forty one

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It was a week past sending Eclipse when Richie heard roaring in the air. It was loud and clear, making everyone run outside. They'd made a small shelter from tarps and cloths, since none of the group could stand to stay in the mountain, only for Richie to knock half of it down when the echoing roars woke the group up.

"What's going on?" Katie asked, clumsily standing up.

They had been taking turns watching in case the Lucantians decided to come back, and she'd been on the night shift.

"Dragons," Avi said, a wide smile on her face as she followed Richie out of the tent, Jynx on her heels.

The bonds all snarled, none of them having met many dragons. They were quickly silenced as the group watched the beasts land. None of them looked like Eclipse or Iris, all being a rusty red color or a deep navy.

None had a rider on their back except the dark dragon leading the group. There were six total,  including the leader and its rider.

"Cassie sent me," the rider proclaimed.

That's when Richie noticed Eclipse holding onto her back.

"I can tell. What's going on?" Richie asked, knowing that the king of Pona must have some form of plan.


Mike was given a letter. He opened it and began to read it aloud.


I hope that you reading this means my warrior arrived safely. We're under the control of the Lucantians as of now, but seeing the dragon carrying a letter for us gives me hope.

Excellent plan, coding it. I assume it was a Konillian idea.

We are sending a ship to Konilla, but this letter will find you first, I hope. Once there, it will take those battling with us to our home. I assume the Lucantians will still be here, but it's much too dangerous to send them to Tenebris.

I am deeply sorry for the loss of your two friends. I hope they'll be safe, but we won't know for sure until the ship arrives. I swear I'll try to protect them, but there's no telling what will happen to our people if we do.

I've sent the dragons we've been able to tame, but it's up to your group who takes them and where. My warrior will be staying on Konilla and handing the dragon off to you, so long as it's safe for her to stay. I trust their chief will be accepting.

As of now, we have citizens getting ready to fight and rebellions meeting in private. I'm not sure about our shipments, as the Lucantians have taken over most of our exports. Their council is still here, and I have no clue when they will leave. I worry that Klais is starting to overtake us all, especially with the knowledge that he's attacked Konilla.

I advise going to Tenebris to warn them. We don't know what will be happening, but we know they're in danger. If the genocide can be stopped, we must do everything in our power to help.

Best of luck,


Richie glanced at Bev who had her eyes narrow in determination.

"Let's get going," she said, walking toward the dragons without fear.

"We need a plan," Edwin argued, not at all pleased with Bev's unwillingness to plan and desire to leave without regrets.

"I have a plan. Attack the assholes," Bev said with an eye roll, holding her hand out to one of the rust colored dragons.

It sniffed her fiery red hair and began to purr, allowing Bev to climb onto its back. It didn't have a long neck like Iris did, instead more stout and short.

"Bev, he's right. We need a better plan then that."

"They kidnapped Eddie and Stan. We have no time to waste!" Bev hissed, shocked that Richie wasn't trying to take off and find his boyfriend.

Richie scoffed. "You think I don't know that?! Every moment I wake up I think Eddie's going to be in my arms and Stan will be around to roll his eyes and make snarky comments. Or worse off, I wake up from nightmares of them getting killed in front of me! I know they're gone Bev, and I want to save them, but getting ourselves killed won't help!" he yelled, glaring daggers at his friend.

Bev fell silent, biting her lip in embarrassment.

Avi cut through the silence, making them all hear her. "Three go to Pona and the other three can go to Tenebris. Mike, Beverly, and Ben should go to Tenebris, because they will be the most accepted and listened to while Edwin, Bill, and  Richie go to Pona. If Stan and Eddie are there, you three can get them to safety, yes?" she asked, not waiting for them to answer. "Good, pack up."

Edwin looked proudly at his sister, Katie smirking in amusement.

"Dad would be proud," Katie said, walking away to get supplies.

Thirty minutes later the groups all sat on the backs of dragons and ready to leave. The others would wait for the ship before sending the Konillian army to help. Avi asked that they send a letter with Eclipse, who had clung tightly to Richie's back, desperate to find Eddie. 

"Make sure the rebels don't kill them, yeah?" Richie asked Bev, who smirked.

"They won't. I promise you that," she replied, urging her dragon to lift off. "This is war, Rich. I think they'll accept whoever they can trust."

"Save my boyfriend, will you?" Mike asked, and Richie recognized the fear in his face.

"Don't worry, he's my best friend. I'll get him and Eddie to safety, don't fret," Richie said in an accent, earning himself an eye roll.

He patted the head of the dragon he sat on; a dark blue with silver accents in her veins. She was no Iris, but Richie would be able to handle her until they got to Pona to save Eddie and Stan. Then he'd let Stan have her and make Eddie ride with him.

"You'll back us up?" Edwin asked his sisters, who both nodded.

"Stay safe, brothers," Katie said as the dragons lifted off. "Don't die."

"We'll try not to," Richie responded, though he knew he was willing to do whatever it took to save Eddie.

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