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Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?

~Autumn Leaves, Ed Sheeran


{Flash backs/memories?idk}

Ashton laid absolutely still on the Luke's bed, listening to the oppressive sound of a clock somewhere in the room ticking in time with his heart.

"You- You're fucking dead, you sick fuck."

Ashton wished he could wipe the memory of the day from his mind.

"Luke! Calm down!"

"Don't you fucking dare tell me to calm down, you don't know what this fucking psycho has done!"

Ashton could feel the blood in his skull pulsing abnormally loud tonight.

Ashton silently crept down the short hallway, peeking his head around the corner just in time to witness Luke's fist pounding relentlessly in to Calum's jaw.

He hated these kind of nights. All he wanted was to sleep, god damn it.

"Luke! You could have killed him!"

"I should have fucking killed him, Michael! You should have let me!"

Ashton shivered. His body heat always dropped substantially at night; especially when no one was holding him.

"Call the ambulance, Luke, he's probably bleeding internally!"

"I hit him hard enough to break his jaw, that's it. And who the fuck cares? I should have hit harder."

He had never seen that side of Luke; It was dangerously similar to Calum's angry nature. Even if it wasn't directed towards Ashton, it still scared the shit out of him.

Ashton's eyes were glued to his ex boyfriend's motionless body. For some reason, he didn't exactly mind that Luke had beaten the shit out of him. But he'd never wish death upon anyone, even Calum.

"Luke, who the hell is that?"

Ashton looked up from Calum and locked eyes with a platinum blonde boy; Michael, he assumed.

Luke's eyes softened drastically when they landed on the fragile looking boy.

"Ashton... you didn't see that, did you?"

Even though Luke had really scared him, he'd still love to fall asleep in his arms.

"I'm taking Calum to the hospital. We are going to talk about this later."

Luke tugged on his hair, looking both angry and exasperated as the front door slammed.

"You can take my bed. Help yourself to any of my clothes."

He restlessly flopped around, trying to find a comfortable position. He gave up eventually. 'No sleeping tonight, I suppose.'


The following morning was-- eventful.

After Ashton "woke up" (he never fell asleep) around 7:15, he rolled out of bed and made his way out in to the kitchen. Luke was already up and making tea, but it looked as if he hadn't gotten much sleep either.

Luke immediately looked up from the kettle when he heard Ashton enter the room.

"Good morning, Luke." Ashton smiled.

Luke blinked a few times, surprised that Ashton would even still talk to him after the catastrophy the night before.

"Good morning, Ash," Luke's eyes scanned over Ashton's body; he was wearing his boxers and one of Luke's t-shirts that hung down to his mid-thighs. He looked so good in Luke's clothes. Luke swallowed and gripped on to the counter top to stop himself from ripping his clothes right off Ashton's small body. "Did you sleep well?"

Ashton smiled, though it looked relatively forced to Luke, "Yes, thank you."

It was painfully quiet for two full minutes, until Luke opened his mouth to speak, "Do you want to talk about last night?"

Ashton looked down and shrugged, "Do you?"

"I don't know, I just- I really don't want you to hate me, Ash-"

"I'm not mad at you, Luke."

Luke's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Really? Last night was a disaster and you had to watch me get that angry-"

"Luke." Ashton cut him off, "I am not mad at you. It scared me, seeing you like that, but I'm not mad."

Luke looked down at his feet as he played with his fingers. "You mean a lot to me, Ashton."

"I do?"

Luke looked up and found himself breathlessly taking in Ashton's apprearance. He seemed to be made out of gold, his hair gleaming and his skin radiating in the early morning sunlight. And his eyes, Luke could go on and on about them, the way they glint during the day and shine during the night. Luke adored the way Ashton's jawline sharply oulined his face, and how his hair fell in to his eyes, he loved how muscular and beautifully toned Ashton's thighs were, he loved the faint brown illustrations covering his arms.

"You're so beautiful."

Ashton smiled and shook his head. "Maybe you should head back to bed, you seem tired."

Luke gasped and took a few steps forward, "Is that your way of subtly rejecting my compliment?"

Ashton laughed and rolled his eyes, "No, not at all."

Luke took another step forward, "Are you sure about that, babe?"

Ashton felt just a little bit breathless at their close proximity, "Pretty sure."

Luke took the last remaining step between them and slowly placed his hands on Ashton's hips, "Good. Because you're so gorgeous," Luke lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned in just a little closer, "and perfect," he took one of his hands off Ashton's hip and slid it underneath his oversized t-shirt, stroking the warm skin of Ashton's waist, "and so hot," Luke brushed his lips against Ashton's inviting pink ones, savouring the way his breath hitched, "and so, so unbelievably sexy."

Luke watched Ashton's eyes flutter shut as he whimpered. Everything was so perfect at that moment, the two of them just breathing in each others air.


Luke gently dragged his bottom lip along Ashton's, "Yes, baby?"

"Kiss me, please just kiss me."

So he did.

And it was perfect.



i'll edit this tomorrow

and maybe update tommorow too idk?

and don't worry next chapter will be much more descriptive

no they are not having sex yet

but be ready

ily all xx

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