the feeling pt. 3

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millie sighed as she stood at the check in line with paige. they were waiting to check in to their flights. who knew so many people were heading to europe in first class. "this is a pain," paige sighed as she looked to see the time.

"well this is better than the person you like totally not feelings the same way" millie mumbled bitterly. she was still pretty hurt by finn's reaction to her confession. i mean he could have said anything else besides "oh" she thought to herself.

"i can't believe he just said 'oh'" millie began again with her rant causing paige to groan. on the way to the airport millie expressed to paige on how she felt about the "oh". she went on this long rant that lasted the whole car ride. it honestly annoyed paige.

"well mills you did kinda catch him off guard," paige pointed out. millie rolled her eyes because she knew paige had a point. "stop defending him paige! i gave him time to think about it. it was like a good few minutes of silence. awkward silence." paige rolled her eyes at her sister.

"he could have literally said anything like 'let me get back to you' or 'i think we're better off as friends."

"gosh i was so stupid! i should have just kept my mouth shut," millie mumbled covering her face in embarrassment. she wished she could go back in time and reverse everything. maybe then her and finn's relationship wouldn't be ruin.

paige then looked up to see the next register waiting for them. "oh come on!" paige said not wanting to hold up the line. millie grabbed her luggage and went over to the register.

meanwhile finn, noah and sadie were racing down the highway. "she's not answering," noh said moving the phone away from his ear. the both teens sighed in defeat. "what if she left already?" finn said.

"what if she didn't," sadie said trying to be optimistic. finn sighed and ran his hands through his hair only for them to get tangled in his curls. after a few minutes they arrived to the airport.

"thanks," finn mumbled at the driver. sadie looked at the gates they were in front of. "uhh does anyone know what airline she's taking?" sadie asked. noah and finn shook their head.

just then noah's phone rang. it was millie! "answer it!" both sadie and finn exclaimed. noah answered the phone putting it on speaker. "hey noah! what's up?" millie voice rang through the phone. "hey mills. i'm just checking on you before you get on your flight."

"well we're just checking in right now," millie told noah. noah's eyes widened. "um mills don't leave just yet you have to wait!" noah informed millie. millie furrowed her eyebrows "why?"

"because finn's here with me!" noah exclaimed into the phone. as soon as noah spoke there was a commotion. an elder woman had crashed with her cart taking millie's attention away from noah. "oh dear," millie muttered as she saw the elder woman fall to the ground.

millie quickly darting towards the elder woman like most people were doing. "noah i have to go," millie said. before noah could say anything else millie hung up. noah groaned in defeat.

"you forgot to ask her about her airline!" sadie pointed to noah making noah growl "damnit!" finn sighed "we should just go." "no!"

sadie walked back in forth trying to come up with some kind of plan to reach millie. "guys come on. we really should just go," finn tried to convince his friends. "i mean we tried. you know i'll probably just call her later."

"virginia atlantic!" sadie exclaimed. "she's taking virginia atlantic!" sadie said excitedly. "come on! i know where she's at!" sadie said quickly walking to the left. finn and noah looked at each other before following the girl.

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