on my own

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"we have to break up," millie said catching finn by surprise.

"what?" he asked again hoping he heard wrong.

"we have to break up," millie said again but this time her voice cracked.

finn and millie have been dating for almost a year now. it started in the beginning of shooting season three but now that they wrapped up season four and the show, millie didn't know where that left them. they would only see each other because of filming, be with each other because of filming but now knowing that they won't come back it just left millie confused. how were they supposed to see each other now? yeah they could talk over the phone but it's not the same.

"what why?" finn asked still hoping that this was all apart of some kind of prank or joke.

"finn the seasons over along with the show, where does that leave us?" millie said.

"that doesn't mean we have to end things mills," finn said but millie sighed as she shook her head.

"finn we both know we don't have time for each other. i have project after project, you're going on tour!" millie pointed out.

"i'll cancel the tour, i'll be with you mills," finn said and millie shook her head as she began to cry. finn was desperate to do anything if it meant being with millie.

"no i can't let you do that finn," millie said as tears came down her face.

"yes, yes you can," finn said as he reached over to grab her hand only to have her pull it away.

"finn," millie whispered as more tears escaped her eye.

"we have to end things," millie whispered and finn's face fell when she looked straight at him. finn didn't want to. he'll do anything.

"i'll go anywhere you go, do anything you want me to do, just please millie don't do this," finn begged and millie let out a sob.

"i want you to let me go," millie cried and finn felt tears of his own begin to form. as much as he didn't want to she just kept insisting.

"you really want this?" finn asked as he looked straight at millie. millie saw tears in his eyes making millie feel guilty.

"more than anything," millie sobbed as finn let a tear roll down his cheek. he then looked away not wanting millie to see him cry. he felt as tears raced down his cheek one by one.

"okay then," he nodded and got up from the couch. he wiped the tears on his cheek but they were easily replaced. he then went over to the door and opened it. millie heard him sniffled as fin heard millie cry softly. out of her hotel room he went and as soon as the door closed millie let out another sob. she cried into her hands as she saw him walk out of her life.

meanwhile finn entered his room and slammed the door shut. he let out a soft sob as he tangled his fingers in his hair. tear came down his cheek as he had thought about what had just happened. millie's words kept replaying in his head as more and more tears came down his cheek.

one month later

finn was on the tour bus checking it out.

"this is so cool," malcolm said as he dropped his luggage onto the floor.

"look at the bathroom!" jack exclaimed as finn and ayla laughed at his expression. finn then went over to the bedroom quarters.

"i call this bunk!" finn called out as he threw his duffel bag on it. he then saw the rest of his band members come in and take a bunk for themselves. as soon as the got settled in they had a small meeting.

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