fifty nine

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The rebels advanced, taking the weapons from Klais and his remaining defenders. They restrained them while Richie and his closest friends stood by his side.

"Mom?" Richie asked in a broken voice, feeling hot tears sting his eyes. "You're going to be okay."

Maggie chuckled, wincing in pain. "Honey, we both know I'm not going to make it," she whispered, resting her palm on Richie's cheek. "It's okay."

Richie shook his head, letting out a shaky sob. "No, it's not okay," he cried, tears falling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry!"

"It's not your fault, Richie. I wasn't going to let you die. The world needs you," she whispered, face pale as more blood seeped from the wound. "Bring down the wall."

Richie sobbed again, not feeling Eddie's hand on his shoulder. "I can't do it. I wanted to do this to free you," he cried out, resting his forehead in his hand, sitting on the ground. "I'm sorry, mom, I'm so sorry."

She smiled, her own tears slowly gliding down her cheeks. "You're the one who needed to be freed. Please tell me you're going to propose?" she asked, not wanting to die not knowing if her son had done what she knew he wanted to.

Richie nodded. "I already did. I did it, mom," he whispered, grabbing Eddie's hand and showing her the ring.

"Good. You two belong together. Just... promise me you won't let rage break who you are," she whispered, her eyes fluttering shut.

Richie knew what she was talking about. "I won't," he promised, taking a shaky breath. "I won't, I promise."

Maggie nodded, taking a deep breath. "I love you, Richie."

"I love you, too."

They all sat in silence as she breathed her last breath.


Richie sat on the ground, even after they'd taken Maggie's body away to prepare it for the funeral. They planned to bury her on the far edge of the island, as it was the freest place and Richie believed she'd rest easily there.

He stared at the blood pooled on the ground, not speaking to anyone. His anger didn't know any limits; he wanted to kill Klais, but he knew that Maggie didn't want him to lose himself to his rage.

Eddie sat by his side, understanding his refusal to speak. He didn't try to get Richie to talk, knowing that he needed the silent support in that moment.

A chirping and pain in Eddie's back made him turn and see Eclipse holding onto him. He held up his hand to pet the small dragon, and it climbed into his lap, purring loudly.

"I'm sorry, Eddie," Richie whispered, not looking at his fiancé.

Eddie furrowed his eyebrows. "What? What the hell are you sorry for?" he asked, shocked that Richie thought he needed to apologize.

"We should be celebrating. We won the war this far and we're engaged. I shouldn't be moping and pulling you down with me."

Eddie scoffed. "Richie, you have nothing to apologize for. You know what this ring symbolizes?" he asked, holding up the hand with the ring. "It shows that we've committed ourselves to each other, whether we're happy or sad. I've committed myself to you, and I'm going to be here to support you for every painful moment you experience."

Richie choked out a sob, turning and pushing his face into Eddie's chest. He ignored Eclipse's irritated snarl as Eddie pushed him out of his lap to hug Richie.

"For every moment, I'll be here," Eddie whispered, brushing his fingers through Richie's hair and untangling the knots.

Richie nodded into his chest, letting himself cry. He didn't care if anyone saw him as vulnerable; Eddie was there and Eddie loved him, and that's all he needed.

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