"can i be your date..."

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finn and millie have been dating a while now and so far it's been great. there was just one problem to their relationship, no knew about it. well at least the media didn't. they had decided to start off the relationship hidden from the public or until they were far in the relationship. at first it was difficult to express their love for each other while hiding it from the fans and paparazzi, but they got better throughout the relationship.

even though they were good at hiding their relationship millie had grown tired of hiding. she wanted to caress finn without having to worry if someone was looking, she wanted to be able to hold his hand freely, she wanted to be his plus one in red carpets. she wanted all that but finn was more reserved when it came to their relationship. he was actually the one who decided to continue keeping it a secret after months of dating. not to add she was also tired of watching people flirt with finn right in front of her. she couldn't even do anything about it, she just watched it happen.

there was a movie premier for finn's new movie next week and millie really wanted to go as finn's date. (she was also invited separately

"can i bet your date to the premier?" she causally asked finn as he played a song on his guitar. the question had caught him off guard causing him to strum the wrong string. "what?"

"can i be your date to the premier?" she asked again more nervous than before. he looked up at her and could see that she was being serious. he put down his guitar to give her all his attention.

"what do you mean?" finn asked not sure if he wanted to go down that topic of conversation. millie sighed not wanting to have a big discussion about how's she been feeling lately.

she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and looked down. "i just want people to know that we're together that's all," she mentioned peeking her head up to see his reaction. finn's eyes widened when millie announced that. he could sense the tension starting to sit.

he chuckled lightly "why the sudden change?"

millie knew he was trying to release the tension a bit from the conversation. she smiled looking up at him. "i don't know i just thought it might seem nice. arriving together, your suit matching my outfit," millie said not wanting to show how much she really desired this. she noticed that finn was now staring at something else. he was hesitant on agreeing.

"or not," she quickly added not wanting to pressure finn on doing something he wasn't comfortable with. "it was just a thought. probably a stupid one," she chuckled lightly hiding the fact that it hurt. finn noticed the sudden sparkle that disappeared from her eyes. the tension was then taking it's place again.

millie looked at the clock and saw how late it was getting. "i should get going," she came up with an excuse to get away. she got up from her seat, grabbed her bag and made her way to the door. "oh. you know you're always free to stay. we can have one of our famous sleepovers," finn said wanting to cheer millie up. he followed millie to the door. millie chuckled at the mention of a sleepover.

she opened the door and finn leaned against the frame. "i would love to but i promised gaten that i would have brunch with him." finn nodded in understanding that she had things to do. "maybe next time," he mentioned and millie nodded.

just as she was turning to leave, finn quickly got a hold of her waist and spun her around. she squealed at the sudden action. finn looked and her and gave her a quick kiss. "i love you," he whispered making millie blush. even after months of being together finn still had that affect on millie. "i love you too."

"call me when you get home!" he called out as she walked down the hall. finn entered his apartment and sighed. he could tell how much millie wanted this. he at the moment wasn't thinking about outing their relationship. if he could he would never make it public. it's not that he was embarrassed of millie because he wasn't. he just didn't like when the media was involved because then they start with rumors and writing about everything. he doesn't want that to ruin his relationship with millie because it was going really great at the moment. yet it has to come out eventually and he can't always have things his way.

millie was at her house getting ready for the premiere. they were putting the finishing touches on her makeup. millie was wearing this tight velvet dress that had a slit on the right of her thigh. just as she was about to leave there was a knock on her door. millie looked over at her manager and she shrugged her shoulders. "i'll get it," linda, one of her makeup artist, said and headed for the door. millie not really caring about who was at the door continued to admire herself and snap a few photos to send to finn.

"millie it's for you!" linda called out coming back into the room. millie sighed and made her way to the door to see finn all dressed up in a red suit that matched her dress. "finn! what are you doing here?! you're going to be late for your premiere," millie said and finn smiled at how worried she was.

"well i can't leave without my date, now can i," he said so causally. millie's eyes widened. "what?' she said starstuck causing finn to chuckle.

"i know how badly you wanted to go as a couple so why not," he said and millie goofishly frowned. "aww finnie."

she went up to him and hugged him. "i love you," she said into his ear. he smiled at the three words "i love you too." they stayed frozen into each others arm until millie realized they still had a premier to go to.

"we're going to be late!" millie exclaimed. she looked over and her manager quickly handed her bag. finn grabbed her hand and led her to his car. there they sat hand in hand in the backseat. millie looked over and admired finn. she must have been looking for too long because finn looked at her "what?" millie shook her head and he went back to looking out the window.

these were one of the many reasons why millie fell in love with finn.

heyy! it's me again.
i haven't updated in a while but here it is
btw the ending was rushed
idk if you could tell...
anyways i don't know if it's just but
i'm like getting back into my one direction phase
and i don't know how i feel about it.
okay well that's it

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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