broken heart

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millie was casually at her house enjoying her days off when she received a call. she furrowed her eyebrows when she saw the caller. it was finn. finn never called before asking. she answered the call.


"millie!" he exclaimed happy that she picked up. "how are you?" finn asked and millie furrowed her eyebrows.

"good. what about you?" millie asked. finn responded with a good as well.

"so what's up finn? you never call," millie pointed out causing finn to laugh.

"i'm sorry, i'll just hang up," finn joked and millie laughed. "no, no, no, i was just asking," millie responded.

"well i just wanted to talk to you," finn said causing millie to blush. "about?" millie asked shyly and finn chuckled.

"anything honestly as long as it's with you," finn said taking millie back. finn was never a risk taker. especially when it came to jokingly flirting with millie.

"okay then, someone's being risky today," millie pointed it out. finn shrugged his shoulders but remembered that millie couldn't see him.

"well what can i say? i've been wasting time," finn chuckled and millie laughed.

"oh my gosh finn so i was was cleaning out my room and i found the little card you gave me for my birthday," millie said as she went to her room to retrieve it.

"what card?" finn asked and millie smiled.

"let me read it to you," millie said as she opened it. "dear millie," millie began and finn finally remembered. he cringed at the beginning. it didn't sound like him.

"you're an amazing on-screen girlfriend and off-screen friend. i hope your first kiss wasn't ruined by me and i hope we could kiss again in-," millie read but finn stopped her.

"okay, okay that's enough," finn said and cringed. millie laughed at his expression towards the card. "gosh what was i thinking back then," finn laughed as he remembered writing the card. how he thought it was the best card ever.

"don't be too hard on yourself, you were madly in love," millie joked as she looked at the last print of his writing. it read "yours finnie." finn chuckled awkwardly.

"you're never letting go of that huh," finn said referring to the massive crush he had on her when they were younger. "nope," millie said and laughed when finn groaned at her response.

"anyways how's the boyfriend," he said. saying 'the boyfriend' in a bad french accent which millie laughed to.

"he's great. he's enjoying my days off," millie said and finn nodded. "he must be," finn said. "i mean for sure i'm enjoying them," finn flirted causing millie to blush.

"so are you flirting with all the girls or just me?" millie asked. "come on mills of course it's not only you," finn joked causing millie to laugh. "don't go feeling too special," finn added.

"damn alright i see you wolfhard," millie said making both of them laugh. "no i'm just playing, it's just you," finn said when they both calmed down. millie furrowed her eyebrows at his words

"i like you mills," finn said calmly. almost too calmly for millie to believe. millie chuckled awkwardly.

"haha so funny," millie said not wanting believe him. finn laughed at her awkwardness. "why are you laughing i'm being serious?" he said causing millie to take it kind of serious.

"no you don't," millie said and finn laughed. "i'm just playing," finn said and millie sighed in relief but at the same time she was kind of disappointed. "or am i?" finn said and millie shook her head at his behavior.

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