forty seven

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Eddie and Richie sat silently in the cell. It had been twenty minutes and neither of the pair had spoken. There wasn't anything to say, but they could feel the radiating stress off each other. They were sitting on the bench in the room, Eddie laying back on Richie's chest, trying to keep from crying. If he'd been quicker, if he'd brought a weapon, if he'd done something different, maybe they would've escaped.

"So maybe next time we escape first and make out later?" Richie asked, breaking the silence and making Eddie snort, despite the tears in his eyes.

"Yeah," Eddie whispered, turning around and straddling Richie's lap. He leaned his head against his chest, closing his eyes. "I should've been quicker."

"You saved Edwin's life and ride a fucking dragon in, Eds. My knight in shining armor," Richie said dreamily, pressing a kiss to Eddie's head.

"I didn't save you though, Rich," Eddie said with a small laugh.

"You can save my head when they chop it off," Richie responded, smiling without shame.

Eddie stared at him in shock for a second, then started laughing. He was grabbing his stomach and heaving out loud laughs, Richie joining in seconds later. They were holding onto each other tightly, crying with laughter.

In the moment, it felt better to laugh than it did to cry, so they decided to keep laughing. They knew they'd try to escape, both would fight for the other with everything they had, but for the first time, Eddie wasn't sure they'd both make it out okay. Fighting a war with Luceat made the battle with Iris seem easy.

Their laughter died down, Richie smiling at Eddie with a look of pure adoration. He appreciated that Eddie was trying to enjoy the time they had left, as he felt he might not make it out alive. It wasn't worth it to cry over something they couldn't change; it was better to appreciate the time they knew they had.

"Eddie?" Richie asked after a beat, cupping Eddie's cheek in his hand.

"Yes?" Eddie questioned in response, leaning into the touch. He pulled Richie's hand away from his face and pressed a kiss to his wrist, where there were still red marks from the ropes.

Richie smiled softly at the action. He ran his fingers through Eddie's hair and pulled him closer, slotting their lips together. They kissed slowly, cherishing every moment. Eddie didn't want to forget how soft Richie's lips felt, how he tasted, how happy he was to be around him. If those were to be among their last moments, he was going to make them count.

Richie was the one who broke the kiss, meeting Eddie's eyes. There were tears in both of their eyes, shining but not falling.

"I love you," Richie whispered, so quiet Eddie almost didn't hear it. He heard it when Richie said it again, louder. "I love you so much, Eddie. I don't care if I've only known you for three months, but I love you more than life. I can't live with out you." He paused, wiping away the tears on Eddie's cheeks before smiling. "And judging by our current situation, I won't have to."

Eddie choked out a sob that was mixed with a laugh. "God dammit, Richie," he said, burying his face in Richie's neck and crying into his shirt. "I love you so fucking much. I'm going to get you out of this, I don't want to live unless you're with me."

Richie laughed weakly, sniffing as his own tears made their way down his cheeks. "Eds, you're the most important person in my life. Don't try to save me. Klais will just hurt you. Please, get to Iris and get to Konilla. Don't stay here."

"I don't want to go anywhere unless I'm with you," Eddie whined, crying even harder. "Don't ask me to, Richie."

Richie forced Eddie to look into his eyes. "Eddie, listen to me. If you don't leave, you'll be forced into a life you'll hate. I won't let that happen to you, Eds," he insisted, looking at Eddie with such intensity that all he could do was nod, knowing he wouldn't be able to argue.

Footsteps made Eddie look away, glancing over at the door. He felt Richie's grip on his waist tighten and his breathing was shaky. Eddie looked over at Richie, knowing he was scared to let go.

"Edward?" a familiar voice asked.

Eddie turned, and he wasn't disappointed by who was standing behind the cell wall. "Dad?" he asked hesitantly.

Frank smiled at the sight of his son. "I'm glad you're safe," he said, sighing in relief. "Come on, Edward."

Eddie looked over at Richie, before turning to his dad and shaking his head. "No, dad. I can't leave. Klais is going to kill him," Eddie said, hugging Richie tighter.

"Edward, we have to go," Frank said urgently, and Eddie could tell something else was going on. "Now."

"What's going on?" Eddie asked, making confused eye contact with Richie before glancing back at his dad.

"Something I need to discuss with you and your brother," he said, holding up the key to the door and opening it. He glanced around and walked inside, holding the key out to Richie. "The guards take their break in five minutes. Dive off the side of the ship. You'll be seen if you try to walk through Pona."

Richie took the key, his eyes narrow. "You don't know who I am. As far as you're concerned, I'm a psychopathic Tenebrian who wants to kill you," he said flatly, holding Eddie's hand tightly and not letting go.

Frank shook his head. "I can't explain it all now. Edward, if you don't mind?" he asked, showing Eddie to the door of the cell. Before they left, he turned to face Richie. "My other son told me everything that happened when he was gone and how you protected Edward. Thank you."

Richie smirked. "Eddie doesn't need me to protect him. He's a badass."

Eddie blushed and bit his lip in embarrassment. "I'll see you in a bit, Richie," he said in a small voice, closing the cell door behind him. "Don't die, please."

"I'll try not to. Hope they don't make you switch into the scratchy clothes," Richie replied, watching Eddie wall up the stairs.

Richie decides the laugh he gets in response is worth the small bit of time they'd spend apart.

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