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millie waked in the pouring rain hugging herself to keep her warm. the rain messing up her beautiful dress she had picked out for the occasion.

"millie!" she heard a familiar voice exclaim but millie didn't look back. she just kept walking feeling the rain soak through her dress.

"millie wait!" finn yelled as he jogged towards the girl. he then reached her by the shoulder and spun her around to face him.

millie saw finn. his curly hair had died down due to the water. it was just flat and almost unrecognizable. "what finn?" millie asked not in the mood to speak to him.

finn felt his suit get heavy as it soaked up water. he saw as millie's make up ran down her face all smeared.

"i'm so sorry millie, i didn't kn-," finn tried to explain.

"didn't know what? that i was going to be humiliated in front of all those people!" millie yelled and finn sighed.

"mills-," finn tried to comfort millie only to have her move back.

"don't touch me!" millie yelled as she moved away from finn's hand.

"don't touch me," she repeated in a calmer tone. finn moves his hand away letting the feeling of rejection sink through.

"you can't be touching a dirty girl like me!" millie repeating the words that were said in there.

"you can't be touching a little skank," millie said. she didn't know if tears were coming down her face or if it's just rain.

"millie don't say that," finn tried to comfort with words but millie shook her head.

"you can't be with a whore like me! that's what layla said right?" millie acknowledged the word the girl had said.

"i'm a nothing, just a little slut. sleeping around with every married guy right? those were the words your fiancé said!" millie sobbed reminding finn of the horrible moments that had just occurred.

"yes but they aren't true millie. none of it!" finn tried to convince millie but she just looked down.

"i'm a home-wrecker finn," millie cries and finn shook his head hating to see the girl cry.

"and now everyone knows it. even you," millie cried as the tears on her face blended in with the rain.

"no millie. it wasn't just you who fucked up. i was there too," finn said.

"sleeping with someone takes two people millie!" finn reminded her hoping to ease her conscious. millie just shook her head.

"i regret everything. all of it. you, me, what we did," millie went on but finn shook his head.

"you don't mean that," finn's voice cracked. a sign that showed he was hurt.

"yes i do," millie nodded her head.

"i know what we did was wrong mills but i don't regret it. not one bit," finn said and reached out holding millie's hand. millie sobbed at the action.

"those nights we spend together were the best nights of my life," finn whispered. millie looked as flashback of those nights replay through her mind.

"i regret everything," millie cried looking straight at finn. finn at that moment felt as if a boulder had just hit his heart.

"everything," millie sobbed quietly as she pulled her hands away from finn's.

millie then walked away from leaving a heart broken finn in the rain.

to: you
from: me

ik i haven't posted in a while. but from now on it will be a slow update. not that slow but slow. anyways hope you guys had an amazing holiday.

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