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millie walked into the grooms room hoping to find the person who she was looking for. she passed by some guys who were all dressed up.

"excuse me have you seen finn?" she asked. the guys shook their head as they returned to their conversation. millie sighed as she picked up her dress and continued to walk down the hall. she then reached a door. she opened and peeked her head in.

"finn!" she said as she entered the room. finn turned around and smiled at her.

"mills you made it!" finn said happily.

"of course i did, i wouldn't miss your wedding," millie chuckled as she walked over to him. she looked at him up and down. he was wearing a navy blue suit that went with him.

"you look amazing," millie said and finn chuckled nervously at the comment.

"thanks. you look nice too," finn said as he checked millie out. she was wearing a nice red dress that was just under her knees. it grew silent between the two.

"so are you nervous?" millie said hoping to start some conversation.

"yeah, i think i'm going to pass out," finn let out. he then shook his hands before rubbing them together.

finn turned to the mirror looking at himself for the third time in the last ten minutes.

"do you think my ties floppy?" finn asked millie. millie then went over and looked at the tie.

"i mean it couldn't hurt to redo it," millie said. finn sighed as he began undoing his tie.

before he could start to tie it millie took it away from him. "here let me," she mumbled. finn the moves his hands down as he watched millie tie the tie.

"gosh this brings back so much memories," millie laughed.

"all those events where you would fix my tie," finn remembered as he smiled at the memory.

how they were so young. finn could remember it as if it was yesterday. millie fixing his tie as he would casually flirt with her. gosh how madly in love he was with her back then. he would kill to go back in time to relive those moments.

"alright and that should be good," millie said as she casually rested her hands on his chest. finn looked down at the tie and then looked over at millie. she was pretty close to him. finn could see a strand of hair in her face. he slightly moved it causing him to caress her cheek.

flashback of when they were young came into mind. when they would sneak into a room just so they could express their love for each other. all those late night phone calls they shared. all those memories. all those "i love you's".

finn felt himself lean closer into millie. nothing came into his mind besides her. they were so close that finn could feel millie's breathe against his lips. just then their lips met. it was something that finn never felt before. it was as if it was the last time they were going to see each other. as if she'll disappear if he breaks it apart. finn was right there passionately kissing millie, minutes before he was supposed to see his "fiancé" walk down the aisle.

reality hit both of them as they broke apart for air. finn breathing heavily looked at millie who's lipstick has smudged. millie shocked at what went down looked around. not being able to process it. not able to look at him. they both fucked up.

"millie," finn began but was cut off by millie.

"don't say anything please," millie cried not wanting to hear what he had to say. finn quietly watched as millie tried to get herself together. she finally looked at him.

"this never happened," millie told him as she made her way to the door.

"wait millie!" finn exclaimed as he quickly blocked the door.

"millie we have to talk about what happened," finn said but millie shook her head.

"your getting married! in less than an hour finn!" millie cried at finn.

"i know but you can't tell me you didn't feel it. you felt what i felt!" finn exclaimed not knowing where he was going with this conversation.

"it doesn't matter finn. someone's walking down that aisle and it isn't me!" millie practically yelled as she tried to hold in her tears.

finn furrowed his eyebrows "what?"

"your getting married to someone who isn't me," millie whispered as a tear made its way down. finn didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to react. when finn didn't say anything millie nodded.

"it was a mistake coming here before the ceremony," millie cried as more tears spilled. she then pushed finn out of the way and left the room.

millie silently watched as the ceremony continued. she watched as groom and bride held hands while looking at the priest.

"do you take finn wolfhard to be your lawful wedded husband?" the priest asked. millie couldn't watch anymore.

"i'm going to the restroom," she quietly told caleb. millie then got up as she walked away from the event. in the corner of his eyes finn saw as millie got up and left. how he wanted to follow her but he stood still.

"do you take olivia baker to be your lawful wedded wife?" the priest asked finn. finn opened his mouth but nothing came out. he looked at the audience as they waited for him to say "i do."

he then looked over at olivia as she furrowed her eyebrows. "are you okay?" she asked him. finn sighed as he shook his head.

"i'm sorry you don't deserve this," finn mumbled.

"finn-," but before olivia could say anything else finn walked down the altar. people gasped at the sudden change in mood. they all watched finn jogged towards the direction millie went.

finn saw millie about to leave. "millie!" he called out catching her attention. millie turned around shocked to see finn. finn ran towards her.

"what are you doing here? your supposed to get married," millie said and finn shook his head.

"i'm not getting married, unless it's to you mills."

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