu was...being stressed out for the past few days, and it's a huge relief to see her letting go of the smile she wears as a mask and act normally around the people she loves.

Y/N's a huge part of the solution. He was the one responsible for picking her up at home then taking her back home everytime they either go to school or just take a walk.

The eldest of the Kocho sisters suspected of the two being in a relationship, she confronted Shinobu about it, but the Younger Kocho confirmed that it wasn't the case.

"Y/N, are you sure you don't wanna have a bite to eat?" Kanae asked the liar.

"No, thank you, Kanae-nee chan! I've already eaten."

"Is that the truth?"

"Who can say??"

Shinobu finished fixing her things and slung the bag over her right shoulder.

The Kocho sisters exited their home and started their walk to school, Shinobu already dreaded the idea of passing by some dogs, cats, and that stupid creep Douma.

Y/N and Douma seem to fight and jab insults against each other everytime they meet, especially if it's about Shinobu.

While he liked Kanae and Kanao because of their beauty, Douma has fallen in love with Shinobu specifically. And Y/N honestly wouldn't have that sh!t.

And because of their formulated plan to act like boyfriend and girlfriend, Douma tries extra hard to get Y/N away from her.

Inosuke even got involved at one point almost leading to a beatdown had Aoi and Shinobu not interfered.

Kanae and Kanao weren't aware of their act since they never told them, Y/N suspects that Kanae knows anyway.

They passed by Douma's street and thankfully, he wasn't there. As an act of spite, Y/N chained the gate of the creep's home and glued the padlock.

Kanae tried to stop him while Shinobu tried to stifle her own laughter. Kanao didn't do much except think of Tanjiro and how she wishes to walk home with him again.

As soon as Y/N's done and they continued their walk, Kanae scolded Y/N for doing such a horrible thing! Even if Douma is a terrible person, doesn't mean Y/N should be too!

Y/N replied with...

"Yes, I can. I'm the Supreme Leader of Evil, damn it."

Then Kanae sighed, knowing there's now way of convincing him.

It was time for them to pass by the neighbourhood filled with dogs and other hairy pets.

Shinobu centered herself between Kanae and Y/N as a way to hide that she's scared and can't stand it.

Y/N chuckled knowing that was the case of her suddenly changing positions.

Before Y/N could do anything, Shinobu had already grabbed his arm secretly and slowly turned to him with one of her "cute, but menacing" gazes, it compliments the smile on her face well.

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